Civil War Battles
. Battle of Bull Run (July 1861) : Proved war would not be short. South wins!
. Anaconda Plan : Winfield Scott’s Plan to use US Navy to blockade Confederacy and take control of Mississippi River.
. Antietam (Sept. 1862): Lee Hopes to earn foreign recognition and bring border states into the conflict.
*Ulysses S. Grant wins much needed Union Victories in the west*
Two Huge Defeats for South
. Gettysburg: General Lee helped to win a victory on Union soil. Failed and forced to retreat to Virginia.
. Vicksburg (July 4th) : General Grant in the West wins complete control of Mississippi River
. Sherman’s March to Sea
*Surrender at Appotamattox in April 9th 1865*
*April 14th, 1865, John Wilkes Booth kills Lincoln in Ford’s Theater*