AP World - Unit 3



  • Increases in interregional trade causes the growth of cities and states through the accumulation of wealth

  • Safe and reliable transportation and technological advancements allow trade to grow rapidly 

  • Culture, Wealth, Religion, and Disease spread through cultural interaction 

SILK ROADS: Ideas/Technologies/Faith/Goods spread along these routes

  • Established forgotten trade routes 

  • Levels of land decreased due to high agriculture for the Silk Road Trade

  • Producers now specialize in one thing and trade that one thing for profit 

  • European desire for luxury goods influenced trade network growth 

  • Buddhism also was exchanged and modified 

  • Crusades drew together Eastern and Western Europe and created a demand for Silk Road Goods

  • Trade encouraged by modifications in currency and access to credit 

  • Fragmented Western and Unified Eastern Europe, created a demand for Silk Road Goods

  • Alter habits of consumption as goods became available, such as how silk/jade allowed elites to distinguish themselves from commoners 

  • Caravanserai: First hotels placed along the Silk Roads, acted as a rest stop and allowed merchants to trade and exchange ideas/beliefs

  • The monopoly of silk in China: high silk supply led to varieties circulating →Silk being used as a currency and symbol of wealth. Silk equaled high stature, associated with Buddhism/Christianity as gifts for Indian religious knowledge 

  • Silk in China/Byzantine: Currency 

  • Silk in Christendom: Prestigious signs of devotion and piety 

  • Trade of Silk Road was influenced by many technological advancements(Saddle, yolks, stirrups utilizing animals, and frames/mattresses allowing camels to carry more luggage)

  • Most people, especially farmers, gave up everything just to partake in the Silk Road, due to success 

  • Large, powerful states provided security to silk roads, which led to SR prospering (EX: Byzantine, Tang Dynasty)

  • Silk Road expands to India → Indian traders + Buddhist monks spread Buddhism along trade routes (Conversion was voluntary, elites thought Bhuddism = was spiritual and connected to India)

  • As Buddhism spread, it became more involved in secular affairs (Mahayana)

  • Buddhism spread to China → Became more materialistic, monks became more luxurious living and non-humble, which differed much from original Indian Buddhism 

  • Neo-Confucianism: Disagree with religious aspects of Buddhism yet praises its high morales 

  • Korea Cultural Changes to Chinese Influence: Tribute missions legitimizing Korean rulers+New court life model+Administration techniques 

  • Japan Cultural Changes to Chinese Influence: Chinese Buddhism schools, educational/literary classes, adopted by Samurai 


  • Key Raw Material carried in and out of Africa was GOLD(MALI)

  • Camel Introduction: Allowed for long travel(10 days no water), 

  • Culture of African Kingdoms: Islam, new relations among cultural peoples, Housa-speaking

  • Governance of African Kingdoms: Good # of independent city-states, similar to Swahili cities 

  • The Economy of African Kingdoms: Flourishing urban+commercial culture, the Middleman in West African Commerce

  • Social of African Kingdom: Social complexity/hierarchy, characteristics of all civilizations, religious officials, gender hierarchy, male supremacy, women = weaving

  • Ghana(700-1200), Mali(1230-1500), Songhay(1430-1591)

  • Slavery was first only for women, then transitioned into women+men to keep up with demand→Trans the Saharan slave Trade

  • Islam Expansion → Knowledge easily available/learning centers = spread of learning 

  • Islam Expansion = Urbanizing new areas and gearing them towards the knowledge side (universities)

  • Islam = Many Scientific achievements

  • Innovation/tech-facilitated trade 

  • Diasporic communities’ growth is facilitated by trade

  • Ibn Battuta traveled the world and documented his voyages in Ibn Battuta's Rihla


  • Connected distant people through the Indian Ocean trade.

  • Monsoon winds - led to an interlocked human world joined by the common highway of the Indian Ocean, which also led to new technology such as junks, and dhows 

  • Diasporic communities: Permanent settlements of foreign traders at various points in IOB (Indian Ocean Basin/ Indian Ocean Basin Trade). Such communities facilitated trade among different people, 

  • IOB trade also influenced other forms of cross-cultural interactions 

  • IOB was fulcrum of trade

  • States closer to shore would be more involved in sea-based commerce, which led to the growth of cities 

  • The Strait of Malacca opened all trade between India, and China, and served as a choke point

  • Borobudur: Both Buddhist temples, with Javanese scenes (Shows the presence of diaspora communities) 

  • Angkor Watt: Depicts Hindu scenes, with Buddhist practices 

  • Malacca illustrates the growing role of Islam in Southeast Asia, the vehicle of cultural exchange 

  • Swahili was more stimulated by extensive IOB trade

  • Swahili people were politically independent (Monarchy), and the area became rapidly Islamic 

  • Islam in SE Asia, and Africa due to exposure to Islam Traders 

  • Africa was more advanced with the help of Islam

  • Chinese fleets: Meant to go all around southeast Asia, and enroll many areas into a tribute system with China, did not seek to conquer new territories

  • 1433 they were stopped due to the death of the Emporer, this lack of Chinese in the sea, and thus facilitated European entry and Portuguese invasion.


  • Cahokai (1100-1350): Traded copper and Cahokia  shells from Atlantic Coast/buffalo hides,                                                          stratified social structure, mobilized structures

  • Chaco Canyon (860-1130CE): 5 major settlements, spread over 25k miles, 150 settlements outlying                           produced and sold turquoise/copper balls, drunk choco liquid

  • Mesoamerica (200-900CE): Pochteca: Professional merchants who undertook large trading projects in and out of empire boundaries, sometimes hired by the state, other times not. Local and long distant trade prevailed (Profit)

  • Inca (1438-1533): The state ran economic exchange operations such as storehouses and state centers, roads also linked diverse environments and helped with local trade. 

  • Nomads settled in regions and conquered them, brought local civilizations under control, partook in regional trade (Not international trade), societies were agriculturally based, Incan infrastructure facilitated trade within the empire 


  • Tribal/personal loyalties connected and disrupted nomadic pastoral Mongol movement

  • Women’s role was more egalitarian than in more sedentary societies 

  • Mongol expansion was facilitated by empires weakening in both the East and West 

  • Military Conquest spreads empire and diffuses Mongol culture through the area of control

  • Limits were present on the Areas the Mongols could expand, due to geographic barriers such as Asia preventing Mongol further expansion

  • Trade was encouraged due to Mongol protection 

  • Mongols were more destructive toward the Middle East than toward Asia 

  • Following the centralized leadership of Genghis Khan the empire fragmented into smaller khanates

  • Controlled the Chinese government in the Yuan Dynasty 

  • Interaction of distant societies spread diseases (Black Plague) 

  • Mongols promoted trade, and gave protection to merchants, Western Europe wanted to be close to the Mongols, 
