Agricultural Revolution: Rich people bought out small farms and pushed out farmers. Encouraged advancements which led to more food. More farmers in cities led to more people to work jobs.Ā
Causes of the Industrial Revolution, why England? England had their own banks as well as rivers for power and transportation. Resources like coal. Big population and farmers moved in. Strong economy and no wars on mainland. People willing to invest. Protestant work ethic tought in church. Large middle class wanting wealth.Ā
Energy Revolution- Newcomen: Invented first practical steam engine and Watt: improved the steam engine
Textile industry: people were given long jobs in dangerous conditions for little pay (first instance of factories)
Life in early factories see above
Difference between 1st and 2nd Industrial Revolutions 1st textiles, steam power,Ā 2nd: globalized, workers demanded rights, electricity and steel, mass production, easier communication like Telephone.Ā
Bessemer Process (what is it, why a big deal?) helped mass produce steel and made it cheaper
Effects of the Industrial Revolution - class changes, urbanization etc. (slides presentation) longer hours in worse condition, cheaper clothes
Irish potato famine (effects). Caused 1 million people dying to starvation and 2 million to immigrate. Mostly to the U.S.
Adam Smith argued for laissez-faire capitalism in his book the wealth of nations
Capitalism: Where the individual owns and operates business and gains profit from it.Ā
Laissez Faire Economics: Where the government doesnāt regulate industries. Let businesses run by themselves.Ā
Invisible Hand Theory self interest in market benefits society.Ā
David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus: main ideas Malthus: Population growth will always exceed food supply growth. There will always be poor people and it is better to not help them, because more population andĀ
Utilitarianism: the belief that things should be judged by their utility in society - Jeremy Bentham greatest good for the greatest number John Stuart Mill: womens rights
Utopianism ideal communitiesĀ
Robert Owen made the above in New Harmony, NH. Provided education, minimum working age, and housing for people around his factory.Ā
Socialism companies should be owned by the government for the good of the people
Karl Marx made the communist manifesto
Friedrich Engels: Inventer of socialism with Marx. Provided money to fund his manifesto.Ā
Communism furthest extent of socialism no private enterprise or property
Proletariat: The working class, the āHave Notās, the oppressed.Ā
Bourgeoisie: The wealthy class, the āHaveās, the oppressors.
Goal of a Communist Revolution? End goal is classless society. Make everybody equal.Ā
Effect of Marx on history: (areas that become communist, how does communism change compare to Marxās original ideas/predictions, names of dictators who bring communism in areas) Russia (Lenin), Cuba (Fidel Castro), Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh), China (Mao Zedong), Korea (Kim Il-Sung).Ā
Marxism and Capitalism compared
New Imperialism (how it differs from the old imperialism)
White Manās Burden poem by Rudyard Kipling- meaning the need of white people to explore take over and share innovation
Social Darwinism the belief that the strongest humans (at the time whites) should kill everyone else
Advantages of the West
Direct Colony
Indirect Colony
Sphere of Influence an area of a country where another country's laws and economics applyĀ
Political, military, social reasons for Imperialism
Know what Africa was like on the eve of Imperialism
Dr. David Livingstone explorer who mapped africa
Henry Stanley found above
Shaka Zulu leader who reformed the Zulu nationĀ
Boers and Great Trek dutch settlers who migrated to escape brits leading to conflict with above
Berlin Conference- causes/immediate and long term effects european conference regarding africa leads to bad boardersĀ
King Leopold II controlled Congo which led to the rush to africaĀ
Congolese Genocide many died due to aboveās work conditions
Force Publique king Leopoldās army
Alice Harris took picture in africa of regular horrors
King Menelik II and effects on Ethiopia modernized allowing it to win below
Battle of Adowa ethiopiaās defeat over italy
Liberia: founded by free slaves and Sierra Leone: british colony for free slavesĀ
Anglo Zulu War britsh defeat of the zulus (see above) both suffered heavy losses
Boer War war between britain and boer for gold and diamonds
Union of South Africa unified boer and britiish terrritories
Battle of Plassey battle won by british EIC giving them india
Jewel in the Crown what the british called india
Raj the british rule over india from 1858-1957
British tactic of educating upper class children of colonial peoples, how does that effect the future of colonies? Created more loyal educated citizens
Sepoys indian soilders to EIC
Sepoy Rebellion (mutiny) due to cartridges possibly containing animal fat sepoys rebelledĀ
Effects of Sepoy Rebellion ended EIC control started offical british control
Positives and Negatives of British Rule on India, technological advancements ex trains as well as education and banning of sati. Negatives: oppressed job loss, racism, destruction of local industries
Ram Mohun Roy modernized india promoted western education and women's rights
Indian National Congress group seeking self rule
Muslim League advocated muslim and later pakistan rights
Chinaās Favorable Balance of Trade China exported silk, tea, and porcelain, but wanted nothing
Causes and effects of the Opium War britain wanted something to trade with china led to treaty of Nanjing hong kong given to britain
Taiping Rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan weakened ChinaĀ
Cixi resisted modernizationĀ
Self Strengthening Movement adopted western tech but kept Confucianism
100 days of reform Guangxuās policy that cixi destroyedĀ
Boxer Rebellion strong rebelliong crused by european powers
Open Door Policy U.S. made policy to keep china open to trade
Overall effect of Imperialism on China led to nationalismĀ
Tokugawa Japan isolation from shogunateĀ
Commodore Matthew Perry: U.S. naval officer who worked for Millard Fillmore got japan to agree to open trade
Sat-Cho Group: Group that was angry with Shogun for surrendering to US. Revolted and put Emperor as leader. Wanted reform to defeat other nations.Ā
Meiji Restoration: Where emperor Mutsohito and Sat-Cho group worked to reform and modernize China.Ā
Know why the Meiji Restoration was different from Western Industrialization
Zaibatsu: Japan built up industries and sold them to wealthy families to monopolize. Families called Zaibastsu.Ā
Mutsuhito: Zaibutsu family that is still around today as corporation (became corporation when US occupied Japan).Ā
Know the different ways they copied other western civilizations during Meiji period: Used American public education system. Modelled government after Germany because strong, centralized, and wealthy had most control. Modelled Navy after the British and army after Germany.Ā
Sino-Japanese War: Where Japan and China fought after China sent troops into Korea to protect king but it broke agreement with Japan. Japan crushed China and got Taiwan, Pescadores Islands, Free Korea with trading rights (With China also), and paid by China.Ā
Russo-Japanese War: Japan surprise attacked Russia after they refused to Japanās agreement to stay out of Korea and get Manchuria. Japan crushed Russia and helped get rid of social darwinism, but caused the yellow fear.Ā
Treaty of Portsmouth: Agreement between Russia and Japan after war. Japan got parts of Manchuria and all of Korea.Ā
French Indochina Franceās holdings in Asia. Made up of Cambodia, Laos, and parts of Vietnam.Ā
Spanish-American War causes and effects: US blamed the blowing up of the USS Maine on Spain. Also supported Cuban independence and against Spanish atrocities there. America crushed Spain and got Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philipines (We gave Cuba independence).Ā
Monroe Doctrine: Statement that the US would protect the western hemisphere, specifically South America, from becoming colonies again.Ā
Yellow Journalism: Where you make up stories to push political agenda.Ā
Platt Amendment: Amendment in Cuba constitution when it gained independence so US could build navy bases and meddle in Cuban affairs.Ā
Teddy Roosevelt and Gunboat Diplomacy: Built up navy, but didnāt go into affairs so no one would mess with US. Teddy Roosevelt made Correlary to monroe doctrine about protecting the western hemisphere and enforcing things in it.Ā
Know how US got the land to build the Panama Canal: Funded Panama revolt from Columbia and got land when Panama became independent.Ā
Panama Canal: Built on Ismthus of Panama and connected oceans. Strengthened US navy because easier tranportation. Increased trade through there and to and from US.Ā
Queen Liliuokalani: FIrst and only queen of Hawaii. Tried to reduce reliance on foreigners and restore rights for people but was overthrown.Ā
Dole Fruit Company and Hawaii: Wanted more influence in Hawaii and overthrew Queen which led to annexation of Hawaii by US. Justified because believed others would take it.Ā
King Mongkut and King Chulalongkorn (Siam): They helped to modernize Siam so they could protect themselves from Europe and didnāt underestimate them. Were buffer between French Indochina and British Burma.Ā
American-Filipino War: War after Filipinoās thought America would give them indepence after helping them fight Spain. Millions of Filipinos killed. America wanted to modernize it and promised independence in the future.Ā
Emilio āAguinaldo Filipino rebel leader
SAQ topics: I will choose one
Causes of the Industrial Revolution
Effects of the Industrial Revolution (from PPT and age of reform reading)
Discuss three reforms/new philosophies of the Industrial Revolution (communism must be one, see Karl Marx communist manifesto doc from classwork)
Causes of Imperialism (chart fest)
Imperialism in Africa (doc would be on Berlin Conference or Congolese Genocide)
Positive and Negative effects of Imperialism on India (chart from class)
Chinese Opium War and how Imperialism led to the end of the Chinese Monarchy (internal and external problems in 18th century China)
Political, Social, Economic changes in the Meiji RestorationĀ
Characteristics of American Imperialism (chart from HW)