Eng Checkpoint P2 Apr 2020

Document Overview

  • Type: Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint English 1111/02 Paper 2 Fiction

  • Date: April 2020

  • Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes

  • Total Marks: 50


  • Answer all questions on the question paper.

  • Use a black or dark blue pen.

  • Write personal information (name, centre number, candidate number) in the designated boxes.

  • Use the provided space for your answers.

  • No erasable pens or correction fluid allowed.

  • Avoid writing on barcodes.

Section A: Reading

  • Duration: 30 minutes

  • Read passages provided in the insert and answer questions 1–14.

Questions Overview

  1. Reference of "thing" (line 1): Identify what "thing" refers to. [1 mark]

  2. Literary features: Describe three literary features that create atmosphere in the prologue (lines 1–3). [3 marks]

  3. Surface reference: Identify the two things that the word "surface" (line 6) refers to. [2 marks]

  4. Prologue evidence: Provide two pieces of evidence indicating a bad event that will happen based on the prologue (lines 1–8). [2 marks]

  5. Barber's whistling: Explain why the boy feels glad about the barber whistling (lines 9–13). [1 mark]

  6. Emphasis on heat: Give two ways the writer uses structure and punctuation to emphasize heat in the sentence "I wonder why she's buying them – it is so hot." (line 19). [2 marks]

  7. Tick two items: What does the boy mean by ticking off the last two items from the list? [2 marks]

  8. Boy's attitude: What does the one-word sentence "Anything." indicate about the boy’s attitude toward Sible Hedingham? [1 mark]

  9. Hidden phrases: Provide two phrases from lines 27–31 expressing the same idea as something "hidden for now". [2 marks]

  10. Mother's happy appearance: Gather two quotations from lines 32–45 showing the mother’s effort to appear happy. [2 marks]

  11. Language features: Identify two language features in the phrase "Her bangles clang and clank in the silence." (lines 39–40). [2 marks]

  12. Mother's promise: What promise does the mother want the boy to make? [1 mark]

  13. Affection quotations: Give two quotations showing the mother’s affection for the boy and explain each. [2 marks]

  14. Viewpoints: Identify the viewpoint in the prologue and chapter 1. [2 marks]

Section B: Writing

  • Duration: 30 minutes

  • Prompt: Continuation of the story starting with Carlos walking home on a tree-lined road at dusk, hearing a strange voice from the darkness behind trees.

  • Considerations for writing:

    • Content of the voice

    • Carlos’s reaction

    • What happens next

  • Space provided for planning, story to be written on the next page. [25 marks]

Blank Pages

  • Pages 6 and 7 are blank and do not contain any content.

Copyright Notice

  • The document includes a notice about copyright issues pertaining to reproduced materials.
