This section covers how environmental factors influence microbial growth and methods to control it.
Most organisms thrive in moderate conditions, termed optimum growth conditions:
Sea level
Temperature: 20°C–40°C
Neutral pH (around 7)
0.9% salt concentration and sufficient nutrients.
Conditions outside this range are considered extreme, and organisms in such conditions are called extremophiles.
Osmotic changes can significantly affect microbial cells:
Hypotonic Solution (low solute concentration)
Water influx leads to cell swelling and potential bursting.
Hypertonic Solution (high solute concentration)
Water loss can cause cell membrane shrinkage from the cell wall.
Microbes adapt by:
Utilizing mechanosensitive (MS) channels to decrease cytoplasmic osmotic concentration in hypotonic conditions.
Increasing internal solute concentration using compatible solutes in hypertonic environments.
Halophiles thrive in high salt concentrations (>0.2 M).
Extreme Halophiles
Require salt concentrations between 3 M and 6.2 M.
Adaptations include:
Cell wall, proteins, and membranes reliant on high salt concentration for stability.
Microbes categorized based on pH preference:
Acidophiles: Optimal growth at pH 0-5.5 (often chemoautotrophs).
Neutrophiles: Optimal at pH 5.5-8 (includes most human pathogens).
Alkaliphiles: Optimal at pH 8-11.5 (found in soda lakes, e.g., Lake Magadi).
Most fungi prefer acidic conditions (pH 4-6).
Microbial pH tolerance mechanisms include:
Neutrophiles exchanging potassium ions for protons.
Acidic tolerance responses, including proton pumps and synthesis of protective proteins.
Microbes lack the ability to regulate internal temperature. Critical temperature ranges:
Psychrophiles: 0°C to 20°C
Psychrotrophs: 0°C to 35°C
Mesophiles: 20°C to 45°C
Thermophiles: 45°C to 85°C
Hyperthermophiles: 85°C to 121°C.
Thermophiles such as Thermus aquaticus provide high-temperature DNA polymerases used in PCR amplification.
Adaptative strategies include:
Enhanced protein stability via increased hydrogen bonding and proline content.
Membrane modifications for stability under heat.
Organisms are classified based on their oxygen requirements:
Aerobes: Require atmospheric oxygen; include obligatory and facultative types.
Anaerobes: Thrive in the absence of oxygen; include obligate anaerobes and aerotolerant anaerobes.
Microaerophiles: Require low oxygen levels (2-10%).
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by oxygen can be harmful:
Organisms produce protective enzymes such as SOD and catalase to mitigate ROS damage.
Techniques for anaerobic culture:
Reducing agents, anaerobic jars, anaerobic chambers using nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
Most bacteria live at 1 atmosphere; some can withstand higher hydrostatic pressures (up to 1,100 atm).
Barotolerant organisms withstand increased pressure but are adversely affected.
Barophilic organisms grow optimally at high pressures but die at extreme levels.
Microbial habitats are complex and involve multiple gradients of nutrients and environmental factors.
Many microbes exist in growth-arrested states, particularly in oligotrophic environments.
Biofilms are communities of microbes attached to surfaces, forming complex structures:
Consist of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) for stability and protection.
Heterogeneity exists within biofilms, leading to diverse metabolic roles and intercellular interactions.
Bacterial cells utilize quorum sensing for density-dependent communication:
Uses autoinducers like N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) regulating various functions based on cell density.
Quorum sensing plays a role in:
Symbiosis, pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance, and nature of microbial interactions.
Antimicrobial terms defined:
Sterilization, Disinfection, Antisepsis, and Sanitation explained.
Methods include:
Physical agents: autoclaving, pasteurization, refrigeration, filtration, irradiation.
Chemical agents: disinfectants, antiseptics, antibiotics.
Biological controls: probiotics and phage therapy.
Microbial niches vary by tolerance to environmental conditions:
Classified based on temperature, pressure, pH, and oxygen needs.
Understanding microbial adaptations enhances control measures for health and industrial applications.