Leonardo da Vinci- A painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist. Interested in how things work such as how a muscle moves. Wrote backwards. Painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper
Raphael- Younger than Michelangelo and Da Vinci. Learned from them. He is famous for his use of perspective. Filled the walls of Pope Julius II's library. Painted Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and himself
Sofonisba Anguissola- First women artist to gain an international reputation. Painted people such as King Phillip II of Spain.
Petrarch-Was one of the earliest humanists and some call him the father of humanism.
Michelangelo- renaissance man, famous for the way he portrayed the human body. Famous for the dome of Saint Peters, Paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and Statue of David
Boccaccio- Italian writer, famous for using his vernacular language. Best known for the Decameron.
Vittoria Colonna- She was a female Renaissance writer. Female Renaissance writers usually wrote about personal subjects not politics Colonna's poems expressed her own personal emotions. She was an influential sonnet writer and exchanged sonnets with Michelangelo. Born to a noble family. Helped Castiglione publish "Courtiers"
Erasmus- Dutch humanist and friends with Thomas More. Wrote the Praise of Folly a political satire
Thomas More- English humanist who wrote Utopia and helped the word come to mean an ideal place in English. Friends with Erasmus
Shakespeare- The most famous writer of the Elizabethan Age. Work showed a deep understanding of human beings. Wrote Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and other classics.
Durer- German artist who traveled to Italy to learn art. Produced woodcuts. Many of his prints portray religious subjects, myths, or realistic land subjects
Hans Holbein- German artist influenced by Durer. Painted portraits that are almost photographic in detail. Most famous for his portrait of King Henry VIII.
Jan van Eyck- Flemish painter who developed oil-based paint techniques painters still use today. Van Eyck's paintings display unusually realistic subjects.
Pieter Bruegel- Interested in realistic details and individual people. Skillful in portraying large numbers of people. Captured scenes of everyday life such as weddings, dances, and harvests
When society began to focus more on worldly issues rather than spiritual issues one could say society was becoming more
What city led the Renaissance and was referred to by some as “the school of Europe”
When an author uses the everyday language of their homeland we say the author uses the
Vernacular Tongue
A picture that uses slanting lines (a vanishing point) and objects of different sizes to give a feeling of depth was said to have
Linear perspective
What is the best term for a person who sponsors or supports artists financially?
A patron of the arts