Copyright © 2019 Hazel Lindsey & Martin Bailey
Biology Edexcel IGCSE 9-1
Revision Guide for Abdul Basit
The nature and variety of living organisms
Structure and functions in living organisms
Reproduction and inheritance
Ecology and the environment
Use of biological resources
Control internal conditions
Eukaryotic: Membrane-bound organelles (e.g., animal cells).
Prokaryotic: No membrane-bound organelles (e.g., bacteria).
Five Kingdoms: Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protoctists, Bacteria
Multicellular: Organisms with many cells
Carbohydrate Storage:
Animals: Glycogen
Plants: Starch
Fungi: Glycogen
Saprotrophic Nutrition: Breaking down dead matter
Organ system
Gas exchange
Embryonic: Can differentiate into any cell type.
Adult: Limited differentiation.
Carbohydrates: Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
Proteins: Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
Lipids: Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
Test for Starch: Iodine turns blue/black
Test for Glucose: Benedict’s solution turns brick red
Test for Proteins: Biuret reagent turns purple
Movement from high to low concentration.
Factors affecting rate: concentration gradient, surface area, temperature.
Movement of water across semi-permeable membranes.
Low to high concentration (requires energy).
Photosynthesis Equation:
Water + CO2 (+ light) → Glucose + O2
Limiting Factors: Light, CO2, temperature
Energy Requirement Factors: Age, pregnancy
Digestion: Breakdown of food into soluble molecules
Bile: Emulsifies fats, neutralizes HCl.
Digestion Starts: Mechanical breakdown and amylase begins carbohydrate digestion.
Types: Aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen).
Equation: Glucose + O2 → CO2 + H2O + Energy
Stomata: Open for gas exchange.
Oxygen absorbed and CO2 released during photosynthesis.
Need circulatory systems due to small surface area to volume ratio.
Xylem: Transports water/minerals.
Phloem: Transports sugars.
Components: Plasma, red/white blood cells, platelets
Circulatory System: Heart, arteries, veins.
Coronary Artery: Supplies oxygen to heart.
Left ventricle thicker than right to pump blood further.
Remove waste gas from respiratory processes.
Excrete urea, CO2, sweat.
Maintenance of constant internal environment.
CNS: Brain and spinal cord.
Receptors: Sensory organs react to stimuli.
Refraction and Pupil Control: Ciliary muscles and iris adjust focus.
Insulin: Decreases blood sugar.
Testosterone & Oestrogen: Secondary sexual characteristics.
Sexual: 2 parents, variation.
Asexual: 1 parent, identical clones.
Inside Flower Anatomy: Attract insects, wind pollination.
Oviduct, uterus structure & function.
Genotype vs Phenotype: Genetic makeup vs physical expression.
Punnett Squares: Visualize inheritance.
Show genetic conditions through generations.
Variability, survival, and reproduction of advantageous traits.
Definitions: Environment, habitat, population and community data.
Pyramids: Numbers and biomass significance, energy transfer.
Pollution: Effects of CFCs, greenhouse gases, acid rain on environment.
Increase yield using glasshouses and fertilizers.
Yoghurt Making: Bacteria convert lactose.
Use of plasmids, insulin production in bacteria.
Methods including micropropagation and adult cell cloning.