abdomin/o | abdomen |
aliment/o | nourishment; nutrition |
an/o | anus |
append/o, appendic/o | appendix |
bil/i | bile; gall |
bucc/o | cheek |
cec/o | cecum (first part of large intestine) |
cheil/o | lip |
cholangi/o | bile; vessel |
chol/e | gall; bile |
cholecyst/o | gallbladder |
choledoch/o | common bile duct |
cirrh/o | orange-yellow |
col/o, colon/o | colon; large intestine |
cyst/o | cyst; fluid sac; bladder |
dent/i, dont/o | tooth |
dips/o | thirst |
duoden/o | duodenum (first part of small intestine) |
diverticul/o | diverticulum |
enter/o | intestines (usually the small intestine) |
esophag/o | esophagus |
gastr/o | stomach |
gingiv/o | gums |
gloss/o | tongue |
gluc/o, glyc/o | sugar; glucose |
hemat/o, hem/o | blood |
hepat/o | liver |
herni/o | hernia |
ile/o | ileum (third part of small intestine) |
inguin/o | groin |
jaund/o | yellow |
jejun/o | jejunum (second part of small intestine) |
labi/o | lip |
lapar/o | abdominal wall; abdomen |
ling/o | tongue |
lith/o | stone; calculus |
odont/o | tooth |
or/o | mouth |
pancreat/o | pancreas |
peritone/o | peritoneum (membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs) |
phag/o | eat; swallow; engulf |
pharyng/o | pharynx; throat |
proct/o | rectum; anus |
rect/o | rectum |
sial/o | saliva; salivary gland |
sigmoid/o | sigmoid colon; sigmoid |
splen/o | spleen |
stomat/o | mouth |
a-, an- | not; without |
de- | lack of; down; less; removal of |
dia- | through; complete |
dys- | painful; difficult |
endo- | in; within |
epi- | on; over; upon |
hypo- | below; below normal; deficient |
peri- | around; surrounding |
poly- | many; much |
post- | after; behind |
pre- | before; in front of |
sub- | below; under |
ultra- | beyond; excess |
-ac, -al, -ary, -eal, -ic | pertaining to |
-ase | enzyme |
-ation | process; condition |
-chezia | defecation; elimination of waste |
-clysis | irrigation; washing |
-ectomy | surgical removal; excision |
-emesis | vomiting |
-gen | substance that produces |
-ia | condition |
-iasis | abnormal condition |
-ist | specialist |
-itis | inflammation |
-megaly | enlargement |
-orexia | appetite |
-osis | process; abnormal condition |
-pepsia | digestion |
-pexy | surgical fixation |
-phagia | eating; swallowing |
-prandial | meal |
-rrhaphy | suture |
-rrhea | flow; excessive discharge |
-scope | instrument used to view |
-stalsis | contraction |
-stomy | surgical opening |
-tripsy | crushing |
-um, -us | structure; tissue; thing |
a.c., ac | before meals (from the Latin ante cibum) | BS | blood sugar; bowel sounds; breath sounds |
abd | abdominal | CAT | computerized axial tomography |
ATT PHYS | attending physician | CBC | complete blood count |
BM | bowel movement | CC | chief complaint |
BP | blood pressure | CT | computed tomography; computerized tomography |
CV | cardiovascular | NG, ng | nasogastric |
DM | diabetes mellitus | NPO; n.p.o. | nothing by mouth (from the Latin non per os) |
EGD | NS | nonsmoker | |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease | N/V | nausea and vomiting |
GI | gastrointestinal | p.c., pc | after meals (from the Latin post cibum) |
IBS | irritable bowel syndrome | PO; p.o. | by mouth (from the Latin per os) |
HAV | hepatitis A | PRN, p.r.n. | as needed (from the Latin pro re nata) |
HBV | hepatitis B | Pt, pt. | patient |
HCV | hepatitis C | Q4H | every four hours (from the Latin quaque quarta hora) |
K | potassium | R | rectal |
LGI | lower gastrointestinal | RLQ | right lower quadrant |
LLQ | left lower quadrant | RUQ | right upper quadrant |
LUQ | left upper quadrant | SOB | shortness of breath |
mg | milligram(s) | UGI | upper gastrointestinal |
Na | sodium | y/o | years old; year-old (as in 16-year-old) |