Macro Ex 2 - Feb 25 recording Final review

Study Guide Overview

  • Prepare for problems from chapters 9, 18, and 19.

  • Expect two short answer questions on the exam.

Chapter 9: Comparative Advantage

Key Concepts

  • Short Answer Question: Focus on opportunity cost between China and Pakistan producing earrings and shoes.

    • Provided Table: Fill in opportunity costs for earrings and shoes for both countries.

    • Opportunity Cost Calculation:

      • China: 4 shoes / 8 earrings = 0.5 shoes per earring.

      • Pakistan: 4 shoes / 2 earrings = 2 shoes per earring.

      • Comparative Advantage:

        • China has comparative advantage in earrings (lower opportunity cost).

        • Pakistan has comparative advantage in shoes.

Production Hours

  • Both countries have 1000 hours of labor.

  • Example assumes even split (500 hours to earrings/500 hours to shoes).

  • Adjust calculation if the split differs (e.g., 600 hours to earrings).

Specialization and Trade

  • If China specializes in earrings (1000 hours), produces 8000 earrings and 0 shoes.

  • If Pakistan specializes in shoes, produces 4000 shoes and 0 earrings.

Trade Implications

  • Example of trade: China trades 2000 earrings for shoes.

    • After trade: China has 6000 earrings and 2000 shoes, Pakistan has 2000 earrings and 2000 shoes.

Chapter 18: Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Key Concepts

  • Final vs. Intermediate Goods:

    • Example: Purchase of flour for baking (intermediate) vs. selling baked goods (final).

  • GDP Calculation:

    • Use formula: Y = C + I + G + NX (where C=Consumption, I=Investment, G=Government Spending, NX=Net Exports).

    • Net Exports Calculation: Exports - Imports.

    • Expected Question: Given spending values, calculate GDP using provided data (e.g. Consumption, Government Purchases).

  • Nominal vs. Real GDP:

    • Nominal uses current prices, Real uses base year prices.

    • Important to know how to calculate and differences.

GDP Deflator and Inflation Rate

  • Formula for GDP deflator: Nominal GDP / Real GDP x 100.

  • Use for calculating inflation rate between years based on CPI (Consumer Price Index).

Chapter 19: Unemployment

Key Concepts

  • Labor Force Calculation:

    • Labor force = Employed + Unemployed.

  • Unemployment Rate Calculation:

    • Formula: (Number of Unemployed / Labor Force) x 100.

  • Definitions to Know:

    • Frictional Employment: Short-term unemployment during transitions.

    • Structural Employment: Mismatch of skills with job requirements.

    • Cyclical Employment: Linked to economic downturns.

  • Full Employment: No cyclical unemployment present; combination of frictional and structural still exists.

  • Working Age Population: Total of labor force + those not in labor force.

Inflation & CPI

  • Calculate CPI using expenditures:

    • CPI = Current Year Expenditures / Base Year Expenditures x 100.

  • Be prepared for calculations relating to CPI and adjusting dollar values for inflation.

  • Practice examples will be similar to content covered in class and the problem set.

General Preparation Notes

  • Expect a mix of calculation questions and definitions.

  • Review key definitions and be able to identify differences (e.g., tariffs vs. import quotas).

  • Focus on understanding economic concepts and how to apply them to problems.
