100% Baroque
Older building
Facade added in 1564
Del Porta vault and dome
Viignola did the overall space
Broken into upper and lower
6 corinthian pillars
five of which are pilasters
One engafed colum by the doors
Entablature with an enscription on it
Entablitiure pushes out toards you which causes movement towards the front
Below main window is a balstraude whic is a railing supported by balusters (molded shafts)
Shafts create moving diagonals and takoing up space with the sense of narrowing as you go which connects the two
Pope’s coat of arms is at the very top
Visitors go into the body of the church, it is a simple basicica plan with a semi-circular naive
No isles or radiating chapels and no transept
Allow for seating
Still have chapels along the side,, the whole area is used for traffic
It provides worshippers with a wide uncluttered space
Unifying everyone together
Trancept is not beyong the naive
Dome overhead
Ornamentation, vivid color, drama and intensity, multi-media, classical elements
They make these changes because it is a single use church
Art is moving into YOUR space, it is involving the viewer
More sculptural figures moved into sceleing without time
Dramatic flare
Not a single place in the church that is dark
All of attention focused on the apse (where mass is heald)
Inside are fluted pilisters
Barrel vaulted celling
All expected from the rennesance but now with marble, jasper stone and gold!
Place of worship for the Catholics
Propagrada to validate Catholicism
Things were more than fine,m they were thriving
Mother church of the jesuit order jesuit
Constructed after the death of the justice of the St. Angecius Loyla
Pray for the virgin Mary (Site specific)
Patron was Carndal Farnese (Most rich and powerful Cardnals)
Grandson of Pope Paul III
Jesu means Jesus
Di sotto in su- “from the bottom up”, ceiling paintings that have space that moves vertically
Trompe L’oeil- literally “to trick the eye”, artword that is painted as an illusion to trick the view unto thinking it is real
You can raise into the heavens at the speed of light
Sunburst with a cross in the center (In the name of Jesus)
Figures are drawn up towards the lgiht, assumed to be catholics going to heaven
Figures in darker area are being rejected and pushed toward the bottom
Triumphalism is the theme
Europe suffering from the War Of The Souls
Church responded with counter-reformation
Created a council which outlawed the buying of church possessions
Outlawed Pluralism- holding more than one church office
Encouraged to promote religious orders conversation
wanted to inspire the faithful
Not simple, wanted the message to be clear but still amaze the viewer
Church will use sign of wealth in God’s grace
Churches became austentatious and expensive to build
1st. Southern Baroque Church
Place of worship
Triumph of the Name of Jesus