questions to consider
what continuities are there between previous emperors’ and Justinian’s reigns?
what is a ‘Byzantine Empire‘? Is it different from the Roman Empire?
how did the East maintain unity when the West did not?
what does the perseverance of a Byzantine Greek presence in Italy tell us about divisions between East and West?
the eastin the mid-fifth century
military equilibrium
Sassanian Persia
Theodosius II (r. 402-405)
Theodosian code 438
tensions between emperors and patriarchs
John Chrysostom (404)
Nestorios (431)
religious councils
Ephesus (431) and Chalcedon (4the 51)
Monophysite Christians
the late fifth-century East
political hegemony in Balkans
challenges from strongmen
Aspar (Master of the Military 457-71)
Emperor Leo I (457-74)
Zeno (7. 474-5; 476-491)
political rivalries
Huns and Goths
equilibrium and stability in the sixth-century East
Greek language and culture
Leo I (r.457-474)
Anastasius I (491-518)
efficient bureaucracy and tax collection
funded by public works and state armies
long-distance commerce
the emperor under Justinian (r. 527-565)
legal reforms
525 -revival of Theodoian Code
529-534 - Corpus Iuris Civilis
challenges to his reign
religious policies
closure of Platonic Academy (529)
Second Council of Constantinople (533)
Nika Riots (532)
wars with Persia (527-32; 540-45)
Urban Renewal in Constantinople
Hagia Sophia
desire to reclaim Rome
important to see the Byzantine attempt to reclaim the West not as an Eastern conquest
it was less than 100 years since Odovacan was crowned King of Italy
it was a reclamation and revival of Old Rome
The City of Rome was central to the idea of empire despite strategic unimportance
General Belisarius (c. 500-565) and the reconquest of the west
conquest of Vandal North Africa in 534
Southern Italy
Totila (r. 541-552)
destruction of economy
took Rome and Ravenna by 554
Visigothic Spain 550s
Rome and the East
Ravenna capital of the West
rome’s city politics are not central to the imperial government
rome’s bishops not yet imperial figures
sith-century Ravenna: a Byzantine outpost in the west
Western capital in 402
capital of Ostrogoths
Gothic War (535-554
Lombard interlude (568-751)
exarchate of Ravenna (584-751)
ties with Rome’s bishops
the West and East were now two different political spheres
we can still speak of a Mediterranean unity (sort of)
while Rome did not fall, it looked very different from the Rome of Augustus
it will face new challenges in the seventh century