Overview of economics is presented in the context of everyday life and its complexities.
Understand the definition of economics.
Learn about economic models and their practical application.
Key Readings:
The Economy (1st edition) Unit 2
Gans, J., King, S., & Mankiw, N. G. (2014). Principles of microeconomics. Cengage Learning Australia p.2-8.
Economics is influenced by various perceptions about society and decision-making. Quote from John Maynard Keynes about the influence of economists.
Definitions of economics include:
Gary Becker: "Economy is the art of making the most of life."
Alfred Marshall: "Study of people in the ordinary business of life."
Lionel Robbins: "Relationship between given ends and scarce means."
David Colander: "Coordination of wants and desires in societal contexts."
Michael Parkin: "Science of choice."
N. Gregory Mankiw: "Management of scarce resources."
Alvin E. Roth: "Efficient allocation and reduction of scarcity."
Focuses on individuals, firms, government, and markets.
Examines the aggregate economy.
Interconnectedness of micro and macroeconomic principles.
The neoclassical synthesis introduced by Paul Samuelson.
Covers both micro (Topics 1-7) and macroeconomics (Topics 8-12) along with data analysis (Topic 13).
Importance of data in validating economic theories.
Example: Analyzing minimum wage changes through employment data.
Definition and implications of making decisions based on observations alone without proper context.
Distinguishing between:
Causation: Direct cause-and-effect relationship.
Correlation: Measure of how two variables move together, which can be misleading.
Common mistakes occur when mistakes involve misinterpreting correlation for causation, leading to faulty conclusions.
Scenarios that illustrate the difference:
Higher grades equated with tooth brushing – potential false causation.
Violent video games linked to real-world violence – examination needed.
Cheese consumption correlates with odd deaths (bedsheet tangling) – need for deeper analysis.
Mislabeling statements, e.g., ambiguous causation versus correlational statements in the context of breast feeding and behavior in children.
Definition: Simplifications to show mechanisms without confounding effects.
Purpose: To explain relationships and provide theoretical support to observations.
Examples of models: Maps, architectural mockups.
Clarity in concepts.
Enhances communication about economic matters.
Accurate predictions supported by evidence.
Utility for practical economic applications.
Ceteris Paribus: Assumption that all else remains equal when analyzing changes.
Incentives: Economic rewards/punishments that influence decisions—"People respond to incentives."
Thinking at the Margin: Consideration of incremental costs and benefits in decision-making.
Relative Price: Price comparison that facilitates choosing between alternatives, e.g., housing market.
Opportunity Cost: Cost of foregone alternatives in decision-making, illustrated using time and job scenarios.
Economic Rent: Payment exceeding next best alternative, distinct from common understanding of "rent."
Discusses model required to understand the Industrial Revolution.
Description of the transition from manual to machine production in Britain.
A simple production model discussing labor (L) and capital (K).
Dominance in production technology for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Concept that represents cost-driven decisions in production.
The significance of relative pricing in influencing production technology choices.
Analysis of the shift from labor-intensive to coal-intensive production due to wage changes.
Britain’s unique position fostering the Industrial Revolution through favorable wage and coal pricing.
Economists utilize basic economic concepts and models to analyze historical phenomena like the Industrial Revolution.
By the end of this topic, you will be expected to:
Define economics and differentiate between micro and macroeconomics.
Explain concepts of extrapolation error and faulty causation fallacy.
Define economic models and their essential characteristics.
Illustrate basic economic concepts: ceteris paribus, incentives, relative prices, economic rent, and opportunity costs.
Apply a simple production model to identify cost-efficient technologies.
Analyze the reasons behind the Industrial Revolution in Britain compared to other nations.