selective attention |
inattentional OR change blindness |
perceptual set |
influence of context, motivation and emotion |
memory |
gestalt and rules of grouping |
figure ground |
depth perception/visual cliff |
binocular cues: convergence and retinal disparity |
pick one: stroboscopic, phi phenomenom or autokinetic |
monocular cues |
perceptual constancy |
perceptual adaptation |
encoding |
storage |
retrieval |
Parallel processing |
Sensory memory |
Short-term memory |
Long-term memory |
Working memory |
Explicit vs. implicit memory |
Effortful vs. automatic processing |
Iconic vs. echoic memory |
chunking |
mnemonics |
hierarchies |
Spacing effect |
Testing effect |
Shallow vs. deep processing |
Self-reference effect |
hippocampus vs. cerebellum |
Basal ganglia |
Infantile amnesia |
amygdala |
Flashbulb memory |
Long-term Potentiation (LTP) |
Recall vs. recognition |
relearning |
priming |
Context dependent memory |
State-dependent memory |
Mood congruent |
Serial position effect (recency vs. primacy effect) |
Anterograde amnesia |
Retrograde amnesia |
Encoding failure |
Storage decay |
Retrieval failure |
Proactive interference |
Retroactive interference |
repress |
Misinformation effect |
Source amnesia |
Deju vu |
Reliability of children’s eyewitness/and repressed memories? |
cognition |
concepts |
prototypes |
5 components of creativity: pick 2 to relate to yourself |
Convergent thinking |
Divergent thinking |
algorithms |
heuristics |
insight |
Confirmation bias |
Mental set |
intuition |
Representative heuristic |
Availability heuristic |
overconfidence |
4 fear factors: pick one and relate to yourself |
Belief perseverance vs. Belief bias |
framing |
intelligence |
Spearman’s General intelligence |
Factor analysis |
Thurstone’s 7 clusters |
8 parts of Gardner’s theory |
Savant syndrome |
3 parts of Sternberg’s theory |
grit |
Emotional intelligence |
Alfred Binet’s mental age |
Stanford-Binet |
Intelligence Quotient |
Achievement vs. aptitude tests |
standardization |
Normal curve |
Flynn effect |
reliability |
validity |
Content vs. Predictive validity |
Cross-sectional vs. longitudinal studies |
cohort |
Crystallized intelligence |
Fluid intelligence |
Intelligence stability over the life span |
Intellectual disability |
Down syndrome |
The high extreme |
heritability |
Twin and adoption studies |
Early environmental influences |
Schooling and Intelligence |
Fixed vs. growth mindset |
Gender similarities and differences |
Racial/ethnic similarities and differences |
Two Meanings of bias |
Stereotype threat |