People do not settle in the “5 toos”
(too hot, cold, wet, hilly, dry, etc)
People are likely to settle in
Low elevation
fertile soil
temperate climates
Near a body of water
Ecumene: the habitable areas of the world
Other factors that influence distribution of population are
Job opportunities
Access to natural resources
Cultural/ Social
Housing availability
Access to transportation
A feeling o belonging
Housing availability
Access to transportation
Arithmetic → Total Pop/ Land area (sq. mi)
Physiological → Total pop/ Arable land (sq. mi)
Agricultural → Farmers/ Arable Land (sq. mi)
This does NOT account for the uneven distribution of population within each country. No information about clustering or dispersal.
Carrying Capacity: The maximum population size that can be supported by available resources without damaging the environment or using natural resources unsustainably.
A better indicator of a country’s level of economic development rather than population distribution.
High LDC’s
Low level of tech
Farming by hand (more farmers
Low output
High levels of mechanization
Less farmers but more output
Arithmetic density- total # ppl/ total land area
what it doesn’t say: pop concentrations
Physiological density- total # ppl/ total arable farmland
Carrying capacity- important to determine how much food is available
Tells us country’s ability to feed/sustain its population
Higher physiological density- the more diff it will be to sustain itself bc there is less able land
Solutions? - Food imports, develop ag tech (MDC)
Agricultural density- total # o farmers/ unit o arable land
Tells us about the types of jobs in the country
Levels of development
The higher the ag density, the less developed country
Need more people to work the land means there’s less tech available in the country