grab attention
reveal the topic
relate the topic to the audiences needs
reveal the purposive assertion
supporting materials
transitions to the next assertion
signal the end
reinforce speech purpose
Intro: gain and maintain interest
Body: Aid understanding and persuasion
Concl: increase memory
increases Aud’s attn. span
enhances self-confidence
P.A.’s augment but don’t replace clear, well-org’d and appropriate speech
Don’t overwhelm sud. with too much info
1 point per slide: capture in brief title at top
6×6 rule: no more than 6 lines of 6 words each
keep videos brief and to the point
have plan B and C
practice! familiarize with equipment/room/language
images: enough for all to see
diagrams: caution… can be too complicated
charts: simplify and organize info. logically
Bar graph: compare static quantities
line graphs: compare nonstatic quantities
pie graph: best at showing proportions