el campo - countryside
el hocico - snout (animal)
el dolor - ache; pain
el lugar - place
el edificio - building
el mundo - world
asombrado(a) -amazed; astonished
bello(a) - beautiful
sabio(a) - wise
desesperado(a) -desperate
seguro(a) - sure; certain
juntos(as) - together
tranquilo(a) - calm
acabar de - (imperfect tense) had just
esconderse - to hide (oneself)
atrapar - to trap
extrañar - to miss
criar - to raise
llorar - to cry
criarse - to grow up
regresar - to return
esconder - to hide
tratar de - to try
al aire libre - open air
al instante - immediately
de repente - suddenly
aunque - although
en seguida - right away
darse cuenta de - to realize
tener cuidado - to be careful