The Middle Ages

    1. Vocabulary:

      • Lord: having power, authority; a master or ruler.

      • Serf: laborer bound to work on his lord's estate.

Introduction to the Middle Ages

  • Description of the Dark Ages (or Middle Ages).

Recent Graded Topics

  • Papers graded on:

    • Intro to Islam

    • Islamic Achievements

    • Byzantine Empire/Great Schism

The Fall of Rome

  • The impact of the fall of the Roman Empire on Europe.

    • Pax Romana created stability, with loss of protection and rule of law after Rome's decline.

    • Resulted in danger on old Roman roads.

Feudalism Defined

  • Quote from Æthelred’s Laws:

    • "Let every man know his lord and him whom he ought to serve..."

  • Discusses the importance of lord-serve relationships and obligations.

William Langland's Perspective

  • Quote from the 1360s:

    • Reflects a desire for honest labor over laziness of the lord.

Manorialism Overview

  • Definition: The lord’s land (manor) was the basis for survival for peasants.

    • Lords provided housing, farmland, and protection.

    • Peasants worked the land and provided food in return.

Structure of Manorialism

  • The manor:

    • Wealthy landowners lived on their manors; serfs lived in smaller homes on the land.

    • The manor was often isolated from the village by walls.

Visual Representation of Manorialism

  • Diagram: Lord's Castle, Village, Woodland, Serfs Homes, Cultivated Land, Fallow Land.

Understanding Feudalism

  • Breakdown of European society through Feudalism, predicated on land and loyalty:

    • Hierarchy:

      • Kings: Top of the structure, best treated.

      • Lords: Land-owning vassals to the king, fight for protection.

      • Knights: Warriors for lords, protect their land.

      • Serfs: Peasants at the bottom, working the land.

Feudalism Characteristics

  • Land and loyalty as the basis of the system.

    • Lords provided land (fief) to knights for protection of their lands.

Charlemagne's Quote

  • Reminder of duty to protect one’s lord and receive justice in return.

The Catholic Church

  • Introduction to units on the Catholic Church's influence and structure during the Middle Ages.

The Origin of the Catholic Church

  • Established in Rome after Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity.

  • Christianity transitioned from illegal to the state religion in Rome.

Core Beliefs of Catholicism

  • Belief in Jesus as savior and the Bible as God's word.

  • The Pope as leader, representing authority over politics.

Church Finances and Society

  • Tithes:

    • Financial contributions (10% of income) to the church.

  • Education:

    • Children sent to church for education and meals, training to become priests.


  • Selling of forgiveness for sins developed along with Protestantism in the 1500s.

Topic Review

  • Analyzing what was learned about Manorialism and the Catholic Church.

The Magna Carta

  • Historical significance, particularly in rights and liberties.

  • Important legal documents emphasizing limitations on kings.

Gothic and Romanesque Architecture

  • Definition and characteristics of Gothic style including pointed arches and stained glass.

  • Contrast with Romanesque style known for semicircular arches.

The Crusades Overview

  • Series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims, focusing on the control of Jerusalem.

  • Pope Urban II's motivations: religious fervor, power, and wealth.


  • Central city significant to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Outcomes of the Crusades

  • Recapture of Jerusalem and the eventual lost control by Christians after brief victories.

The Black Plague

  • Description of the pandemic's origin and impact on Europe.

    • 75-200 million people affected, significant mortality rates.

Spread of the Plague

  • Carried primarily by fleas on rats, spread through trade routes.

    • Open discussion on theories regarding the end of the plague.

Societal Changes Post-Plague

  • Shift in the feudal system and rise of the Renaissance period.

Revisions and Reminder

  • Importance of understanding various key terms and concepts relating to the Middle Ages, including Feudalism, Manorialism, and the Catholic Church.
