John F. Kennedy – 35th U.S. president, led during the Cold War, assassinated in 1963.
John Glenn – First American to orbit Earth in 1962.
Lyndon B. Johnson – 36th U.S. president, passed Civil Rights Act and Great Society programs.
Great Society – LBJ’s programs to fight poverty and racial injustice.
Anti-War Movement – Protests against the Vietnam War.
Feminist Movement – Pushed for women's rights and equality.
Betty Friedan – Wrote The Feminine Mystique, helped start the women’s rights movement.
Title IX – Banned sex discrimination in education.
Black Power Movement – Called for racial pride and self-defense.
Black Panthers – Militant group for Black rights, provided community services.
Chicano Movement – Fought for Mexican American rights.
César Chávez – Led farmworker strikes for better wages and conditions.
Dolores Huerta – Co-founded United Farm Workers, fought for labor rights.
American Indian Movement (AIM) – Fought for Native American rights.
Hernandez v. Texas – Ended racial discrimination in juries.
Tinker v. Des Moines – Protected students' free speech in schools.
Vietnam War – Cold War conflict in Vietnam; U.S. withdrew in 1973.
Domino Theory – Belief that if one country fell to communism, others would follow.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – Gave LBJ power to escalate the Vietnam War.
Vietnamization – Nixon’s plan to withdraw U.S. troops and train South Vietnamese forces.
Roy Benavidez – Vietnam War hero, Medal of Honor recipient.
Tet Offensive – Major North Vietnamese attack that weakened U.S. support for war.
Credibility Gap – Public distrust of government statements about Vietnam.
Silent Majority – Nixon’s term for Americans who supported the war but stayed quiet.
Fall of Saigon – 1975 event marking the end of the Vietnam War.
Civil Disobedience – Peacefully breaking laws to protest injustice.
Affirmative Action – Policies to increase minority representation in jobs and schools.
Martin Luther King Jr. – Civil rights leader, led nonviolent protests, assassinated in 1968.
Malcolm X – Civil rights leader, promoted Black empowerment, assassinated in 1965.
Letter from a Birmingham Jail – MLK’s defense of nonviolent protest.
Jim Crow Laws – Segregation laws in the South.
24th Amendment – Banned poll taxes in voting.
26th Amendment – Lowered voting age to 18.
Emmett Till – Black teen lynched in 1955; his death sparked the Civil Rights Movement.
Dennis Banks – Co-founded AIM, fought for Native American rights.
Thurgood Marshall – First Black Supreme Court Justice, won Brown v. Board of Education.
Brown v. Board of Education – Ended school segregation.
Plessy v. Ferguson – Allowed segregation under “separate but equal.”
Civil Rights Act of 1964 – Banned segregation in jobs, schools, and public places.
Civil Rights Act of 1965 – Ended barriers like literacy tests for Black voters.