DECA Study

Instructional Area: Business Law (BL)

Standard: Understands business's responsibility to know, abide by, and enforce laws and

regulations that affect business operations and transactions

Performance Element: Acquire foundational knowledge of business laws and regulations to understand their nature and scope.

Performance Indicators:

Comply with the spirit and intent of laws and regulations (BL:163) (CS)

Discuss the nature of law and sources of law in the United States (BL:067) (SP)

Describe the United States' judicial system (BL:068) (SP)

Describe methods used to protect intellectual property (BL:051) (SP)

Describe legal issues affecting businesses (BL:001) (SP)

Performance Element: Understand the civil foundations of the legal environment of business to demonstrate knowledge of contracts.

Performance Indicators:

Identify the basic torts relating to business enterprises (BL:069) (SP)

Describe the nature of legally binding contracts (BL:002) (SP)

Performance Element: Explore the regulatory environment of United States' businesses to understand the diversity of regulations.

Performance Indicators:

Describe the nature of legal procedure (BL:070) (SP)

Discuss the nature of debtor-creditor relationships (BL:071) (SP)

Explain the nature of agency relationships (BL:072) (SP)

Discuss the nature of environmental law (BL:073) (SP)

Discuss the role of administrative law (BL:074) (SP)

Performance Element: Apply knowledge of business ownership to establish and continue business operations.

Performance Indicators:

Explain types of business ownership (BL:003) (CS)

Performance Element: Acquire knowledge of commerce laws and regulations to continue business operations.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of import/export law (BL:145) (SP)

Describe the nature of customs regulations (BL:126) (SP)

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Instructional Area: Communication Skills (CO)

Standard: Understands the concepts, strategies, and systems used to obtain and convey ideas

and information

Performance Element: Read to acquire meaning from written material and to apply the information to a task.

Performance Indicators:

Identify sources that provide relevant, valid written material (CO:054) (PQ)

Extract relevant information from written materials (CO:055) (PQ)

Apply written directions to achieve tasks (CO:056) (PQ)

Analyze company resources to ascertain policies and procedures (CO:057) (CS)

Performance Element: Apply active listening skills to demonstrate understanding of what is being said.

Performance Indicators:

Explain communication techniques that support and encourage a speaker (CO:082) (PQ)

Follow oral directions (CO:119) (PQ)

Demonstrate active listening skills (CO:017) (PQ)

Performance Element: Apply verbal skills to obtain and convey information.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of effective verbal communications (CO:147) (PQ)

Ask relevant questions (CO:058) (PQ)

Interpret others' nonverbal cues (CO:059) (PQ)

Provide legitimate responses to inquiries (CO:060) (PQ)

Give verbal directions (CO:083) (PQ)

Employ communication styles appropriate to target audience (CO:084) (CS)

Defend ideas objectively (CO:061) (CS)

Handle telephone calls in a businesslike manner (CO:114) (CS)

Participate in group discussions (CO:053) (CS)

Facilitate (lead) group discussions (CO:201) (SP)

Make oral presentations (CO:025) (SP)

Performance Element: Record information to maintain and present a report of business activity.

Performance Indicators:

Utilize note-taking strategies (CO:085) (CS)

Organize information (CO:086) (CS)

Select and use appropriate graphic aids (CO:087) (CS)

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Performance Element: Write internal and external business correspondence to convey and obtain information effectively.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of effective written communications (CO:016) (CS)

Select and utilize appropriate formats for professional writing (CO:088) (CS)

Edit and revise written work consistent with professional standards (CO:089) (CS)

Write professional emails (CO:090) (CS)

Write business letters (CO:133) (CS)

Write informational messages (CO:039) (CS)

Write inquiries (CO:040) (CS)

Write persuasive messages (CO:031) (SP)

Write executive summaries (CO:091) (SP)

Prepare simple written reports (CO:094) (SP)

Explain how digital communications (e.g., email, text messages, chats) exposes business to risk

(CO:202) (SP)

Adapt written correspondence to targeted audiences (CO:203) (SP)

Use data visualization techniques (e.g., infographics, heat-maps, dynamic model outputs) (CO:204)


Performance Element: Use social media to communicate with a business's stakeholders.

Performance Indicators:

Describe the impact of a person's social media brand on the achievement of organizational

objectives (CO:205) (CS)

Distinguish between using social media for business and personal purposes (CO:206) (CS)

Performance Element: Communicate with staff to clarify workplace objectives.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of staff communication (CO:014) (CS)

Choose and use appropriate channel for workplace communication (CO:092) (CS)

Participate in a staff meeting (CO:063) (CS)

Participate in problem-solving groups (CO:067) (CS)

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Instructional Area: Customer Relations (CR)

Standard: Understands the techniques and strategies used to foster positive, ongoing

relationships with customers

Performance Element: Foster positive relationships with customers to enhance company image.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of positive customer relations (CR:003) (CS)

Demonstrate a customer service mindset (CR:004) (CS)

Develop rapport with customers (CR:029) (CS)

Reinforce service orientation through communication (CR:005) (CS)

Respond to customer inquiries (CR:006) (CS)

Adapt communication to the cultural and social differences among clients (CR:019) (CS)

Interpret business policies to customers/clients (CR:007) (CS)

Build and maintain relationships with customers (CR:030) (SP)

Performance Element: Resolve conflicts with/for customers to encourage repeat business.

Performance Indicators:

Handle difficult customers (CR:009) (CS)

Handle customer/client complaints (CR:010) (CS)

Performance Element: Reinforce company's image to exhibit the company's brand promise.

Performance Indicators:

Identify company's brand promise (CR:001) (CS)

Determine ways of reinforcing the company's image through employee performance (CR:002) (CS)

Performance Element: Understand the nature of customer relationship management to show its

contributions to a company.

Performance Indicators:

Discuss the nature of customer relationship management (CR:016) (SP)

Explain the role of ethics in customer relationship management (CR:017) (SP)

Describe the use of technology in customer relationship management (CR:018) (SP)

Instructional Area: Economics (EC)

Standard: Understands the economic principles and concepts fundamental to business


Performance Element: Understand fundamental economic concepts to obtain a foundation for employment in business.

Performance Indicators:

Distinguish between economic goods and services (EC:002) (CS)

Explain the concept of economic resources (EC:003) (CS)

Describe the concepts of economics and economic activities (EC:001) (CS)

Determine economic utilities created by business activities (EC:004) (CS)

Explain the principles of supply and demand (EC:005) (CS)

Describe the functions of prices in markets (EC:006) (CS)

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Performance Element: Understand the nature of business to show its contributions to society.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the role of business in society (EC:070) (CS)

Describe types of business activities (EC:071) (CS)

Describe types of business models (EC:138) (SP)

Explain the organizational design of businesses (EC:103) (SP)

Discuss the global environment in which businesses operate (EC:104) (SP)

Describe factors that affect the business environment (EC:105) (SP)

Explain the nature of business ethics (EC:106) (SP)

Explain how organizations adapt to today's markets (EC:107) (SP)

Performance Element: Understand economic systems to be able to recognize the environments in which businesses function.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the types of economic systems (EC:007) (CS)

Identify the impact of small business/entrepreneurship on market economies (EC:065) (CS)

Explain the concept of private enterprise (EC:009) (CS)

Identify factors affecting a business's profit (EC:010) (CS)

Determine factors affecting business risk (EC:011) (CS)

Explain the concept of competition (EC:012) (CS)

Performance Element: Acquire knowledge of the impact of government on business activities to

make informed economic decisions.

Performance Indicators:

Determine the relationship between government and business (EC:008) (CS)

Describe the nature of taxes (EC:072) (SP)

Performance Element: Analyze cost/profit relationships to guide business decision-making.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the concept of productivity (EC:013) (CS)

Analyze impact of specialization/division of labor on productivity (EC:014) (SP)

Explain the concept of organized labor and business (EC:015) (SP)

Explain the impact of the law of diminishing returns (EC:023) (SP)

Performance Element: Understand economic indicators to recognize economic trends and


Performance Indicators:

Discuss the measure of consumer spending as an economic indicator (EC:081) (SP)

Describe the economic impact of inflation on business (EC:083) (SP)

Explain the concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (EC:017) (SP)

Discuss the impact of a nation's unemployment rates (EC:082) (SP)

Explain the economic impact of interest-rate fluctuations (EC:084) (SP)

Determine the impact of business cycles on business activities (EC:018) (SP)

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Performance Element: Understand global trade's impact to aid business decision-making.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of global trade (EC:016) (SP)

Discuss the impact of globalization on business (EC:109) (SP)

Describe the determinants of exchange rates and their effects on the domestic economy (EC:100)


Explain cultural considerations that impact global business relations (EC:110) (SP)

Discuss the impact of cultural and social environments on global trade (EC:045) (SP)

Describe the impact of electronic communication tools (e.g., Internet, video- and computerconferencing, webcasts, email) on global business activities (EC:111) (SP)

Explain the impact of major trade alliances on business activities (EC:112) (SP)

Describe the impact of the political environment on world trade (EC:113) (SP)

Explain the impact of geography on world trade (EC:114) (SP)

Describe the impact of a country's history on world trade (EC:115) (SP)

Explain the impact of a country's economic development on world trade (EC:116) (SP)

Discuss the impact of bribery and foreign monetary payments on business (EC:140) (SP)

Identify requirements for international business travel (e.g., passport, visa, proof of citizenship,

immunizations, and sponsorship letters) (EC:141) (SP)

Instructional Area: Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Standard: Understands techniques, strategies, and systems used to foster self-understanding and

enhance relationships with others

Performance Element: Foster self-understanding to recognize the impact of personal feelings on


Performance Indicators:

Describe the nature of emotional intelligence (EI:001) (PQ)

Explain the concept of self-esteem (EI:016) (PQ)

Recognize and overcome personal biases and stereotypes (EI:017) (PQ)

Assess personal strengths and weaknesses (EI:002) (PQ)

Assess personal behavior and values (EI:126) (PQ)

Performance Element: Develop personal traits to foster career advancement.

Performance Indicators:

Identify desirable personality traits important to business (EI:018) (PQ)

Exhibit self-confidence (EI:023) (PQ)

Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm (EI:020) (PQ)

Demonstrate initiative (EI:024) (PQ)

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Performance Element: Apply ethics to demonstrate trustworthiness.

Performance Indicators:

Demonstrate honesty and integrity (EI:022) (PQ)

Demonstrate responsible behavior (EI:021) (PQ)

Demonstrate fairness (EI:127) (PQ)

Assess risks of personal decisions (EI:091) (PQ)

Demonstrate ethical work habits (EI:004) (PQ)

Take responsibility for decisions and actions (EI:075) (PQ)

Build trust in relationships (EI:128) (CS)

Describe the nature of ethics (EI:123) (CS)

Explain reasons for ethical dilemmas (EI:124) (CS)

Recognize and respond to ethical dilemmas (EI:125) (CS)

Manage commitments in a timely manner (EI:077) (CS)

Develop tolerance for ambiguity (EI:092) (CS)

Performance Element: Exhibit techniques to manage emotional reactions to people and


Performance Indicators:

Exhibit a positive attitude (EI:019) (PQ)

Demonstrate self-control (EI:025) (PQ)

Explain the use of feedback for personal growth (EI:003) (PQ)

Adjust to change (EI:026) (PQ)

Performance Element: Identify with others' feelings, needs, and concerns to enhance

interpersonal relations.

Performance Indicators:

Respect the privacy of others (EI:029) (PQ)

Show empathy for others (EI:030) (PQ)

Maintain the confidentiality of others (EI:103) (CS)

Exhibit cultural sensitivity (EI:033) (CS)

Leverage personality types in business situations (EI:104) (SP)

Performance Element: Use communication skills to foster open, honest communications.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of effective communications (EI:007) (PQ)

Explain ethical considerations in providing information (EI:038) (SP)

Foster open, honest communication (EI:129) (SP)

Collaborate with others (EI:130) (SP)

Solicit feedback (EI:106) (SP)

Use social media to solicit new ideas and solutions (EI:107) (SP)

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Performance Element: Use communication skills to influence others.

Performance Indicators:

"Sell" ideas to others (EI:108) (SP)

Persuade others (EI:012) (SP)

Demonstrate negotiation skills (EI:062) (SP)

Performance Element: Manage stressful situations to minimize potential negative impact.

Performance Indicators:

Use appropriate assertiveness (EI:008) (PQ)

Use conflict-resolution skills (EI:015) (CS)

Explain the nature of office politics (EI:109) (CS)

Overcome problems and difficulties associated with office politics/turf wars (EI:095) (CS)

Explain the nature of stress management (EI:028) (SP)

Performance Element: Implement teamwork techniques to accomplish goals.

Performance Indicators:

Participate as a team member (EI:045) (CS)

Use consensus-building skills (EI:011) (SP)

Motivate team members (EI:059) (SP)

Performance Element: Employ leadership skills to achieve workplace objectives.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the concept of leadership (EI:009) (CS)

Explain the nature of ethical leadership (EI:131) (CS)

Model ethical behavior (EI:132) (CS)

Determine personal vision (EI:063) (CS)

Inspire others (EI:133) (CS)

Demonstrate adaptability (EI:006) (CS)

Develop an achievement orientation (EI:027) (CS)

Challenge the status quo (EI:134) (CS)

Lead change (EI:005) (CS)

Enlist others in working toward a shared vision (EI:060) (CS)

Coach others (EI:041) (CS)

Use power appropriately (EI:135) (SP)

Recognize/Reward others for their efforts and contributions (EI:014) (SP)

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Performance Element: Manage internal and external business relationships to foster positive


Performance Indicators:

Treat others with dignity and respect (EI:036) (PQ)

Foster positive working relationships (EI:037) (CS)

Consider conflicting viewpoints (EI:136) (CS)

Assess long-term value and impact of actions on others (EI:137) (SP)

Maintain collaborative partnerships with colleagues (EI:061) (SP)

Explain the impact of political relationships within an organization (EI:034) (SP)

Explain the nature of organizational culture (EI:064) (SP)

Interpret and adapt to a business's culture (EI:112) (SP)

Instructional Area: Entrepreneurship (EN)

Standard: Understands the concepts, processes, and skills associated with identifying new ideas,

opportunities, and methods and with creating or starting a new project or venture

Performance Element: Understand fundamental factors about entrepreneurship to recognize its

role and importance in the economy

Performance Indicators:

Describe the nature of entrepreneurship (EN:039) (SP)

Explain the role requirements of entrepreneurs and owners (EN:040) (SP)

Describe the use of business ethics in entrepreneurship (EN:044) (SP)

Describe small-business opportunities in international trade (EN:041) (SP)

Instructional Area: Financial Analysis (FI)

Standard: Understands tools, strategies, and systems used to maintain, monitor, control, and

plan the use of financial resources

Performance Element: Understand the fundamental principles of money needed to make

financial exchanges.

Performance Indicators:

Explain forms of financial exchange (cash, credit, debit, electronic funds transfer, etc.) (FI:058) (PQ)

Identify types of currency (paper money, coins, banknotes, government bonds, treasury notes, etc.)

(FI:059) (PQ)

Describe functions of money (medium of exchange, unit of measure, store of value) (FI:060) (PQ)

Describe sources of income and compensation (FI:061) (CS)

Explain the time value of money (FI:062) (CS)

Explain the purposes and importance of credit (FI:002) (CS)

Explain legal responsibilities associated with consumer financial products and services (FI:063) (CS)

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Performance Element: Analyze financial needs and goals to determine financial requirements.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the need to save and invest (FI:270) (CS)

Set financial goals (FI:065) (CS)

Develop personal budget (FI:066) (CS)

Determine personal net worth (FI:562) (CS)

Performance Element: Manage personal finances to achieve financial goals.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of tax liabilities (FI:067) (PQ)

Interpret a pay stub (FI:068) (PQ)

Write checks (FI:560) (PQ)

Maintain financial records (FI:069) (PQ)

Balance a bank account (FI:070) (PQ)

Explain the nature of charitable giving (FI:567) (PQ)

Manage online accounts (FI:830) (CS)

Calculate the cost of credit (FI:782) (CS)

Demonstrate the wise use of credit (FI:071) (CS)

Validate credit history (FI:072) (CS)

Make responsible financial decisions (FI:783) (CS)

Protect against identity theft (FI:073) (CS)

Pay bills (FI:565) (CS)

Apply for a consumer loan (FI:625) (SP)

Control debt (FI:568) (CS)

Prepare personal income tax forms (FI:074) (CS)

Discuss options for financing a college education (FI:831) (CS)

Discuss the nature of retirement planning (FI:569) (CS)

Explain the nature of estate planning (FI:572) (CS)

Performance Element: Understand the use of financial-services providers to aid in financial-goal


Performance Indicators:

Describe types of financial-services providers (FI:075) (CS)

Discuss considerations in selecting a financial-services provider (FI:076) (CS)

Performance Element: Use investment strategies to ensure financial well-being.

Performance Indicators:

Explain types of investments (FI:077) (CS)

Performance Element: Use risk management products to protect a business’s financial wellbeing.

Performance Indicators:

Describe the concept of insurance (FI:081) (CS)

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Performance Element: Identify potential threats and opportunities to protect financial wellbeing.

Performance Indicators:

Determine insurance needs (FI:571) (SP)

Performance Element: Acquire a foundational knowledge of accounting to understand its nature

and scope.

Performance Indicators:

Describe the need for financial information (FI:579) (CS)

Explain the concept of accounting (FI:085) (CS)

Discuss the role of ethics in accounting (FI:351) (SP)

Explain the use of technology in accounting (FI:352) (SP)

Explain legal considerations for accounting (FI:353) (SP)

Performance Element: Implement accounting procedures to track money flow and to determine

financial status.

Performance Indicators:

Describe the nature of cash flow statements (FI:091) (SP)

Explain the nature of balance sheets (FI:093) (SP)

Describe the nature of income statements (FI:094) (SP)

Performance Element: Acquire a foundational knowledge of finance to understand its nature and


Performance Indicators:

Explain the role of finance in business (FI:354) (CS)

Discuss the role of ethics in finance (FI:355) (SP)

Explain legal considerations for finance (FI:356) (SP)

Performance Element: Manage financial resources to ensure solvency.

Performance Indicators:

Describe the nature of budgets (FI:106) (SP)

Instructional Area: Human Resources Management (HR)

Standard: Understands the tools, techniques, and systems that businesses use to plan, staff, lead,

and organize its human resources

Performance Element: Understand the role and function of human resources management to

obtain a foundational knowledge of its nature and scope.

Performance Indicators:

Discuss the nature of human resources management (HR:410) (CS)

Explain the role of ethics in human resources management (HR:411) (SP)

Describe the use of technology in human resources management (HR:412) (SP)

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Performance Element: Manage staff growth and development to increase productivity and

employee satisfaction.

Performance Indicators:

Orient new employees (HR:360) (CS)

Instructional Area: Marketing (MK)

Standard: Understands the tools, techniques, and systems that businesses use to create

exchanges and satisfy organizational objectives

Performance Element: Understand marketing's role and function in business to facilitate

economic exchanges with customers.

Performance Indicators:

Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy (MK:001) (CS)

Describe marketing functions and related activities (MK:002) (CS)

Performance Element: Acquire foundational knowledge of customer/client/business behavior to

understand what motivates decision-making.

Performance Indicators:

Explain factors that influence customer/client/business buying behavior (MK:014) (SP)

Discuss actions employees can take to achieve the company's desired results (MK:015) (SP)

Demonstrate connections between company actions and results (e.g., influencing consumer buying

behavior, gaining market share, etc.) (MK:019) (SP)

Instructional Area: Information Management (NF)

Standard: Understands tools, strategies, and systems needed to access, process, maintain,

evaluate, and disseminate information to assist business decision-making

Performance Element: Use information literacy skills to increase workplace efficiency and


Performance Indicators:

Assess information needs (NF:077) (CS)

Obtain needed information efficiently (NF:078) (CS)

Evaluate quality and source of information (NF:079) (CS)

Draw conclusions based on information analysis (NF:278) (CS)

Apply information to accomplish a task (NF:080) (CS)

Store information for future use (NF:081) (CS)

Performance Element: Acquire a foundational knowledge of information management to

understand its nature and scope.

Performance Indicators:

Discuss the nature of information management (NF:110) (CS)

Explain the role of ethics in information management (NF:111) (SP)

Explain legal issues associated with information management (NF:076) (SP)

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Performance Element: Utilize information-technology tools to manage and perform work


Performance Indicators:

Identify ways that technology impacts business (NF:003) (PQ)

Explain the role of information systems (NF:083) (PQ)

Discuss principles of computer systems (NF:084) (PQ)

Use basic operating systems (NF:085) (PQ)

Describe the scope of the Internet (NF:086) (PQ)

Demonstrate basic e-mail functions (NF:004) (PQ)

Demonstrate personal information management/productivity applications (NF:005) (PQ)

Demonstrate basic web-search skills (NF:006) (PQ)

Demonstrate basic word processing skills (NF:007) (PQ)

Demonstrate basic presentation applications (NF:008) (PQ)

Demonstrate basic database applications (NF:009) (PQ)

Demonstrate basic spreadsheet applications (NF:010) (PQ)

Use an integrated business software application package (NF:088) (CS)

Demonstrate collaborative/groupware applications (NF:011) (CS)

Create and post basic web page (NF:042) (CS)

Collaborate on and aggregate complex internal documents to create a common voice (NF:215) (SP)

Performance Element: Maintain business records to facilitate business operations.

Performance Indicators:

Describe the nature of business records (NF:001) (SP)

Maintain customer records (NF:002) (SP)

Performance Element: Acquire information to guide business decision-making.

Performance Indicators:

Describe current business trends (NF:013) (SP)

Monitor internal records for business information (NF:014) (SP)

Conduct an environmental scan to obtain business information (NF:015) (SP)

Interpret statistical findings (NF:093) (SP)

Translate research findings into actionable business recommendations (NF:216) (SP)

Performance Element: Create and access databases to acquire information for business decisionmaking.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the principles of data analysis (NF:139) (SP)

Explain the nature of tools that can be used to access information in the database system (NF:140)


Access information in the database system (NF:141) (SP)

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Performance Element: Apply data mining methods to acquire pertinent information for business


Performance Indicators:

Discuss the nature of data mining (NF:148) (CS)

Describe data mining tools and techniques (NF:149) (SP)

Discuss the importance of ethics in data mining (NF:150) (SP)

Demonstrate basic data mining techniques (NF:151) (SP)

Interpret data mining findings (NF:152) (SP)

Instructional Area: Operations (OP)

Standard: Understands the processes and systems implemented to monitor, plan, and control the

day-to-day activities required for continued business functioning

Performance Element: Understand operation's role and function in business to value its

contribution to a company.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of operations (OP:189) (CS)

Discuss the role of ethics in operations (OP:190) (SP)

Describe the use of technology in operations (OP:191) (SP)

Performance Element: Adhere to health and safety regulations to support a safe work


Performance Indicators:

Describe health and safety regulations in business (OP:004) (PQ)

Report noncompliance with business health and safety regulations (OP:005) (PQ)

Performance Element: Implement safety procedures to minimize loss.

Performance Indicators:

Follow instructions for use of equipment, tools, and machinery (OP:006) (PQ)

Follow safety precautions (OP:007) (PQ)

Maintain a safe work environment (OP:008) (CS)

Explain procedures for handling accidents (OP:009) (CS)

Handle and report emergency situations (OP:010) (CS)

Performance Element: Implement security policies/procedures to minimize chance for loss.

Performance Indicators:

Explain routine security precautions (OP:013) (CS)

Follow established security procedures/policies (OP:152) (CS)

Protect company information and intangibles (OP:153) (CS)

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Performance Element: Comply with security rules, regulations, and codes (e.g., property, privacy,

access, confidentiality) to protect customer and company information, reputation, and image.

Performance Indicators:

Explain information privacy, security, and confidentiality considerations in business (OP:441) (CS)

Maintain data security (OP:064) (CS)

Performance Element: Acquire a foundational knowledge of project management to understand

its nature and scope.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of project management (OP:158) (SP)

Describe the role of ethics in project management (OP:675) (SP)

Performance Element: Utilize project management skills to improve workflow and minimize


Performance Indicators:

Plan project (OP:519) (CS)

Monitor projects and take corrective actions (OP:520) (CS)

Evaluate project success (OP:521) (CS)

Identify resources needed for project (OP:003) (SP)

Develop project plan (OP:001) (SP)

Apply project-management tools to monitor and communicate project progress (OP:002) (SP)

Evaluate project results (OP:159) (SP)

Performance Element: Implement purchasing activities to obtain business supplies, equipment,

resources, and services.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature and scope of purchasing (OP:015) (CS)

Place orders/reorders (OP:016) (CS)

Maintain inventory of supplies (OP:031) (CS)

Discuss the importance of utilizing ethical purchasing methods (OP:246) (SP)

Explain the impact of the purchasing process on productivity (OP:247) (SP)

Manage the bid process in purchasing (OP:160) (SP)

Select vendors (OP:161) (SP)

Evaluate vendor performance (OP:162) (SP)

Performance Element: Understand production's role and function in business to recognize its

need in an organization.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the concept of production (OP:017) (CS)

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Business Management and Administration Cluster for 2023-2024 HS DECA Exams (PQ, CS, SP)

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Performance Element: Implement quality-control processes to minimize errors and to expedite


Performance Indicators:

Identify quality-control measures (OP:163) (SP)

Utilize quality control methods at work (OP:164) (SP)

Describe crucial elements of a quality culture (OP:019) (SP)

Resolve problems with suppliers' quality issues (OP:652) (SP)

Performance Element: Implement expense-control strategies to enhance a business's financial


Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of overhead/operating costs (OP:024) (SP)

Explain employee's role in expense control (OP:025) (SP)

Performance Element: Implement organizational skills to improve efficiency and work flow.

Performance Indicators:

Organize and prioritize work (OP:228) (CS)

Coordinate work with that of team members (OP:230) (CS)

Coordinate activities with those of other departments (OP:196) (SP)

Performance Element: Maintain work flow to enhance productivity.

Performance Indicators:

Monitor and ensure completion of delegated tasks (OP:354) (SP)

Streamline work processes (OP:355) (SP)

Performance Element: Maintain property and equipment to facilitate ongoing business activities.

Performance Indicators:

Comply with policies and procedures for use of property and equipment (OP:442) (CS)

Performance Element: Understand supply chain management's role in business to appreciate its

contributions to efficiency and profitability.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the concept of supply chain (OP:443) (CS)

Explain the benefits of supply chain collaboration (OP:444) (SP)

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Instructional Area: Professional Development (PD)

Standard: Understands concepts, tools, and strategies used to explore, obtain, and develop in a

business career

Performance Element: Acquire self-development skills to enhance relationships and improve

efficiency in the work environment.

Performance Indicators:

Maintain appropriate personal appearance (PD:002) (PQ)

Demonstrate systematic behavior (PD:009) (PQ)

Set personal goals (PD:018) (CS)

Balance personal and professional responsibilities (PD:179) (SP)

Performance Element: Understand and follow company rules and regulations to maintain


Performance Indicators:

Adhere to company protocols and policies (PD:250) (CS)

Follow rules of conduct (PD:251) (CS)

Follow chain of command (PD:252) (CS)

Performance Element: Achieve organizational goals to contribute to company growth.

Performance Indicators:

Determine the nature of organizational goals (PD:254) (SP)

Ascertain employee's role in meeting organizational goals (PD:255) (SP)

Performance Element: Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the need for innovation skills (PD:126) (CS)

Make decisions (PD:017) (CS)

Demonstrate problem-solving skills (PD:077) (CS)

Demonstrate appropriate creativity (PD:012) (SP)

Use time-management skills (PD:019) (SP)

Performance Element: Participate in career planning to enhance job-success potential.

Performance Indicators:

Assess personal interests and skills needed for success in business (PD:013) (PQ)

Analyze employer expectations in the business environment (PD:020) (PQ)

Explain the rights of workers (PD:021) (PQ)

Identify sources of career information (PD:022) (CS)

Identify tentative occupational interest (PD:023) (CS)

Explain employment opportunities in business (PD:025) (CS)

Explain career opportunities in entrepreneurship (PD:066) (CS)

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Performance Element: Implement job-seeking skills to obtain employment.

Performance Indicators:

Utilize job-search strategies (PD:026) (PQ)

Complete a job application (PD:027) (PQ)

Interview for a job (PD:028) (PQ)

Write a follow-up letter after job interviews (PD:029) (CS)

Write a letter of application (PD:030) (CS)

Prepare a resume (PD:031) (CS)

Use networking techniques to identify employment opportunities (PD:037) (SP)

Performance Element: Utilize career-advancement activities to enhance professional


Performance Indicators:

Describe techniques for obtaining work experience (e.g., volunteer activities, internships) (PD:032)


Explain the need for ongoing education as a worker (PD:033) (PQ)

Explain possible advancement patterns for jobs (PD:034) (PQ)

Identify skills needed to enhance career progression (PD:035) (SP)

Utilize resources that can contribute to professional development (e.g., trade journals/periodicals,

professional/trade associations, classes/seminars, trade shows, and mentors) (PD:036) (SP)

Instructional Area: Strategic Management (SM)

Standard: Understands tools, techniques, and systems that affect a business's ability to plan,

control, and organize an organization/department

Performance Element: Recognize management's role to understand its contribution to business


Performance Indicators:

Explain the concept of management (SM:001) (CS)

Explain factors that affect management (SM:100) (SP)

Performance Element: Identify potential business threats and opportunities to protect a

business’s financial well-being.

Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature of risk management (SM:075) (SP)

Conduct a risk assessment of an event (SM:076) (SP)

Business Administration Core Briefing Document

This document provides a briefing on the key themes and concepts outlined in the provided excerpts related to the Business Administration Core for the 2023-2024 High School DECA Exams. It covers multiple instructional areas, including Business Law, Communication Skills, Customer Relations, Economics, Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Financial Analysis, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Information Management, Operations, Professional Development, and Strategic Management.

I. Overarching Themes:

  • Foundational Knowledge is Key: The document emphasizes acquiring foundational knowledge in various business areas. This is evident across all instructional areas, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of core principles. Examples include: "Acquire foundational knowledge of business laws and regulations to understand their nature and scope." and "Acquire a foundational knowledge of accounting to understand its nature and scope."

  • Practical Application: The document focuses not only on theoretical understanding but also on applying knowledge to real-world business situations. This is reflected in performance elements like "Apply knowledge of business ownership to establish and continue business operations" and "Apply written directions to achieve tasks."

  • Ethical Considerations: Ethics are a recurring theme across multiple instructional areas. This underscores the importance of ethical conduct in business decision-making. Examples include: "Discuss the role of ethics in customer relationship management," "Describe the use of business ethics in entrepreneurship," and "Discuss the role of ethics in accounting."

  • Technology Integration: The role of technology in various aspects of business is emphasized. This signifies the need for students to understand and utilize technology effectively. Examples include: "Describe the use of technology in customer relationship management," "Explain the use of technology in accounting," and "Identify ways that technology impacts business."

  • Customer-Centric Approach: Building and maintaining positive customer relationships are highlighted as crucial for business success. Performance elements focus on "Foster positive relationships with customers to enhance company image" and "Resolve conflicts with/for customers to encourage repeat business."

  • Communication Proficiency: Effective communication is a core skill, encompassing reading, writing, listening, and verbal skills, as well as understanding nonverbal cues. The document emphasizes the ability to "Apply verbal skills to obtain and convey information" and "Write internal and external business correspondence to convey and obtain information effectively."

  • Adaptability and Change Management: The ability to adjust to change and navigate ambiguity is emphasized, particularly in the Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Economics (EC) sections, reflecting the dynamic nature of the business environment.

II. Key Concepts and Ideas by Instructional Area:

  • Business Law (BL): Understanding the legal and regulatory environment, including contracts, intellectual property, and debtor-creditor relationships. It highlights the need to "Comply with the spirit and intent of laws and regulations."

  • Communication Skills (CO): Focuses on effective written, verbal, and nonverbal communication, including active listening, public speaking, and adapting communication to different audiences. The risks associated with digital communication are also mentioned: "Explain how digital communications (e.g., email, text messages, chats) exposes business to risk."

  • Customer Relations (CR): Building rapport, resolving conflicts, reinforcing the company's brand promise, and understanding customer relationship management (CRM).

  • Economics (EC): Understanding basic economic principles like supply and demand, economic systems, the role of government, and the impact of global trade. Also understanding various impacts on the domestic economy and world trade.

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI): Developing self-awareness, managing emotions, fostering empathy, using effective communication, and employing teamwork and leadership skills. Focuses on building ethical considerations.

  • Entrepreneurship (EN): Understanding the nature of entrepreneurship and the role requirements of entrepreneurs, including the use of business ethics.

  • Financial Analysis (FI): Managing personal and business finances, understanding financial services, investment strategies, risk management, and accounting principles. The need to "Set financial goals" and "Develop personal budget" are specifically mentioned.

  • Human Resources Management (HR): Managing staff growth and development, including orienting new employees. Focuses on the need to "Discuss the nature of human resources management."

  • Marketing (MK): Understanding marketing's role in a global economy, marketing functions, and factors influencing customer buying behaviour.

  • Information Management (NF): Using information literacy skills, managing information-technology tools, maintaining business records, and applying data mining techniques. It also includes the importance of ethics in data mining: "Discuss the importance of ethics in data mining."

  • Operations (OP): Understanding operations' role in business, adhering to health and safety regulations, implementing security procedures, and utilizing project management skills. Focuses on the need to "Explain the nature of operations."

  • Professional Development (PD): Acquiring self-development skills, following company rules, utilizing critical-thinking skills, and participating in career planning. It highlights the importance of "Assess personal interests and skills needed for success in business."

  • Strategic Management (SM): Recognizing management's role and identifying business threats and opportunities, including risk management.

III. Performance Indicators & Actionable Insights:

Each instructional area includes specific performance indicators, which serve as actionable goals for students. These indicators range from basic comprehension ("Explain the nature of effective verbal communications") to more advanced skills ("Apply project-management tools to monitor and communicate project progress"). The indicators are tagged with codes (PQ, CS, SP) indicating the type of assessment or context (Preliminary Questions, Case Study, Simulation).

IV. Conclusion:

This document provides a structured overview of the Business Administration Core, emphasizing the importance of foundational knowledge, practical application, ethical considerations, and technological proficiency. The performance indicators offer a clear roadmap for students to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the business world. The focus on communication, customer relations, and emotional intelligence highlights the importance of interpersonal skills in addition to technical expertise.

Business Administration Core Study Guide

I. Quiz

Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  • What is the primary purpose of business law and regulations, and how do they benefit business operations?

  • Explain the difference between economic goods and services, providing an example of each.

  • Why is it important for a business to understand and adapt to the cultural and social differences among its clients?

  • Describe two ways technology has impacted business and describe one potential risk.

  • What role does emotional intelligence play in effective leadership, and why is it important for managers to develop this skill?

  • Explain the concept of "time value of money" and its relevance in financial decision-making.

  • Why is it important for a company to have a clearly defined brand promise?

  • Describe two different types of investments, including a benefit of each.

  • What is the importance of information management for small and large businesses?

  • Why is it important to have a solid understanding of the supply chain?

Quiz Answer Key

  • Business law and regulations provide a framework for ethical and legal business conduct, ensuring fair practices and protecting the rights of businesses and consumers. They benefit business operations by creating a stable environment for transactions and preventing disputes.

  • Economic goods are tangible items that satisfy a want or need, like a car or a loaf of bread. Economic services are intangible activities that provide benefit to consumers, such as a haircut or legal advice.

  • Understanding cultural and social differences enables businesses to tailor their products, services, and communication to meet specific customer needs and preferences. This builds rapport, fosters positive relationships, and enhances customer satisfaction.

  • Technology has made marketing faster, more precise and more widespread through social media, for example. It can also offer new innovations in a business's manufacturing process. A potential risk is the increased vulnerability to cyber security breaches.

  • Emotional intelligence enables leaders to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as recognise and respond to the emotions of others. This fosters empathy, effective communication, and strong interpersonal relationships, which are crucial for motivating and guiding teams.

  • The time value of money states that money available today is worth more than the same amount in the future due to its potential earning capacity. This principle is crucial for investment decisions, budgeting, and assessing the profitability of long-term projects.

  • A brand promise establishes a business's core values and unique selling proposition, setting clear expectations for customers and differentiating the company from competitors. A clearly defined brand promise helps to reinforce the company's image.

  • Stocks represent ownership in a company and offer the potential for high returns but also carry significant risk. Bonds are debt instruments that provide a fixed income stream and are generally considered lower risk than stocks.

  • Effective information management allows businesses to store, organize, and use information effectively for decision-making. This includes data security and keeping records accurately.

  • The supply chain involves all stages from material sourcing to the selling and delivery of a product or service. Understanding each of these steps allows businesses to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

II. Essay Questions

Instructions: Choose one of the following essay questions and write a well-structured essay that demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the provided materials.

  • Discuss the ethical considerations in entrepreneurship and financial management, providing examples of situations that may present ethical dilemmas. What strategies can businesses employ to uphold ethical standards in these areas?

  • Analyse the impact of globalization on business operations, highlighting the opportunities and challenges that businesses face in the global environment. How can businesses effectively navigate cultural differences, political risks, and economic fluctuations in global markets?

  • Evaluate the role of emotional intelligence and communication skills in building and maintaining positive customer relationships. How can businesses train their employees to demonstrate empathy, resolve conflicts, and adapt communication styles to diverse customer needs?

  • Explain the importance of strategic management and risk assessment in ensuring a business's long-term financial well-being. How can businesses identify potential threats and opportunities, develop effective risk mitigation strategies, and adapt to changing market conditions?

  • Discuss the role of technology in operations and information management. How can businesses effectively implement quality-control measures, and utilise project management skills to improve workflow and minimise costs?

III. Glossary of Key Terms

  • Administrative Law: The body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government.

  • Agency Relationship: A legal relationship in which one person (the agent) acts on behalf of another person (the principal).

  • Balance Sheet: A financial statement that reports a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.

  • Bribery: Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty.

  • Business Cycle: Recurring fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production.

  • Business Ethics: Moral principles that guide the conduct of businesses and their employees.

  • Competition: Rivalry among businesses trying to sell their goods and services to consumers.

  • Consensus-building: A process of finding common ground and reaching agreement among a group of people with different opinions or interests.

  • Copyright: A form of legal protection provided to the authors of original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, and certain other intellectual works.

  • Credit History: A record of a borrower's past borrowing and repayment activities.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Strategies, practices, and technologies that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle.

  • Data Mining: The process of discovering patterns and insights from large datasets.

  • Debtor-Creditor Relationship: A legal relationship between a borrower (debtor) and a lender (creditor) where the debtor owes money to the creditor.

  • Economic Indicators: Statistics that provide information about the performance of an economy.

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI): The ability to understand and manage one's own emotions, as well as recognize and respond to the emotions of others.

  • Entrepreneurship: The process of starting, organizing, and managing a business venture.

  • Environmental Law: A body of laws and regulations designed to protect the environment from pollution and other harmful activities.

  • Ethics: Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

  • Executive Summary: A brief overview of a longer report or proposal, summarizing the main points and recommendations.

  • Finance: The management of money, banking, investments, and credit.

  • Globalization: The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The total value of goods and services produced in a country during a specific period.

  • Human Resources Management (HRM): The management of a company's workforce, including recruitment, training, compensation, and employee relations.

  • Identity Theft: The fraudulent acquisition and use of a person's private identifying information, usually for financial gain.

  • Import/Export Law: Laws and regulations that govern the import and export of goods and services across international borders.

  • Income Statement: A financial statement that reports a company's financial performance over a period of time.

  • Inflation: A general increase in prices and a fall in the purchasing value of money.

  • Information Management: The collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences.

  • Insurance: A contract whereby one party (the insurer) agrees to compensate another party (the insured) for specified losses or damages.

  • Intellectual Property: Creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols, names, and images used in commerce.

  • Interest Rate: The proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower, typically expressed as an annual percentage.

  • Law of Diminishing Returns: The principle that at some point, adding an additional factor of production results in smaller increases in output.

  • Leadership: The process of influencing and guiding others towards a common goal.

  • Marketing: The process of creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers to satisfy their needs and wants.

  • Net Worth: The value of a person's assets minus their liabilities.

  • Note-taking Strategies: Techniques used to effectively capture and organize information from various sources, such as lectures, meetings, and written materials.

  • Operations: The activities involved in producing goods and services, including planning, organizing, and controlling resources.

  • Organized Labour: Associations of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and promote their common interests through collective bargaining with employers.

  • Organizational Culture: The values, beliefs, and norms that characterize an organization.

  • Overhead/Operating Costs: The expenses a business incurs to keep running, regardless of its success in selling a product or service.

  • Passport: An official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.

  • Persuasive Messages: Written or verbal communications aimed at convincing an audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action.

  • Private Enterprise: A business or industry that is managed by independent companies or private individuals rather than by the state.

  • Productivity: The efficiency with which goods and services are produced, measured as output per unit of input.

  • Profit: The financial gain realized when revenue exceeds expenses.

  • Project Management: The process of planning, organizing, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals within a defined timeframe.

  • Purchasing: The act of obtaining goods or services to accomplish a company's goals.

  • Resume: A brief account of a person's education, skills, work experience, and other qualifications for employment.

  • Risk Assessment: The systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that a business faces and developing strategies to mitigate those risks.

  • Risk Management: The process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks.

  • Self-Esteem: Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.

  • Specialization/Division of Labour: The separation of tasks in a production system so that participants may specialize.

  • Staff Communication: The exchange of information and ideas between management and employees within an organization.

  • Stress Management: Techniques used to cope with and reduce the negative effects of stress.

  • Supply and Demand: An economic model that determines the prices of goods and services based on availability and consumer desire.

  • Supply Chain: The network of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in delivering a product or service to a consumer.

  • Taxes: Compulsory contributions to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits.

  • Time Management Skills: Techniques and strategies used to effectively allocate and prioritize time to maximize productivity and achieve goals.

  • Tort: A civil wrong that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the tortious act.

  • Types of Investments: A range of financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate, purchased with the expectation of generating income or profit.

  • Unemployment Rate: The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed and actively seeking employment.

  • Visa: An endorsement on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period of time in a country.

  • Workplace Communication: The exchange of information and ideas between employees, management, and other stakeholders within a professional setting.
