11.1 Introduction
11.2 Classifying Communication Apprehension
There is a debate on whether CA is inherent or a result of an experience
Trait Anxiety: it is a type of anxiety that is aligned with an individual’s personality. Ex. People who would call themselves “shy” often seek to avoid interaction with others because they are uncertain of how they will be perceived
State Anxiety:
It is a type of anxiety that is derived from the external situation in which individuals find themselves. often stems from the fear associated with scrutiny and negative evaluation. Person could have experienced embarrassment themselves or watched friends
Scrutiny Fear:
stems from an activity that does not necessarily involve interacting with other people, but is simply the fear of being in a situation where one is being watched or observed, or one perceives him or herself as being watched, while undertaking an activity
Resultant condition:
Primary cause
Need to recognize then minimize
11.3 Frames of reference
frame of reference: is the context, viewpoint, or set of presuppositions or evaluative criteria within which a person's perception and thinking seem always to occur; and which constrains selectively the course and outcome of these activities
Your response to events becomes habitual
Habitual frame of reference:
comes from a combination of personal experiences and what has been witnessed
Students will often worry more about their grade rather than what is contained in their presentation.
The act of public speaking takes on the pressure of taking a final exam with everyone watching
Personal Frame of reference:
We should approach activities with a positive attitude to achieve success even if we are afraid to do the activity
11.4 Cognitive Restructuring (CR)
CR is an internal process through which individuals can deliberately adjust how they perceive an action or experience
Cognitive Restructuring is a three- step, internal process:
Identify objectively what you think
Identify any inconsistencies between perception and reality
Replace destructive thinking with supportive thinking
Sources of apprehension:
-Feeling of being the center of attention
-Feeling like everyone if waiting for you to mess up
Impact of apprehension:
before CR, the frame of reference reflects the idea that “everyone is staring at me”; after CR, the perception is altered to “the audience is looking at me to be supportive and polite
Before CR, the frame of reference reflects the idea that “everyone is judging me harshly”; and after CR, the perception is altered to “the audience is willing to listen to what I have to say because it’s a more pleasant experience for them if the speaker is successful.”
Learning Confidence:
Trying CR takes time
11.5 Techniques for building confidence
Practice leads to confidence
Visual success:
As you practice, visualize yourself presenting with confidence to a receptive audience
Avoid Gimmicks:
Practicing in a mirror does not work it is just a distraction
Same with picture everyone naked
Breathe and Release:
systematic desensitization: a multi-stage regimen to help patients deal with phobias through coping mechanisms
“Breathe and Release” involves three steps:
Imagine the nervousness within your body. Imagine that energy bubbling inside you, like liquid being cooked.
Draw that energy to a high point within your body with a deep, cleansing breath. Imagine this cleansing breath to be acting like a vacuum – drawing up all of the bubbling liquid.
Release the energy by deliberately relaxing the entirety of your upper extremities – not just your hands, or even your hands and arms – but all the way from your fingertips to the bottom edges of your shoulder blades. Imagine how keeping any part of your upper extremities tense would result in a “kink” in the release valve, and so complete relaxation is the key to success. Remember: Relax Everything from the fingertips to the very bottom edges of your shoulder blades.
Minimize what you memorize:
There is stress that is a distraction when you try to memorize words
Practice Outloud
you will be able to listen to your whole speech and properly gauge the flow of your entire presentation.
without at least one complete out-loud practice, there will be no way to accurately estimate the length of your speech and your preparation will remain insufficient.
Ask yourself:
Where, during your presentation, are you most – and least – conversant?
Where, during your presentation, are you most in need of supportive notes?
What do your notes need to contain?
Customize your practice
11.6 Conclusion