Objective: Describe twelve ways in which geography has influenced the development of American history:
Geography: Geography-study of landforms on the surface of earth
Examples: Mountains,lakes rivers,oceans,plains and plateaus are examples of geographical features
Geography's impact on American History
Colonial cities developed next to bodies of water to facilitate trade(Boston and New york city)
Slavery spread in the south because the climate and geography of the sourthern landscape favored the existences of large plantations
The atlantic and Pacific oceans have kept the united states isolated from global affairs
The great plains contain vast amounts of flat and fertile farmland that are suitable for growing crops
Important Features
**Physical Map–**used to locate geographical features on earth's surface mountains,lakes rivers,etc
**Political Map-**used to illustrate boundaries between countries and states
**Atlas-**Used to locate streets,bridges,tunnels,etc
The louisiana purchaseAll the land between the mississippi river and rocky mountains
Jamestown and Plymouth, the first permanent North American colonies, were located near the coastline.
The Appalachian Mountains served as a barrier to the expansion of the original 13 colonies.
America's natural harbors along the east coast led to the development of commerce(trade)
New Orleans is a port city on the southern mouth of the Mississippi River.It provides farmers in the Ohio river valley with an outlet to European ports.
The great plains are located in the midwest and are characterized by vast expanses of flat grasslands.This is where grain crops are grown in the U.S.
At the end of the revolutionary war the mississippi river,which was owned by France marked the western border of the united states
The louisiana purchase contained all the land between the mississippi river and the rocky mountains
America's first factories were located next to rivers so that waterpower may be used to operate machines