Latin recent
advenio, - to arrive
aedificium - building
aeger, - sick, ill
alter - the other, the second
canto - to sing
cêteri - the others, the rest
coniûrátio - plot, conspiracy
custos - guard
décido - to fall down
dico, dictus - to say
excito - to wake up, arouse
fessus - tired
gemini - twins
haurio,haustus - to drain, drink up
horreum - barn, granary
interficio, interficere - to kill
ita vers - yes
nolo, nôlle - to not want, refuse
novus,novum - new
nüllus - not any, no
numero - to count
ördo - row
possum, posse- to be able, can
retineò- to keep, hold back
ruò - to rush
së - himself, herself, themselves
sum, esse, fui, futürus - to be
trahô - to drag
volo- to want
vulnerò - to wound, hurt