3.6-Attachment & parenting styles

Bellringer Activity Prompt

What kind of Parent would you want to be? Focus on parenting style and child care.

Social Emotional Development

  • 3.6a: Understand caregiver-infant attachment.

  • 3.6-2: Explore attachment differences and synthesize findings.

  • 3.6-3: Discuss adversity's impact on social development.

  • 3.6-4: Examine the development of self-concepts.

  • 3.6-5: Describe the four main parenting styles.

Attachment Styles and Parenting Effects

EQ: How do attachment and parenting styles affect children’s social outcomes?

Ecological Systems Theory

  • Definition: Social environments influence human development.

  • Components: Microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem.

Origins of Attachment

  • Formation begins at birth; by 8 months, infants show anxiety towards strangers and separation.

  • Attachment: Emotional bond characterized by proximity-seeking and distress upon separation.

Factors Influencing Attachment

  • Body Contact: Monkeys prefer comfort over nourishment.

  • Familiarity: Sensitive periods in humans.

Attachment Differences

  • The Strange Situation by Ainsworth identifies three styles:

    • Secure: Distressed when separated, seeks comfort upon return (60%).

    • Anxious: Very upset upon separation.

    • Avoidant: Unbothered by departures/arrivals.

Effects of Adversity

  • ACEs: Abuse/neglect leads to poor developmental outcomes, but resilience is also observed.

Developing Self-Concept

  • It begins with attachment and evolves into understanding one's identity by age 12.

Parenting Styles

  1. Authoritative: Demanding but responsive; best outcomes.

  2. Authoritarian: Strict; obedient but dependent.

  3. Permissive: Few demands; leads to immaturity.

  4. Negligent: Poor outcomes due to lack of responsiveness.

Identity Formation in Adolescents

  • Identity exploration leads to a cohesive self. Stages include diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement.

Adulthood and the Social Clock

  • Timing of life events varies by culture and impacts development.
