Untitled Flashcards Set

  1. Congenital disabilities are?

  1. Disabilities at birth or immediately after (not a result of accidents or injuries)

      2. Congenital Disabilites

  1. Less likely to experience trauma than people with other disablities. That’s all they know. 

3. Cerebral Palsey the most common type of congenital  disablity with mobility 

  1. Cerebral palsey

4. Incomplete spinol chord before birth is called?

  1. Spina Bifida 

5. What is Brital Bone Disease?

  1. Ostegensis imperfecta- those individuals gain dangerous doses of radiation  with lots of x-rays. Multiple levels of severity based on the level of mutations one has that inhibit collagen.  The level of collagen/ or lack of it leads to broken bones. 

6. Clients with dwarfism prefer to be called little people

  • Different types of dwarfisms leads to different life expectancies

7. Despite the ADA clients with disability of mobility are still excluded from public transportation in many cities despite progress

8. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is usually fatal

9. People with MS are usually in discomfort and handling extreme temperatures

10. Strokes are not only caused by blockages to the brain and deprive the brain of oxygen and they can cause personality changes or emotional outbursts.

11. What age group more diagnosed with Macular Degeneration?


12. Computers can have brail

13. Do not assume that people with visual disabilities have to rely on sighted people to make decisions. 

14. People with visual impairments are more likely to be taken advantage of than the general public

15.More likely to develop hearing impairments as we get older

16. Who is more likely to give cochlear implants? 

  • Hearing parents of deaf children

17. What’s prelingual deafness?

  • Deafness before language comes about. 

18. Do to the public concern with people who are deaf-blind (who is both deaf and blind). There’s not a lot of services for these people and don’t have same rich culture as people who are  deaf(fewer amounts of people

19. Disabilities of mobility impact things like walking and climbing stairs/lifting objects: it does not mean speaking.

20. What’s a mobility disablitiy that’s both aquired and congenital?

  • Amputation

21. People with cerebral palsy don’t have severe cognitive impairments. 

22. Spina Bifida- level of spinal stiffness/paralysis depends on how developed or complete the spinal cord was before birth. 

23. Multiple Sclerosis: have multiple symptoms. NOT rhumetoid arthiritis. Extreme fatigue, cannot see out of right eye.

24. A client who has full feeling in his chest and full use of your arms. L6?

25.  Risk of stroke: smoking, alcohol,birth control pill(not with how much mental energy you expend.)

26. Impacts the center field of vision 

  • Macular degeneration

27. Visual impairments related to aging

  • Macular degeneration

  • Cataract glaucoma 

28. Cataracts (fuzziness in both near and far

29. Guide dogs: giving the dog space like a working animal. Are NOT appropriate.

30. Assistance with visual impairments, might need help with:

  • Might need help with voice recognition software 

31. Blind people have been less oppressed compared to other disabilities. 

32. Blind people contribute to important things in history. Debunking myths. 

33. There is no treatment available with central deafness. 

34. A guy wears a hearing aid because he got sick with an illness but is able to hear with a hearing aid this is more neuro deafness. Someone who was a security guard is more likely to have conductive deafness (listening to loud music). 

35. Behaviors likely to be attributed to deaf child and are parents are also deaf: more likely to use touch and eye contact that is more communicative than hearing parents, experience grief differently, consult medical professionals, not going to fear the child’ll reject them. Use will use increased eye contact ot communicate with children

36. Late-onset deafness: Experience differently- may exclude themselves. Used to the hearing world. Not likely to use sign language, use differn methods of communication. 

37. Post-label deafness: Hearing lost after language is learned. 

38. Oralist argument: deaf people should integrate into mainstream culture as much as possible.

39. Who supports ASL?

  • Should embrace culture

  • Believe in ASL embrace your culture

40. Deaf people view time differently

  • Deaf people are more likely to sit in front of a venue

  • They’d leave early 

41. Contibrue to someone becoming blind deaf

  • Exposure to toxins

  •  (usher syndrome)

  • Scarlet fever 

42. Blind deaf more likely to get diagnosed with cognitive disabilities or mental disablities. 

43. Blind people face accssilbity issues. 

44. Common stereotypes people with visual disabilities:

  • Jealous of sighted people

  • Justified with being depressed 

  • Superheros with other senses

45. Four types of deaf blindness:

  1. Born deaf blind

  2. Born deaf and become blind

  3. Born blind and become deaf

  4. Not born with either but become both

46. Condition affecting boys in childhood:

  • Duchenne Muscular dystrophy

47. Many paths of progression can be remitting: multiple paths it can come back or go away

  • Multiple Sclerosis 

48. What condition treated with prosthetics?

  • Amputation

49. Loss of sensation after accident 

  • Spinal cord injury 

50. Progressive disease with a specific timelines

  • Muscual distrophy 

51. Breakdown covering of nerve cells:

  • Multiple sclerosis breakdown covering of nerve cells- unreliable. 

52. When immune system attacks itself

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

53. Chronic vascular problems that lead to tissue death

  • Will lead to amputaiotn

54. Bone erosion concern for 

  • Rheumatoid arthritis 


  1. IF you can perceive light: category 2

  2. Category 5: educational blindness(recieve mainstream education

  3. Cateory 1: total blindness

  4. Category four is legal blindness

  5. Category 3 is economic blindness(cannot work jobs in which sight is required)

  6. Cannot see brail: category 4 legal blindness 
