Nowhere in the nineteenth century was the shifting balance of global power more obvious than in China's evolving relationship with Europe, a transition that was most vividly reflected in the legendary Opium Wars. Opium, which was derived from Arab traders in the ninth century or earlier, had long been utilized as a drinkable medication on a limited scale; it was considered as a miraculous treatment for diarrhea and disease.
Because it was unlawful to import opium, it had to be smuggled into China, breaking Chinese law. Many authorities were bribed to turn a blind eye to the illicit trade. Furthermore, a large outflow of silver to pay for opium reversed China's centuries-long capacity to draw a large portion of the world's silver supply, causing significant economic issues.
Offended by the seizure of their opium assets and encouraged by their new military might, the British dispatched a massive naval expedition to China, aiming to remove the restricted circumstances under which they had long traded with China. They'd teach the Chinese a lesson about the benefits of free trade and the "correct" way to conduct international affairs in the process.
Vietnam, Korea, and Taiwan were all lost to China. By the turn of the century, the Western powers, together with Japan and Russia, had carved out zones of influence within China, allowing them to establish military bases, harvest raw resources, and construct railroads.
Many of the Ottoman Empire's issues were recognized by its leaders, who undertook more ambitious programs of "defensive modernization" during the nineteenth century that were sooner, more prolonged, and much more aggressive than China's timid and halfhearted efforts of self-strengthening.
This proclamation signified a significant shift in the state's inherently Islamic nature. To handle matters involving non-Muslims, mixed courts with members from various religious groups were created. More Christians were promoted to positions of power.
The Ottoman Empire was an inclusive state, according to those who supported the changes, with all of its citizens devoted to the ruling dynasty. Lower-level politicians, military officers, authors, poets, and journalists, many of whom had received a contemporary Western-style education, took on this appearance as a result of the reform process.