Chapter 6 Review DEFINE: 1.Immunology- the study of the immune system, its structures, functions, disorders, and diseases. 2. Pathogen- organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoa and viruses that cause disease. 3.antibodies- the most important components of your immune system which act like the "soldiers" of the immune system. 4.Pathology- the medical discipline that provides diagnostic information to patients and clinicians 5.Acute-a disease that is severe but lasts only a short time or occurs suddenly. 6.Chronic-a disease that lasts for a long time or tends to reoccur often 7.communicable- infectious diseases that can be spread from person to person. 8.non communicable- infectious diseases that cannot be spread from person to person 9.bacteria- microscopic single celled organisms 10.Virus- a tiny capsule of genetic information that can reprogram a living cell to create new virus particles instead of the cell's normal products 11.protozoa- microscopic, single celled creatures that resemble miniature animals. 12.Vector- an animal that transmits an infection 13.Immunity- a condition of resistance to a particular disease or pathogen. 14.Vaccine- a substance that stimulates the immune system into developing an acquired immunity to a particular disease. 15.Tumor- a mass of rapidly reproducing cells 16.Quadriplegic-a person who has impaired mobility in both arms and legs 17.Arrhythmia- any condition in which the normal rhythm of the heart is impaired 18.Ulcer- an open sore in one of the body's membranes. 19.blood-brain barrier- the tightly sealed lining of blood vessels in the central nervous system that prevents most pathogens and harmful substances from entering the brain or cerebral-spinal fluid
heart- cardiologist
skin- dermatologist
blood- hematologist
nerves- neurologist
urinary tract- urologist 6.specialist for kidneys- nephrologist
EXPLAIN: 1.Noninfectious diseases are not caused by pathogens. Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens. 2.Benign tumors are not cancerous, can cause health problems if they occur in important organs. Malignant tumors are cancerous and grow uncontrollably. 3.AIDS, and HIV
ANALYZE: 1.diseased condition" -iasis 2."disease"-osis and pathy 3.refers to the the bones- osteo 4."without"- an 5.refers to cancer- carcino 6.refers to a tumor-oma 7.refers to the heart- cardio 8.’’gums"-gingiva 9."liver"-hepat or hepato 10.refers to the lungs- pneunom 11.refers to the urinary tract- ur or uro
IDENTIFY: 1.the most important part of the immune system- leukocytes 2.the name for tissue fluid once it enters the lymph capillaries- lymph 3.the five primary ways that infectious diseases are spread -airborne pathogens -contaminated surfaces -direct contact -infected animals -contaminated food and water 4.the three types of immunity: acquired, inborn, and species 5.four broad groups of cancers: carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, and leukemias. 6.the most common infectious disease in man- hepatitis 7.the most common serious brain disorder- epilepsy