Target Grades: 8th and 9th Grade
Standards guide instructional practices.
All standards will appear on assessments, including the End of Grade (EOG) tests.
The standards are divided into:
RL: Reading Literature (Fiction)
RI: Reading Informational (Non-Fiction)
Objective: Cite textual evidence to support analysis.
I can... find important details that describe the story, both directly and indirectly.
Objective: Determine and analyze the theme of a text, including its development and summarization.
I can... describe character development and write objective summaries based on changes in characters or their learnings.
Objective: Analyze how dialogue or incidents propel action or reveal character aspects.
I can... understand how details and dialogue deepen character meanings in a narrative.
Objective: Determine meanings of words/phrases, analyze specific word choices.
I can... learn and utilize vocabulary introduced in fictional stories.
Objective: Compare and contrast structures of texts and their contributions to meaning and style.
I can... recognize similarities and differences in writing styles and narrative structures among stories.
Objective: Analyze character and audience perspectives in creating effects such as suspense or humor.
I can... discern character emotions and how they relate to my own feelings while reading.
Objective: Analyze connections between modern works of fiction and traditional stories.
I can... explore how older themes and cultural beliefs are reflected in contemporary narratives.
Analysis: Detailed examination of components for understanding.
Explicit: Clearly and directly stated.
Inference: Logical conclusion based on evidence.
Text: Any read, viewed, or explored material.
Textual Evidence: Evidence from the text supporting conclusions or opinions.
Objective Summary: Unbiased account of main points or themes.
Analogy: Comparison to clarify or explain.
Allusion: Indirect reference to external contexts.
Plot: Sequence of events in a narrative.
Setting: Time and place in the story.
Theme: Underlying meaning explored by the text.
Drama: Literature designed for performance emphasizing dialogue.
Perspective: Viewer or reader's outlook on a topic.
Event: Defined occurrence.
Patterns: Repeated elements or ideas throughout a narrative.
Compare: Measure similarities/differences; contrast highlights variations.
Style: Distinct manner for executing an artistic expression.
Objective: Cite textual evidence for analysis of explicit content and inferences.
I can... detail what the text conveys exactly.
Objective: Determine a text's central idea and analyze its development.
I can... confront the overarching message and what the author intends the reader to learn.
Objective: Analyze connections and distinctions in a text.
I can... understand how details connect within the text.
Objective: Determine meanings of words/phrases, analyze their tone impacts.
I can... integrate vocabulary learned from non-fiction texts.
Objective: Analyze paragraph structure and key sentence roles.
I can... assess how text sections develop concepts.
Objective: Determine author’s viewpoint and analyze responses to conflicting evidence.
I can... grasp the author's perspective despite conflicting evidence.
Objective: Evaluate arguments and claims within a text.
I can... discern pertinent information that aligns with the topic.
Objective: Analyze conflicting information across texts on the same topic.
I can... examine differing interpretations and viewpoints.
Central Idea: Unifying concept in informational texts.
Medium: The materials used for artistic expression.
Claim: Assertion supported by evidence.
Evidence: Facts used to substantiate claims.