Type: Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint English 1111/02 Paper 2 Fiction
Date: April 2020
Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes
Total Marks: 50
Answer all questions on the question paper.
Use a black or dark blue pen.
Write personal information (name, centre number, candidate number) in the designated boxes.
Use the provided space for your answers.
No erasable pens or correction fluid allowed.
Avoid writing on barcodes.
Duration: 30 minutes
Read passages provided in the insert and answer questions 1–14.
Reference of "thing" (line 1): Identify what "thing" refers to. [1 mark]
Literary features: Describe three literary features that create atmosphere in the prologue (lines 1–3). [3 marks]
Surface reference: Identify the two things that the word "surface" (line 6) refers to. [2 marks]
Prologue evidence: Provide two pieces of evidence indicating a bad event that will happen based on the prologue (lines 1–8). [2 marks]
Barber's whistling: Explain why the boy feels glad about the barber whistling (lines 9–13). [1 mark]
Emphasis on heat: Give two ways the writer uses structure and punctuation to emphasize heat in the sentence "I wonder why she's buying them – it is so hot." (line 19). [2 marks]
Tick two items: What does the boy mean by ticking off the last two items from the list? [2 marks]
Boy's attitude: What does the one-word sentence "Anything." indicate about the boy’s attitude toward Sible Hedingham? [1 mark]
Hidden phrases: Provide two phrases from lines 27–31 expressing the same idea as something "hidden for now". [2 marks]
Mother's happy appearance: Gather two quotations from lines 32–45 showing the mother’s effort to appear happy. [2 marks]
Language features: Identify two language features in the phrase "Her bangles clang and clank in the silence." (lines 39–40). [2 marks]
Mother's promise: What promise does the mother want the boy to make? [1 mark]
Affection quotations: Give two quotations showing the mother’s affection for the boy and explain each. [2 marks]
Viewpoints: Identify the viewpoint in the prologue and chapter 1. [2 marks]
Duration: 30 minutes
Prompt: Continuation of the story starting with Carlos walking home on a tree-lined road at dusk, hearing a strange voice from the darkness behind trees.
Considerations for writing:
Content of the voice
Carlos’s reaction
What happens next
Space provided for planning, story to be written on the next page. [25 marks]
Pages 6 and 7 are blank and do not contain any content.
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