One of the greatest treasures of the early Irish church
Part of the objects found in the 19th century by a man digging for potatoes in Ardagh Co, Limerick
Used for Dispensing Eucahristic wine during Mass
Bowl and Foot are made of spun silver
Decorated with applied gold, silver, glass, amber, enamel
Underside of foot highly decorated
Rock crystal in the center
Recalls the late Roman tableware
The names of 11 apostles and St. Paul are inscribed below the band of gold filigree
Incensed animals decoration below the handles
Represents a high point in Medieval craftsmanship
Made to encase a fragment of the True Cross that was brought to Ireland (cross Jesus was crucified on)
Designed for professional use, possibly just used as an altar cross though
Oak core covered by cast bronze
Decorated with gold filigree, silver sheeting, silver inlay, glass, and enamel
Large rock crystal (quartz) in the center
Fragment inside has been lost over time
One of the greatest European art works of the time
Culmination of the earlier celtic style of decoration of the 8th and 9th century
With added enrichment of the Viking style of the 11th and 12th
Another cross is found incised on the oak core
Symbol of the true cross
Commission by Turlough O'Connor, High King of Ireland, when he received the fragment of the true cross from the pope
Was housed at the Church on Cong for a long time
Prayers inscribed on the cross
All in Irish except one that is in Latin
High cross from the 9th or 10th century Located at ruined monastic site
Locally known as the South Cross
Most impressive surviving example of early medieval Irish stonework
Made of Sandstone - soft stone leading to the rounded appearance of carvings over time
Muiredach had the cross made (inscription says so)
Either one of the monastery's most celebrates abbot or a King whose territory included the monastery
Cross is divided into panels
All are decorated with carvings
Biblical themes are dominant
Geometric shapes and interlace ornaments also present
124 people on the cross
Only one is not bare headed - Goliath who is wearing a helmet
4 people with beards - Adam, Cainm Moses, Saul
East Face of Cross panels
1. Two hermit saints holding bread (Anthony and Paul)
6. Not sure, maybe soul being carried by angel?
7. Last Judgement
8. Devil (Michael) and Human weighing a soul
9. Adoration of Magi (visitation of the wise men)
10. Moses drawing water from rock
11. Battle of David and Goliath
12. Double panel
Adam and Eve
First Murder: Cain and Abel (Adam and Eve’s sons)
Cain kills Abel
West Face Panels
1a. Moses on Mount Sinai
11. Crucifixion
13. Ascending Christ?
14. Doubting Thomas
15. Seizure of Christ
Illustrated manuscript and celtic gospel in latin
Contains 4 gospels of the New Testament with various prefatory text and tables
Illustrations and ornamentation surpass those of other gospel books in extravagance and complexity
Combines traditional Christian iconography with motifs of Insular Art (interlacing bands…)
Pages made of calf vellum (skin)
Lettering in iron-gall ink
Bell Shrine reliquary (holds relics)
Made to contain a c.500 hand-bell associated with the Irish Patron Saint Saint Patrick
Both objects are historically significant
Bell - very early medieval artifact
Shrine - high point of Irish metalwork from Insular and early Romanesque period
Dates to c.500
Formed from two sheets of iron riveted together
Dipped in melted bronze
Split between upper crest and main body
Decorated by complex open work and geometric
cross patterns
Crest and Front
Top of crest in lined with hollow gilt bronze cap with extending wings terminating in animal heads
Two comforted birds
Main body built from silver panels
Once held 30 panels of gold filigree
Many have been damaged or lost
Sides and Reverse
Sides contain a pair of openwork silver and gilt panels filled with interlace
Each have a perforated cube and rings that had carrying chains attached
The base plate is loose and could be slid open to remove the bell
Back lacks bilateral symmetry like the sides and front
Lacks “circle and cross” patterns like the front