a living thing ordinarily too small to be seen without magnification; an organism of microscopic size
What is a pathogen? How prevalent are pathogens among microbes overall?
any agent that causes a disease (virus, bacterium, fungus, protozoan, or helminth)
pathogens make up a small percentage of microbes
What is the definition of a prokaryotic vs. a eukaryotic cell?
prokaryotic: pre-nucleus, or has no true nucleus
eukaryotic: cell has a true nucleus
Identify the microorganisms we will be studying as either prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
How do you correctly write a scientific name?
Binomial (two name) system or nomenclature
Genus (captialized) species (lower case) (italicized)
Shorten: G. species
What are the three domains of life? Provide an example for each domain.
eukarya: animals, plants, protozoa, fungi
archaea: methanococcus
bacteria: gram-positive bacteria
State the contributions to the field of microbiology by the following scientists: Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, Robert Koch and Semmelweis.
louis pasteur: father of fermentation, wine and beer
joseph lister: father of aseptic surgery, disinfecting our hands and the air using antiseptic chemicals prior to a surgery
robert koch: father of medical bacteriology, establishes koch’s postulates, steps to verifying the germ theory and could identify if an organism was pathogenic and what disease it causes
Semmelweis: father of hand hygiene, started the practice of handwashing before a physical examination