US History
Pre Revolution
13 Colonies
Brazil’s Sugar Plantation
Sugar Plantations
Harvesting and refining on one site
Connection to industrial revolution
Disease kills tons of NAs
Portuguese bring African slaves
England’s Tobacco Colonies
Jamestown settlement
Much like Spain’s first voyage
Virginia company
Jamestown People
Not well adapted to the environment
Bad relationships with the Powhatan
Cash crop
Grows well in Virginia
House of Burgesses (1619)
Representative government
Made taxes and laws
Notice that this is the same year as the first enslaved Africans landing in what would become the US
Indian War of 1622
Opechancanough was mad about the English wanting to convert NA kids, he wants the English out
Almost kills all the British
Royal Colony
Company colony → royal colony
Government is controlled by the King
Lord Baltimore Settles Catholics in Maryland
Baltimore is an aristocrat and Catholic
Maryland becomes a refuge for Catholics
Lots of tobacco
The Caribbean Islands
English, Dutch, French, and Spanish in the Caribbean
St. Kitts becomes an important center
Sugar is the cash crop of the Caribbean
Plantation Life
Land owned in its entirety without taxes
Headright system → amass tons of land by bringing slaves and indentured servants
Economic Boom
Tobacco causes an economic boom
Large land owners get richer
Hard for both the rich and poor
Not a lot of women in the colonies
Indentured Servitude
They worked for no pay for an agreed period of time
Indentured servants were very valuable, many contracts were sold
Many indentured servants never escaped poverty after their contracts ended
African Laborers
Gradual and instant change to slave labor based on location
Africans lose rights after tobacco boom collapse