Consciousness - the degree of awareness of oneself and one’s environment and cognitive activities
Selective consciousness - filter out stimuli, intentional blindness, change blindness
Non-conscious - deals with the body function we don’t perceive
Altered states of consciousness - sense of self or world changes
The general function of sleep - conserve, restore, process, survive
Circadian Rhythms - physiological activities that repeat every 24 hours; biological clock
Sleep cycle - Last about 90mins, happens about 4- 6 times in one night/ rest period
Stage 1 of sleep - lighter/ transition to sleep
Stage 2 of sleep - create connections to process and remember new information
Stage 3 of sleep - deeper sleep/recovery and restoration/ boost your immune system/ flush metabolic waste.
Stage 4 of sleep - REM sleep/ lighter sleep/ dream sleep
Effects of Sleep Deprivation (short term) - sluggishness, energy loss, moodiness, hallucinations, paranoid
Effects of Sleep Deprivation (long term) - diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain, alzheimer's, and cancer
Dream - mental activity during sleep (can increase in duration are REM sleep increases)
Psychoanalytic Theory - dreams can provide access to the unconscious; Freud
Biopyschological Approach - dream needed for survival; brain attempts to make sense of random electrical activities
Lucid dreaming - occurs when one realizes they are in control of their dreams and may take control
Dream Incubation - think about a problem before you go to sleep
Sleep Disorders- insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking/ talking
Insomnia - trouble falling asleep
Sleep Apnea - stop breathing; snoring/ snorting; SIDS?
Narcolepsy - compulsion to sleep
Nightmares - during REM sleep
Night terrors- during Non-REM sleep
Sleepwalking/ talking - during Non-REM sleep
REM - Sleep Behavior Disorders; physically act out your dream
Restless Leg Syndrome - twitching of arms and legs during sleep
Nocturnal Eating- eating while sleepwalking
Exploding Head Syndrome - when you experience loud sounds while you sleep
Klein-Levin Syndrome - 20 hours + sleep a day lasting a few days to a few weeks (sleeping beauty syndrome)
Altered States of Consciousness - meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, psychoactive drugs
Meditation - narrowing consciousness to eliminate distracting thoughts
Biofeedback - systematically controlling bodily states; can involve machine assistance
Hypnosis - characterized by deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility; can cause changes in perception, self-control, hallucinations, and tolerance to pain.
Psychoactive drugs - influence perception, thinking, or behavior
Percent of people that are suggestible - 20% to 30%
1st Level of Consciousness (Freud) - Conscious level, Perceptions, Thoughts
2nd Level of Consciousness (Freud) - Preconscious level (stuff you recall but not on your mind), Memory, Stored knowledge
3rd Level of Consciousness (Freud) - Unconscious level (information that is hidden in your brain), Selfish Needs, Violent Motives, Immoral Urges, Fears, Irrational Wishes, Shameful Experiences, and Unacceptable Desires
Addiction - the body craves a drug or the person depends on the drug
Intoxication - another word for drunkness
Detoxification - removal of a harmful substance coming out of the body
Hallucination - perception of an object or sound that is not real
Delusions - a false idea that something is real
Narcotics - addictive depressants that are used to relieve pain and induce sleep. Ex morphine, heroin, and codiene
Nicotine- most common stimulant/ chewed or swallowed, loss of appetite, hyperactivity, high blood pressure/ can cause lung disease and nervousness
Caffeine - drunk or eaten/ increases in alertness and energy/ can cause jitteriness and irritability
Amphetamines - pills, injections, smoked, snorted/ wakefulness, reduced appetite/ depression, restlessness, insomnia
Marijuana - smoked, swallowed, eaten/ enhanced emotions, sensory illusions/ impaired perception and coordination
Ecstacy - Swallowed/ increased sensory awareness, mild hallucinations, increased energy/ impaired memory, hyperthermia, rapid heartbeat