Prepare for problems from chapters 9, 18, and 19.
Expect two short answer questions on the exam.
Short Answer Question: Focus on opportunity cost between China and Pakistan producing earrings and shoes.
Provided Table: Fill in opportunity costs for earrings and shoes for both countries.
Opportunity Cost Calculation:
China: 4 shoes / 8 earrings = 0.5 shoes per earring.
Pakistan: 4 shoes / 2 earrings = 2 shoes per earring.
Comparative Advantage:
China has comparative advantage in earrings (lower opportunity cost).
Pakistan has comparative advantage in shoes.
Both countries have 1000 hours of labor.
Example assumes even split (500 hours to earrings/500 hours to shoes).
Adjust calculation if the split differs (e.g., 600 hours to earrings).
If China specializes in earrings (1000 hours), produces 8000 earrings and 0 shoes.
If Pakistan specializes in shoes, produces 4000 shoes and 0 earrings.
Example of trade: China trades 2000 earrings for shoes.
After trade: China has 6000 earrings and 2000 shoes, Pakistan has 2000 earrings and 2000 shoes.
Final vs. Intermediate Goods:
Example: Purchase of flour for baking (intermediate) vs. selling baked goods (final).
GDP Calculation:
Use formula: Y = C + I + G + NX (where C=Consumption, I=Investment, G=Government Spending, NX=Net Exports).
Net Exports Calculation: Exports - Imports.
Expected Question: Given spending values, calculate GDP using provided data (e.g. Consumption, Government Purchases).
Nominal vs. Real GDP:
Nominal uses current prices, Real uses base year prices.
Important to know how to calculate and differences.
Formula for GDP deflator: Nominal GDP / Real GDP x 100.
Use for calculating inflation rate between years based on CPI (Consumer Price Index).
Labor Force Calculation:
Labor force = Employed + Unemployed.
Unemployment Rate Calculation:
Formula: (Number of Unemployed / Labor Force) x 100.
Definitions to Know:
Frictional Employment: Short-term unemployment during transitions.
Structural Employment: Mismatch of skills with job requirements.
Cyclical Employment: Linked to economic downturns.
Full Employment: No cyclical unemployment present; combination of frictional and structural still exists.
Working Age Population: Total of labor force + those not in labor force.
Calculate CPI using expenditures:
CPI = Current Year Expenditures / Base Year Expenditures x 100.
Be prepared for calculations relating to CPI and adjusting dollar values for inflation.
Practice examples will be similar to content covered in class and the problem set.
Expect a mix of calculation questions and definitions.
Review key definitions and be able to identify differences (e.g., tariffs vs. import quotas).
Focus on understanding economic concepts and how to apply them to problems.