This study thoroughly evaluates the implementation of a Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) project within schools across Western Australia. It emphasizes the profound importance of providing comprehensive RSE throughout all school years as a vital part of student education on a global scale. The primary aim is to equip teachers with the necessary training and support needed to develop relevant and meaningful RSE programs tailored specifically for their local school communities.
Study Design: A robust multiple, embedded case study approach will be employed to meticulously examine the implementation strategies across selected Western Australian schools.
Methods: A comprehensive mixed-methods approach will be used, combining audits, interviews, focus groups, and surveys to capture a holistic understanding of the RSE project.
Ethics: Ethical considerations include securing consent from school principals, teaching staff, and parents, along with requiring student assent to ensure all participants are informed and willing.
Comprehensive Relationship and Sexuality Education is empirically linked to numerous positive outcomes such as delayed sexual debut, decreased rates of unprotected sexual activity, and improved overall health and wellbeing. Furthermore, contemporary issues such as gender diversity, bullying, and the pervasive influence of social media on young people’s lives are seen as crucial components that necessitate a relevant and updated educational framework. There has also been a recognized gap in the current RSE offerings regarding the promotion of positive sexuality, which this study aims to address.
The study utilizes Bronfenbrenner’s socioecological model, highlighting the critical interrelationship between individuals and their broader environmental contexts, including family, peers, schools, and community influences. It underscores that socioecological factors significantly influence human development, which is essential for designing effective RSE programs. The Health Promoting Schools (HPS) framework will guide the focus on key supportive domains for implementing RSE in an effective manner.
Various common barriers have been identified that hinder the effective implementation of RSE: a lack of support from school administration and parents, inadequate teacher training in sexuality education, and increasingly overcrowded curricula that leave little room for comprehensive RSE. Previous research indicates that there is often substantial difficulty in translating evidence-based RSE programs into actual school settings. Notably, the implementation of RSE can vary dramatically among different schools, thereby necessitating a tailored approach to planning and development strategies.
Measure the extent and quality of the implementation of RSE strategies within schools.
Explore students’, staff’s, and parents’ perceptions and attitudes towards addressing sexuality education in the school environment.
Identify the various barriers and enablers that impact RSE promotion and integration within school curriculums.
Participants: Selected schools will reflect a diverse range of socio-economic backgrounds, concentrating on 3-4 schools encompassing both primary and secondary education.
Data Collection: Comprehensive data collection will include school audits, documentation reviews, interviews with key stakeholders, focus groups with students from various grades, and online surveys to capture diverse perspectives on RSE.
With a strong emphasis on ethics, consent will be obtained from principals for school participation, and individual parental oraz student consent will be sought to ensure that all participants are fully informed of the research’s nature and can withdraw without facing any negative consequences.
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted with pivotal school staff and parents to delve into the perceived barriers faced in the implementation of RSE.
Focus Groups: Engaged discussions with students across various grades will explore their views on the RSE content and the efficacy of its delivery.
Surveys: Online surveys directed towards students will assess their attitudes towards RSE as well as identify trusted sources of information regarding sexuality and relationships.
The research will employ grounded theory methodologies for qualitative data analysis, focusing on identifying prevailing themes and patterns within the collected data. For quantitative data, statistical methods will be applied to evaluate associations between various variables pertinent to RSE. A comprehensive reporting strategy will utilize established guidelines for qualitative research to ensure clarity and accuracy.
The results and insights gathered from the study will be shared through varied channels, including open-access reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, and presentations at educational conferences. These findings will contribute significantly to the planning and effectiveness of future RSE programs in schools, supporting an evidence-based approach to sexuality education in the educational landscape.