James Madison- a delegate from Virginia who contributed many ideas that shaped the constitution Thurgood Marshall- the first African American Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O’Connor- the first female Supreme Court justice Sonia sotomayor-the first Hispanic American Supreme Court justice George Washington- a hero of the revolution and the first US president Martha Washington- the First Lady and George Washington’s wife Alexander Hamilton- the first secretary of the us treasury who wanted to pay the nations foreign debt and gradually repay the full value of all bonds Thomas Jefferson- the first Secretary of State who thought repaying the full value of bonds would cheat bond holders who had sold their bonds at low prices Little turtle- a Native American chief who fought against Us forces Simon Bolivar- the leader of the successful revolutions of Latin American colonies against Spain Henry clay- the us rep from Kentucky who supported an emphasis on national unity John Quincy Adams’s- chosen as pres by the House of Representatives Washington Irving- one of the first American writers to gain international fame James fenimore cooper- perhaps the best known of the new American writers Thomas Cole- a landscape painter who was founder of the Hudson River school George Caleb Bingham- an artist whose paintings showed both the American landscape and scene from people’s daily lives John C. Calhoun- Jackson’s vice presidential running mate Martin van buren- the Secretary of State in the Jackson’s cabinet Daniel Webster- a senator from Massachusetts who spoke out against nullification and believed the nation had to stay united William Henry Harrison- a general and the Whig presidential candidate in 1840 Sequoya- a Cherokee who used 86 characters to represent Cherokee syllables to create a written language Black hawk- a leader of the fox and sail who led his people in a struggle to protect their lands in Illinois Osceola- Seminole leader who called on native Americans toe resist removal by force