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War and Diplomacy Important lecture 02/06

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War and Diplomacy Important lecture 02/06

Oversight Regimes

  • Importance of oversight regimes in ensuring accountability and reliability of AI technologies.

  • Oversight looks at:

    • Reliability of the systems, equating to testing.

    • Assigning responsibility for failures: Who to sue or seek remedies from if something goes wrong.

  • Purpose: Work through options to create an oversight body, like a Department of War Bots, overseeing companies, authorization processes, and licensing.

Artificial Intelligence Convention

  • The Council of Europe drafted an Artificial Intelligence Convention.

  • High stakes, with top figures from major tech companies (Google, Microsoft, OpenAI) involved in discussions.

  • Main focus on democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, but does not cover national security directly.

  • Current challenge: Work on AI-related conventions and protocols that connect the general principles of the AI convention with specific contexts.

Legal Considerations in Autonomous Weapons

  • Issues in fully automating weapons systems:

    • Concerns about targeting, distinction, and proportionality in conflict.

    • Liability attribution: Difficulty in determining responsibility for actions taken by an autonomous system.

  • Example of legal complexities in cases involving companies like Lockheed Martin and the nature of product liability.

Testing and Responsibility

  • Essential to assess the testing regimes for AI systems:

    • How long and extensive testing should be to ensure safety and compliance with legal standards (suggested: minimum seven years).

  • Discussion on the nature of liability across different actors involved in creating and deploying AI systems.

International Armed Conflict (IAC)

  • Definition: Classical conflict between governments (e.g., Rwanda vs. Congo).

    • Applies even in failed states if Geneva Conventions were signed.

  • Low threshold for determining IAC: Any military action between two states could trigger the status of war.

  • Importance of clarity in actions taken: Misunderstandings during skirmishes can lead to legal interpretations of an IAC.

Non-International Armed Conflict (NIAC)

  • Definition: Conflict not between governments, often involving internal armed groups or civil wars.

    • Requires determination of intensity, duration, and organization of the armed group.

  • Difficulty in conferring status to internal groups, aiming to deny legitimacy and POW recognition under international law.

  • Common Article 3 applies, but such groups do not receive full POW rights.

Rights and Obligations under Geneva Conventions

  • POW privileges and protections under the Geneva Conventions, including rights against torture or cruel treatment.

  • Distinction of combatants: respect for non-combatants and the rights of captured members of opposing forces.

  • Principles of distinction and proportionality must always be applied to prevent unnecessary suffering during armed conflict.

Legal Consequences of Actions in Conflicts

  • Liability of individuals based on their actions in conflicts; individuals cannot be treated as combatants if not qualified.

  • Need to apply the law and assess actions critically to determine outcomes in scenarios involving rebel groups or terrorist organizations.

  • Specific protocols required to govern the treatment of captured individuals, either as combatants or civilians.