
MAGTF Power and Energy Model - MPEM Overview


The MAGTF Power and Energy Model (MPEM) is an Excel-based tool integrating Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) scripts. It assists in evaluating fuel usage, focusing on multiple data sheets to produce consistent and repeatable results. This document offers an in-depth understanding of MPEM's development, use, and analytical results.


E2O Study Objective

The E2O study aimed to measure the influence of efficient and alternatively fueled Environmental Control Units (ECUs) on fuel consumption in the US Marine Corps during operations in Afghanistan. To achieve this, MPEM was created to model fuel usage across essential equipment categories, classifying consumers into three categories: aircraft, vehicles, and electrical equipment.

Fuel Consumption Insights

Electrical users rely on generators to convert fuel into electricity, making it critical to understand which equipment indirectly consumes fuel. The main measure of effectiveness (MOE) used in analysis is fuel consumption in gallons, focusing primarily on gallons per hour (GPH) and kilowatt-hours (kW·h) as key performance indicators.


General Process

MPEM operates by aggregating data across various sheets, recalculating based on user-defined parameters, and updating equipment data for accuracy. The calculations emphasize a standardized metric of fuel consumption.

Specific Processes
  1. Data Aggregation: MPEM aggregates data into a main sheet for calculations to ensure all necessary inventory data is available and accurate.

  2. Calculations: Different types of equipment usages — aviation fuel consumption, vehicle fuel operational hours, and electrical consumption — are calculated separately using dimensions such as % of usage and hours utilized.

  3. Visual Reporting: MPEM utilizes VBA scripts to generate graphical representations of data for better visual analysis, facilitating quick interpretation of energy consumption by category such as ECUs and electrical draw.

Tool Usage

MPEM serves as a versatile tool for Marines in planning fuel usage and understanding the impact of equipment on fuel needs. This model requires Microsoft Excel (version 2003 or newer) for functionality without the need for additional licensing or software development expertise. The user interface is designed for ease and simplicity.

Model Functions and Outputs

Load and Update Data

This primary function ensures that the data in the Equip_Data sheet is accurate by updating and refreshing data points as per the predefined scripts in Equip_Data_Srcs and Data_Updates sheets.

ECU Generation versus Required

This feature assesses the total fuel consumed by ECUs compared to all electrical items. It's vital for determining the efficiencies and adequacies of existing ECU assets with reports generated based on the percentage requirement met by cooling and heating systems.

Electric Power Generation

This function compares electrical needs against available generation capacity, focusing exclusively on equipment reliant on electrical power without including generators. It tests the capability of existing generators to meet powered equipment needs at any given moment.

Environmental Control Units (ECUs)

MPEM enables comprehensive evaluations of ECUs, reviewing their BTU requirements versus total energy demands across the Marine units.

Data Elements

Mandatory Sheets

To ensure MPEM operates effectively, the following sheets are mandatory:

  • Main: Contains process selections and parameters.

  • Help: Provides limited tool information.

  • Equip_Data_Srcs: Gathers raw data sources for processing.

  • Data_Updates: Tracks updates to data sheets.

  • Empty: Separates data and results.

  • Originals: Divides results from raw input data and supports dropdown population.

Main Screen Data

The data inputs on the main screen ensure that the calculations are set correctly to evaluate fuel usage metrics effectively, including the average number of units, power types (GPH or kW·h), and generator efficiencies utilized for conversions based on unit requirements.

Special Notes

It’s important to maintain the integrity of the Empty and Originals sheets. Removing or modifying these can create operational errors within MPEM, impacting functionality.


MPEM is a powerful analytical tool that enhances logistical planning and energy consumption assessment for the Marine Corps through detailed modeling and comprehensive data aggregation, aimed at optimizing fuel usage across multiple operational contexts.
