Unit 6 AP World Quiz

The Unit 6 quiz will have 5 multiple choice questions and 2 SAQs (pick from 3)

  • Division of native people by Europeans 

    • “Divide and conquer” used to lessen the likelihood of resistance

      • EX: British in India dividing Hindus and Muslims; Spanish in Americas dividing the indigenous groups 

  • Resistance to imperialism

    • Nationalism, religion, and ethnic divisions were forms of resistance against colonial powers

    • Leadership by elites

      • Local elites worked with imperial powers (some) but others helped to lead revolts and pushback

        • Often had the influence, education, and resources to lead revolts

      • Nationalism

        • Invoke a sense of deserving to  

    • Direct resistance 

      • Indian Mutiny of 1857

        • Caused by cultural/religious insensitivity

          • The Pig and Cow fat on the cartridges which offended the Hindu and Muslim soldiers

        • The Sepoy soldiers against the British East India Company

        • Led to a shift in British colonial rule over India, causing a direct rule over India (British Raj)

      • Tupac Amaru II Rebellion

        • Led by Tupac Amaru II in Peru against Spanish colonial rule

        • Caused by coerced labor, exploitation, and oppression of the indigenous people

        • Rebellion did not succeed, but it helped influence other rebellions in Latin America

      • Samory Toure’s Rebellion  

        • Resisted French colonization in West Africa

        • Fought for control over trade routes and land against French forces 

        • One of the most significant/notable African resistance movements against European imperialism

      • Yaa Asantewaa War 

        • Led by Yaa Asantewaa, queen of the Ashanti people in modern Ghana

        • Fought against british over the Golden Stool

          • Sacred symbol of Ashanti unity

        • The British won but it delayed full british control over Ashanti kingdom

      • Mahdist Wars 

        • Muhammad Ahmad led a fight against Egyptian and British forces in Sudan

        • Led to resistance to European rule and exploitation of local resources 

        • Mahdist state was established in Sudan but the British later defeated them

      • Zulu Wars

        • Southern Africa - British vs Zulu kingdom

        • British wanted to expand control, including Zulu kingdom

        • Zulu won at first, but British ultimately won and took control of Zulu land

    • Resistance influenced by religion 

      • Xhosa Cattle Killing Movement

        • Xhosa people in South Africa killed their cattle and destroyed their crops in beliefs to drive the British away 

        • Many religious leaders led the movement

        • Resulted in famine and increased British control

          • Was not successful 

      • Ghost Dance

        • Religious movement from Native American communities in the US

        • Aimed to restore Native American culture and resist new US government policies

        • Led to Wounded Knee Massacre 

    • Formation of new states to resist imperialism

      • Balkan states

        • Balkans wanted independence from the Ottoman Empire

        • Nationalism was a driving force 

        • Tensions worked toward outbreak of World War I

      • Cherokee Nation

        • Forced relocation (Trail of Tears) by the US government

        • Resisted and fought legal battles for their rights led to creation of sovereign Native American government 

      • Sokoto Caliphate 

        • Founded in west Africa, Islamic state formed by Usman dan Fodio

        • Resisted both European and internal enemies until fell under british control

  • Political shifts around 1900

    • Domination of the political order by the West 

      • Western powers dominated global politics in late 19th and early 20th centuries

        • Through imperialism, economic influence, and military force

    • Decline of older, land-based empires such as the Qing, Ottoman, and Russia

      • Qing Dynasty, Ottoman empire, and Russia, faced internal and external challenges, leading to eventual decline 

      • Couldn't adapt to industrialization, nationalism, or power of the west

  • Qing Dynasty

    • Causes of decline

    • Opium Wars

      • with Britain, forced China to open foreign trade

    • Spheres of Influence 

      • in China, European powers and Japan had control over certain regions

    • Self-strengthening movement 1861-1895 → tried to reform but failed

    • Boxer Rebellion 1900 → anti-imperialist, anti-christian uprising that was crushed by an internal force

  • Ottoman Empire

    • Causes of decline

    • Tanzimat Reforms 1839-1876

      • Efforts to modernize, but faced resistance from conservatives and religious leaders

      • Nationalism among Balkan states and European imperialism weakened the empire

      • Defensive modernization/ Islamic modernism 

        • Attempt to adopt western technology and reforms against European threats

      • Examples of reforms

      • Backlash to reforms

        • Young Turks

          • Group of reformers who sought to modernize the empire but also contributed to its eventual collapse 

  • Meiji Restoration in Japan 1868-1912

    • Causes 

      • Decline of Tokugawa shogunate → after pressure of Western powers (US)

      • Desire to modernize Japan to resist Western imperialism

    • Reforms

      • Political: abolition of Tokugawa system, adoption of a constitution (1889)

      • Economic: industrialization, railroads, telegraphs

      • Social: education system modernized, western style military was established

      • Westernization: legal system, clothing, architecture

    • Japanese Imperialism 

      • Japan asserted itself as an imperial Power after First Sino-Japanese War and the Russo Japanese War
