

Chemical - the smallest particle of an element, atoms combined to form molecules

Organelle - is defined as a small organ of a cell

Cellular - cells, basic unit of structure and function of living organisms

Tissue - consists of similar types of cells

Organ - made up of different types of tissues

Organ system - made up of different organs that work together

Organismal - made up of the organ system

adip/o - fat

axill/o - armpit

bi-o - life

Cephal/o - head

Cervic/o - neck

Hist/o - tissue

Path/o - disease

Viscer/o - internal organs

Cili/o - hair

Derm/o - skin

Onych/o - nail

Arthr/o - joint

Chondr/o - cartilage

Crani/o - skull

Cost/o - rib

Myel/o - bone marrow

Oste/o - bone

Pelv/o - Pelvis

Spin/o - spine

Vertebr/o - vertebra

My/o - muscle

Muscul/o - muscle.

Tend/o - tendon

Tendin/o - tendon.

Blephar/o - eyelid

Cerebr/o - brain

Neur/o - nerve

Opthalm/o - eye

Ot/o - ear

Aden/o - gland

Andren/o - andrenal gland

Parathyroid/o - parathyroid gland

Pituitary/o - pituitary gland

Thyroid/o - thyroid gland

Angi/o - vessel

vasculo/o - vessel.

Vas/o - vessel..

Arteri/o - artery

Cardi/o - heart

Hem/o - blood

Hemat/o - blood.

Ven/o - vein

Phleb/o - vein.

Adenoid/o - adenoids

Lymph/o - lymph

Lamphaden/o - lymph glands

Lymphangi/o - lymph vessels

Splen-o - spleen

Tonsil/o - tonsils

Alveol/o - air sac

Bronch/o - bronchus

Bronchiol/o - bronchioles

Laryng/o - larynx boice box

Nas/o - nose

Pharyng/o - Pharynx

Phren/o - diaphragm

Pneum/o - lungs

Thorac/o - chest

Trache/o - trachea

Cyst/o - bladder

Ren/o - kidneys

Nephr/o - kidneys.

Urete/o - ureters

Urethr/o - Urethra

Abdomin/o - abdomen

Cheil/o - lips

Col/o - large intestine, colon

Enter/o - small intestine

Esophag/o - esophagus

Gastr/o - stomach

Epididym/o - epididymis

Orchid/o - tesciles

Phall/o - penis

Prostat/o - Prostate gland

Vas/o - ductus

Colp/o - vagina

Gynec/o - female

Mast/o - breasts

mamm/o - breasts

Oophor/o - ovary

Ovario - ovary

Salping/o - fallopian tubes

Uter/o - uterus

Vulv/o - vulva

Anatomical Position - body erect, feet slightly apart, palms facing words, thumbs point away from body
