Population: a group of individuals of a single species that live in the same area at the same time
What happens as a result of microevolution?
Some changes occur in phenotype are readily observed, like the change in the frequencies of brown/green beetles
Other important changes may be very subtle and hard to physically observe
Therefore, biologists frequently examine the alleles of genes within the organisms
What happens as a result of microevolution?
Changes to phenotypes and genotypes
We can tell microevolution is taking place because of the changes in genotype and allele frequencies
For a given population, how can we tell if evolution is taking place?
How do you measure allele and genotype frequencies?
gene pool: all the alleles of all the genes in a certain population
genetic structure: allele frequency & allele distribution (genotype frequency) for a single gene
size of the population (N)
frequency of each genotype
frequency of each allele
What are actual allele & genotype frequencies?
Actual genotype frequency = (# of particular genotype)/ (population size)
Actual allele frequency = 2(#Homozyguous) + 1(Heterozyguous)/ 2(Populations size)
Example: Calculare actual genotype frequencies
AA 90/200 = 0.45
Aa 40/200 = 0.2
aa 70/200 =0.35
200 = N
2(200) =400
((90 ×2) +40)/400 =0.55 (allele frequency of A)
((2 × 70) +40)/ 400=0.45 (allele frequency of a)
Expectation if evolution is not occurring
If there are no mechanisms of microevolutions acting then..
all individuals experience Equal Reproductive Success
predicted genotypic rations are achieved in the next generation
the frequency of alleles and
If evolution isn’t occurring, what does that mean?
Expected genetic structure
Define the allele frequencies as A = p and a = q
males = f(A) = p, f(a) = q
female gametes (fA) = p, f(AA) = p x p = p²
The Hardy-Weinberd Equation is a tool used to predict the expected allele frequencies in a population, given the allele frequencies
p²+ 2pq + q² = 1
Calculating expected allele frequencies
65/215 =0.302
Testing for evolution
Null hypothesis - there is no difference between the actual and the expected structure, therefore the population isn’t evolving
requires comparison of actual numbers of individuals with each genotype compared to expected number of individuals
How to determine if a population is in HWE?
determine the actual (observed) allele frequencies
calculate expected genotype frequencies
May also need to determine expected genotype numbers
Do a statistical test known as the