Flashcards for AP Art History Exam 4 (Images 48-98, excluding removed ones):
Image 48: Catacomb of Priscilla
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Excavated tufa and fresco
- Function: Early Christian burial site
- Content: Frescoes depicting biblical scenes (e.g., Good Shepherd, Resurrection of Lazarus)
- Context: Late Antique Europe (c. 200–400 CE); reflects Christian persecution and symbolism.
Image 49: Santa Sabina
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Brick, stone, wooden roof
- Function: Early Christian basilica church
- Content: Spacious nave, clerestory windows, Corinthian columns
- Context: Late Antique Europe (422–432 CE); transition from Roman basilicas to Christian worship spaces.
Image 50: Vienna Genesis (Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well / Jacob Wrestling the Angel)
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Illuminated manuscript (pigments on vellum)
- Function: Religious narrative for liturgical use
- Content: Biblical scenes with vibrant colors and continuous narrative
- Context: Early Byzantine Europe (6th century CE); one of the oldest surviving biblical manuscripts.
Image 51: San Vitale
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Brick, marble, stone veneer, mosaic
- Function: Byzantine church
- Content: Central-plan design, mosaics of Justinian and Theodora
- Context: Early Byzantine Europe (526–547 CE); exemplifies Justinian’s imperial and religious patronage.
Image 52: Hagia Sophia
- Artist: Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus
- Form: Brick, ceramic, stone, mosaic
- Function: Cathedral/mosque/museum
- Content: Massive dome, pendentives, mosaics of Virgin and Child
- Context: Constantinople (532–537 CE); symbol of Byzantine innovation and interfaith history.
Image 53: Merovingian Looped Fibula
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Cloisonné (gold, garnets)
- Function: Decorative brooch for status/wealth
- Content: Abstract animal motifs, geometric patterns
- Context: Early Medieval Europe (6th century CE); Merovingian elite culture.
Image 54: Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Encaustic on wood
- Function: Devotional icon
- Content: Central Virgin and Child flanked by soldier saints
- Context: Early Byzantine (6th–7th century CE); iconoclasm debates.
Image 55: Lindisfarne Gospels (St. Matthew, Cross-Carpet Page)
- Artist: Attributed to Eadfrith
- Form: Illuminated manuscript (ink, pigments, gold on vellum)
- Function: Liturgical use
- Content: Intricate interlacing patterns, evangelist portrait
- Context: Early Medieval Europe (c. 700 CE); Hiberno-Saxon fusion art.
Image 58: Church of St. Foy
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Stone
- Function: Pilgrimage church
- Content: Reliquary of St. Foy, tympanum with Last Judgment
- Context: Romanesque Europe (1050–1130 CE); Crusades-era pilgrimage routes.
Image 59: Bayeux Tapestry
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Embroidery on linen
- Function: Commemorate Norman Conquest of England
- Content: Narrative of Battle of Hastings, Halley’s Comet
- Context: Romanesque Europe (c. 1066–1080 CE); Norman propaganda.
Image 60: Chartres Cathedral
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Limestone, stained glass
- Function: Gothic cathedral
- Content: Flying buttresses, rose windows, relic of Virgin’s tunic
- Context: Gothic Europe (1145–1220 CE); Marian devotion and scholasticism.
Image 61: Bible moralisée (Blanche of Castile and Louis IX)
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Illuminated manuscript (ink, tempera, gold leaf)
- Function: Royal education and moral instruction
- Content: Dedication page with queen and king, biblical parallels
- Context: Gothic Europe (1226–1234 CE); Capetian dynasty’s piety.
Image 62: Röttgen Pietà
- Artist: Unknown
- Form: Painted wood
- Function: Devotional object
- Content: Emotional depiction of Mary holding dead Christ
- Context: Late Medieval Europe (1300–1325 CE); mysticism and affective piety.
Image 63: Arena Chapel (Lamentation by Giotto)
- Artist: Giotto di Bondone
- Form: Fresco
- Function: Private chapel for Scrovegni family
- Content: Emotional human figures, spatial depth in biblical scenes
- Context: Proto-Renaissance Italy (1305 CE); shift from Byzantine style.
Image 66: Merode Altarpiece (Annunciation Triptych)
- Artist: Workshop of Robert Campin
- Form: Oil on wood
- Function: Private devotion
- Content: Domestic Annunciation scene with symbolic objects
- Context: Northern Renaissance (1427–1432 CE); disguised symbolism.
Image 67: Pazzi Chapel
- Artist: Filippo Brunelleschi
- Form: Masonry
- Function: Franciscan chapter house
- Content: Harmonious proportions, pietra serena accents
- Context: Early Renaissance Italy (1429–1461 CE); revival of classical geometry.
Image 68: Arnolfini Portrait
- Artist: Jan van Eyck
- Form: Oil on wood
- Function: Marriage portrait
- Content: Detailed domestic scene, convex mirror, symbolic objects
- Context: Northern Renaissance (1434 CE); oil technique and bourgeois values.
Image 69: David (Donatello)
- Artist: Donatello
- Form: Bronze
- Function: Civic pride (Medici patronage)
- Content: First freestanding nude since antiquity, contrapposto
- Context: Early Renaissance Italy (1440–1460 CE); humanism and classical revival.
Image 70: Palazzo Rucellai
- Artist: Leon Battista Alberti
- Form: Stone
- Function: Urban palace
- Content: Tripartite façade, pilasters, classical orders
- Context: Renaissance Italy (1450 CE); application of De re aedificatoria.
Image 71: Madonna and Child with Two Angels
- Artist: Fra Filippo Lippi
- Form: Tempera on wood
- Function: Private devotion
- Content: Mary with playful angels, landscape background
- Context: Early Renaissance Italy (1465 CE); humanizing religious figures.
Image 72: Birth of Venus
- Artist: Sandro Botticelli
- Form: Tempera on canvas
- Function: Medici court decoration
- Content: Venus on shell, Zephyr and Chloris
- Context: Renaissance Florence (1484–1486 CE); Neoplatonism and classical myth.
Image 73: Last Supper
- Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
- Form: Oil and tempera on plaster
- Function: Refectory mural for Santa Maria delle Grazie
- Content: Christ’s announcement of betrayal, linear perspective
- Context: High Renaissance (1494–1498 CE); experimental techniques.
Image 74: Adam and Eve (Engraving)
- Artist: Albrecht Dürer
- Form: Engraving
- Function: Print circulation
- Content: Idealized nudes, symbolism of Fall
- Context: Northern Renaissance (1504 CE); fusion of classical and Christian themes.
Image 75: Sistine Chapel Ceiling
- Artist: Michelangelo
- Form: Fresco
- Function: Papal chapel decoration
- Content: Creation of Adam, Sibyls, prophets
- Context: High Renaissance (1508–1512 CE); humanist theology under Julius II.
Image 76: School of Athens
- Artist: Raphael
- Form: Fresco
- Function: Papal apartments (Vatican)
- Content: Philosophers in classical architecture, central Plato and Aristotle
- Context: High Renaissance (1509–1511 CE); celebration of classical knowledge.
Image 77: Isenheim Altarpiece
- Artist: Matthias Grünewald
- Form: Oil on wood
- Function: Hospital altarpiece for St. Anthony’s Order
- Content: Crucifixion with gruesome details, Resurrection panel
- Context: Northern Renaissance (1512–1516 CE); comfort for plague victims.
Image 78: Entombment of Christ
- Artist: Jacopo Pontormo
- Form: Oil on wood
- Function: Altarpiece
- Content: Mannerist elongated figures, vivid colors
- Context: Mannerism (1525–1528 CE); rejection of High Renaissance balance.
Image 79: Allegory of Law and Grace
- Artist: Lucas Cranach the Elder
- Form: Woodcut
- Function: Protestant propaganda
- Content: Contrast between Old Law (damnation) and Grace (salvation)
- Context: Reformation Germany (c. 1530 CE); Lutheran theology.
Image 80: Venus of Urbino
- Artist: Titian
- Form: Oil on canvas
- Function: Dowry gift for marriage
- Content: Reclining Venus, domestic setting
- Context: Venetian Renaissance (1538 CE); eroticism and marital virtue.
Image 83: Hunters in the Snow
- Artist: Pieter Bruegel the Elder
- Form: Oil on wood
- Function: Seasonal cycle for private home
- Content: Winter landscape with hunters, genre details
- Context: Northern Renaissance (1565 CE); human-nature relationship.
Image 85: Calling of St. Matthew
- Artist: Caravaggio
- Form: Oil on canvas
- Function: Contarelli Chapel altarpiece
- Content: Dramatic chiaroscuro, divine light on tax collectors
- Context: Baroque Italy (1597–1601 CE); Catholic Counter-Reformation.
Image 86: Henry IV Receives Maria de’ Medici’s Portrait
- Artist: Peter Paul Rubens
- Form: Oil on canvas
- Function: Royal propaganda (Marie de’ Medici Cycle)
- Content: Allegorical figures, dynamic composition
- Context: Baroque Flanders (1621–1625 CE); glorification of monarchy.
Image 87: Self-Portrait with Saskia
- Artist: Rembrandt van Rijn
- Form: Etching
- Function: Personal expression/print sales
- Content: Rembrandt and wife in informal pose
- Context: Dutch Golden Age (1636 CE); exploration of light and identity.
Image 89: Ecstasy of St. Theresa
- Artist: Gian Lorenzo Bernini
- Form: Marble, stucco, gilt bronze
- Function: Cornaro Chapel altarpiece
- Content: Theatrical sculpture with golden rays, mystical experience
- Context: Baroque Rome (1647–1652 CE); Counter-Reformation emotionalism.
Image 91: Las Meninas
- Artist: Diego Velázquez
- Form: Oil on canvas
- Function: Royal court portrait
- Content: Infanta Margarita with attendants, mirror reflecting king/queen
- Context: Spanish Baroque (1656 CE); meta-commentary on art and reality.
Image 92: Woman Holding a Balance
- Artist: Johannes Vermeer
- Form: Oil on canvas
- Function: Domestic interior scene
- Content: Woman weighing jewels, light symbolizing moral judgment
- Context: Dutch Golden Age (1664 CE); vanitas themes.
Image 93: Palace of Versailles
- Artist: Louis Le Vau, Jules Hardouin-Mansart
- Form: Masonry, stone, gold leaf
- Function: Royal residence and power symbol
- Content: Hall of Mirrors, expansive gardens, Apollo imagery
- Context: Absolute monarchy France (begun 1669 CE); Louis XIV’s centralization.