History of Psychology

Origin of Psychology: Germany (19th centuary)

  • New psychology started because of ideas from British and continental philosophies about the mind, along with progress in sensory physiology research.

Christian Wolff (1679- 1754): He popularized the idea that psichology is the study of the mind.

  • Wolf devided the discipline between empirical and rational psychology.

    • Empirical Phsychology: The data of the mind that resulted from observing ourselves and others and through experience.

    • Rational Phsychology: referred to the interpretation of the data of empirical psychology through the use of reason and logic.

Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920): German physician and physiologist.

  • Wundt received his Master degree from the University of Heidelberg in 1855.

  • University of Lepzig: He founded  the first laboratory in experimental psychology.

  • trained in physiology as part of his medical education

  • Pursued independent research as a student

  • chose physiology, not medicine, for his career.

Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850–1909):

  • Believed that higher mental processes could be the object of experimental investigation

  • Ebbinghaus used precise quantitative methods to investigate memory.

  • Was inspired by the psychophysics of G. T. Fechner and philosopher J. F. Herbart’s attempt to apply mathematics to mental representations.

  • established laboratories at several universities

Georg Elias Müller:

  • One of Ebbinghaus best students.

  • Müller did several experiments to check the people’s reaction when they listened specific sounds and how those sounds affected the memory and the learning.

  • Göttingen University

  • Müller’s laboratory seems to have been especially hospitable to women interested in psychology.

Charles Darwin:

  • Wrote the book “On the origin of species” in 1859

  • The book presents evidence of the theory of evolution and proposed natural selection as the mechanism responsable.

  • It stats how any changes in a anomal´s lifestyle though his years of life can be inherited to the offspring.

Psychology in the United States

  • In the period of the Civil Wars, Americans where attracted to the German ideas of Psychology.

  • William James wrote a letter where he suggests that psychology should be made a science already.


  • USA psychology was mainley based in british and scotish ideas and some german and french.

  • British philosophy was empirical, mainley focusing on observations.
