Information Revolution; availability of information and the changes in its storage and dissemination due to development of computers in the second half of the century (post ww2)
95% of all information is digitalized
Important Inventions related to information revolution
1455 - Gutenberg’s Printing Press - print and disseminate information more efficiently
1837 Analytic Engine - Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace, first design for a general all purpose computer, wasn’t limited to just mathematical calculations as its precursor was
1870 Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell
1950’s - Turing’s Invention of the Computer - Turning Machine, by Alan Turing used to
1970’s - Satellite and Personal Computers
1980’s - Tim Burners Lee at CERN, - Idea of Internet, WWW, created first website in 1991
Information Revolution had profound impact on democracy
harder for dictators and totalitarian regimes to control information
Reasons behind Arab Revolution against dictators in Libya and Iran - helped rebellious social movement to organize and mobilize, posing a greater challenge to state power.
Social Divide in access to information - deepens social justice and inequalities, we don’t have the same access to information and the ability to understand and question it → new educational and teaching methods which encouraged critical debate and encourages students to question knowledge and help create knowledge