Inclusion of NT Books into the Bible
Apostolic origins
Agree with Scripture (OT)
Wide acceptance and circulation
5 SOLA’s of the Reformation
Sola Scripture – the BIBLE alone
Sola Fide – by FAITH alone
Sola Christus – through CHRIST alone
Sola Garatis – by GRACE alone
Sola Deo Gloria – GLORY to GOD alone
John Wycliffe first to take the Bible from LATIN to ENGLISH
Martin Luther – first to translate the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into German
William Tyndale – first to translate the NT from Greek and Hebrew into English
Only 62% of all christians believe Jesus lived a sinless life
8 Major Worldviews:
Atheism/naturalism: Rejects God’s existence
Agnostic: God’s existence is unknowable
Panentheism : God is an impersonal force
Pantheism: Everything is God
Polytheism: There are many gods
Dualism: God and the physical world are irreparably separate
Deism: God is an absent God (watchmaker)
Monotheism: One God who is omnipotent, transcendent, and personal