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Reliability – repeatability of findings

Validity – credibility or believability of research

Internal validity – procedures used in the research measured what they were supposed to measure

External validity – results can be generalised beyond the immediate study

Credibility – evaluation of the truth vale within the research

Transferability – how the qualitative researcher demonstrates that the research study’s findings are applicable to other contexts

Confirmability – ensures the researchers interpretations and findings were clearly derived from the data, requiring the researcher to demonstrate how conclusions were reached

Dependability – the extent the study could be repeated by other researchers and that the findings would be consistent

Audit trail – provides with evidence of the decisions and choices made by the researcher regarding rationale for decisions

Reflexivity – challenges the researcher to explicitly examine how their research agenda entered inro their research


Reliability – repeatability of findings

Validity – credibility or believability of research

Internal validity – procedures used in the research measured what they were supposed to measure

External validity – results can be generalised beyond the immediate study

Credibility – evaluation of the truth vale within the research

Transferability – how the qualitative researcher demonstrates that the research study’s findings are applicable to other contexts

Confirmability – ensures the researchers interpretations and findings were clearly derived from the data, requiring the researcher to demonstrate how conclusions were reached

Dependability – the extent the study could be repeated by other researchers and that the findings would be consistent

Audit trail – provides with evidence of the decisions and choices made by the researcher regarding rationale for decisions

Reflexivity – challenges the researcher to explicitly examine how their research agenda entered inro their research