Lord: having power, authority; a master or ruler.
Serf: laborer bound to work on his lord's estate.
Description of the Dark Ages (or Middle Ages).
Papers graded on:
Intro to Islam
Islamic Achievements
Byzantine Empire/Great Schism
The impact of the fall of the Roman Empire on Europe.
Pax Romana created stability, with loss of protection and rule of law after Rome's decline.
Resulted in danger on old Roman roads.
Quote from Æthelred’s Laws:
"Let every man know his lord and him whom he ought to serve..."
Discusses the importance of lord-serve relationships and obligations.
Quote from the 1360s:
Reflects a desire for honest labor over laziness of the lord.
Definition: The lord’s land (manor) was the basis for survival for peasants.
Lords provided housing, farmland, and protection.
Peasants worked the land and provided food in return.
The manor:
Wealthy landowners lived on their manors; serfs lived in smaller homes on the land.
The manor was often isolated from the village by walls.
Diagram: Lord's Castle, Village, Woodland, Serfs Homes, Cultivated Land, Fallow Land.
Breakdown of European society through Feudalism, predicated on land and loyalty:
Kings: Top of the structure, best treated.
Lords: Land-owning vassals to the king, fight for protection.
Knights: Warriors for lords, protect their land.
Serfs: Peasants at the bottom, working the land.
Land and loyalty as the basis of the system.
Lords provided land (fief) to knights for protection of their lands.
Reminder of duty to protect one’s lord and receive justice in return.
Introduction to units on the Catholic Church's influence and structure during the Middle Ages.
Established in Rome after Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity.
Christianity transitioned from illegal to the state religion in Rome.
Belief in Jesus as savior and the Bible as God's word.
The Pope as leader, representing authority over politics.
Financial contributions (10% of income) to the church.
Children sent to church for education and meals, training to become priests.
Selling of forgiveness for sins developed along with Protestantism in the 1500s.
Analyzing what was learned about Manorialism and the Catholic Church.
Historical significance, particularly in rights and liberties.
Important legal documents emphasizing limitations on kings.
Definition and characteristics of Gothic style including pointed arches and stained glass.
Contrast with Romanesque style known for semicircular arches.
Series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims, focusing on the control of Jerusalem.
Pope Urban II's motivations: religious fervor, power, and wealth.
Central city significant to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Recapture of Jerusalem and the eventual lost control by Christians after brief victories.
Description of the pandemic's origin and impact on Europe.
75-200 million people affected, significant mortality rates.
Carried primarily by fleas on rats, spread through trade routes.
Open discussion on theories regarding the end of the plague.
Shift in the feudal system and rise of the Renaissance period.
Importance of understanding various key terms and concepts relating to the Middle Ages, including Feudalism, Manorialism, and the Catholic Church.