Components of a Quantum Address

DIGIT #1: Principal Quantum Number (n)

  • Represented by the letter n (lowercase).

  • Indicates the PERIOD/ row number of the electron

  • Values can be whole numbers starting from 1 up to 7 (max row #)

DIGIT #2: Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l)

  • Denoted by lowercase l (in cursive).

  • Represents the shape of the electron’s orbital.

  • Possible values correspond to different shapes:

    • s = 0 (spherical shape)

    • p = 1 (figure 8s shape)

    • d = 2 (5-figure 8s shape)

    • f = 3 (complex shapes)

DIGIT #3: Magnetic Quantum Number (m_l)

  • Represented as m with a subscript l.


  • Possible values include -2, -1, 0, +1, +2.

DIGIT #4: Spin Quantum Number (m_s)

  • Denoted by m with a subscript s.

  • Represents the spin of the electron.

    Quantum Numbers for Atoms - Chemistry LibreTexts
  • Possible values are:

    • +1/2 (ARROW UP) (clockwise spin)

    • -1/2 (ARROW DOWN) (counterclockwise spin)

Pod System (Digit #3)

Quantum Numbers for Atoms - Chemistry LibreTexts

Quantum Address

  • A quantum address consists of the four quantum numbers written in the format: (n, l, m_l, m_s).

  • Separated by commas and in the order of n, l, m_l, and m_s.

  • The fourth number (m_s) will always indicate the direction of spin, being either positive or negative.

  • Example: A quantum address could be formatted as (3, 1, 0, +1/2).

Maximum Principal Quantum Number

  • The maximum principal quantum number an atom can have is 7.

  • Corresponds to the seven rows (or energy levels) in the periodic table.
