Unit 7 APHG test study guide

1Where residents of rural settlements work - agriculture 

2primate city distribution - A primate city is a city more than twice the population of the second-ranking settlement. (If a country's largest city has 1,000,000 inhabitants and the second largest city has 200,000 inhabitants, the country follows what distribution? Primate City. )

3Central Place Theory - Geographers use central place theory to help explain why consumer services follow a regular pattern based on size of settlements, with larger settlements offering not only more consumer services but also more specialized ones. Geographer Walter Christaller proposed the concept of a central place in the 1930s. (Less numerous and farther apart.)

4The most prominent structure in the ancient city of Athens - (Parthenon)

5(central business district). - The central business district takes up less than 1 percent of the urban land area, yet contains a large percentage of the services offered in the city. Three types include public, business, and consumer services.

6concentric zone model - Created in 1923 by sociologist E.W. Burgess. First model to explain the distribution of different social groups within urban areas. Model suggests that a city grows outward from a central area (in a series of concentric rings.)

8How the U.S. government has encouraged the use of cars -( build interstate highways)

9What city declined from 1.8 million inhabitants in 1950 to 700,000 in 2010. - (Detroit). Filed for bankruptcy in 2013.

10(Gentrification). - Gentrification is the process by which middle-class people move into deteriorated inner-city neighborhoods and renovate the housing.

11What percentage in the US are in consumer services - (50%)

12The settlement where Most people in the world live - (urban settlement)

13(hinterland). -  the area surrounding a service

14 (Range) - maxim distance people are willing to travel for service

15(rank-size rule.) - hierarchical listing 

16 example of a settlement that specializes in public services. - (state capital) 

17(basic industry.) - service that sells to people outside

18 Social area analysis - (the distribution of different types of people in an urban area)

19 What is the city plus its surrounding built-up suburbs - (urbanized area)

Residents of rural settlements are more likely than residents of urban settlements to

work in 

: agriculture

If a country's largest city has 1,000,000 inhabitants and the second-largest city has

200,000 inhabitants, the country follows what distribution? 

: Primate city

Central Place Theory predicts larger settlements are 

: less numerous and farther apart.

The most prominent structure in the ancient city of Athens was the ________, which still

overlooks the city 

: Parthenon

In a simplified model of a city, the zone where retail and office activities are clustered is


: central business district

According to the concentric zone model, a city develops in a series of 

: rings

British cities are surrounded by open spaces known as 

: greenbelts

The U.S. government has encouraged the use of cars in part by 

: building interstate highways.

The city of ________ declined from 1.8 million inhabitants in 1950 to 700,000 in 2010. 

: Detroit

A process of converting a neighborhood from low-income to middle-class or upper-class


: gentrification

In the United States about ________ of all jobs are in consumer services 

: 50 percent

Most people in the world live in what type of settlement? 

: urban settlement

The area surrounding a service from which customers are attracted is the 

: hinterland

The maximum distance people are willing to travel for a service is 

: range

The hierarchical listing of settlements by size is known as the 

: rank-size rule

A ________ is an example of a settlement that specializes in public services. 

: state capital

A firm that sells its products primarily to consumers outside its settlement is a 

: basic industry

Social area analysis attempts to explain

 : the distribution of different types of people in an urban area.

The city plus its surrounding built-up suburbs is the 

: urbanized area

Many of the poor on the periphery of cities in less developed countries live in areas

known as 

: squatter settlements

Sprawl is the 

: development of new housing sites not contiguous to the existing built-up


A legal form of segregation in U.S. cities is achieved through 

: zoning

The process includes subdividing a house from single-family owner occupancy to

multiple occupancy is 

: filtering

A process by which banks designate an area within which they refuse to lend money for

improvements is 

: redlining

Megalopolis refers to

: adjacent, overlapping Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
