First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen
-Light Horse Harry (Henry Lee)
Lawrence - Great, great, Grandfather
Oxford University academic
Anglican priest
Puritan Prosecution left his family with no money
Oliver Cromwell believed there was only one true religion: puritanism, and so he persecuted those with other religions
John - Great Grandfather - Ancestor that brought them to America
Sailed for America in 1656
Successful planter, politician, and militia colonel
Anne Pope - Wife (of John)
Daughter of a rich Virginia plantation owner
Lawrence - Grandfather
Sent to England to train as a lawyer
He inherited Mount Vernon but was not a farmer
Mildred Warner - Grandmother of G.W.
Augustine - Father
Ambitious Virginia planter and merchant
Gentry- “Planter class”, educated, upper-class, generally came from successful families
died when George was 11*
Mary Ball - (Second Wife of Augustine)- Mother of GW
“domineering, pious, possibly pipe-smoking woman who ran her farm with a firm hand and read daily to her children from Contemplations Moral and Divine”
Pious- devoutly religious
Story mentioned- Philosophical and religious understanding
did not grant permission for George to enlist in the British Royal Navy as a midshipman
no interest in investing in George’s education (sent two of his brothers to fine schools)*
George Washington — born Feb. 22, 1732
Growing up, he had little support from his parents*, and bettered himself from a young age, following 110 rules in the Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation(conceived by French Jesuits)
Impressed the colonial power brokers of British Virginia
made him a surveyor [of western lands], and officer w/ the British during the French and Indian War
part of the Seven Years’ War (1753-1763)
saw his first battle in his early twenties - liked it
“I have heard the bullets whistle; and believe me, there is something charming in the sound” -George Washington, London Gazette
☆ Resigned from commission in 1758
☆ Took up life as a Virginia planter, renting a family farm in North VA
☆ Inherited Mount Vernon in 1761 in Potomac (love of his life, along with Marther D. Custis
June 15, 1775 - appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army which was created a day before
April 30, 1789 - Elected as the first president of the U.S., serves two terms but refuses third
Dec. 14, 1799 - dies from acute infection touring estates in winter
Britain emerges from the Seven Years’ War as an empire with more than double its previous holdings, and to try and cover the costs, levied taxes on colonists
13 colonies ruled by 13 legislatures - 1.5 mil people
“Fire and water are not more heterogenous than the different colonies of North America” -a British Traveler
Heterogenous - diverse
George Washington grows sick of George III
George Washington speculates on wild land to the west, but the Royal Proclamation of 1763 banned his investment
By 1774 he realizes that this (British taxes) has gone too long and far
leaves Mount Vernon for PA w/ Patrick Henry
one of seven elected delegates in the First Continental Congress
June 15, 1775 - appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army which was created a day before
☆ Abigail Adams is impressed by his “simple but grand air”
In 1785, he held talks in Mount Vernon, encouraging cooperation from the states
Great consolation - returning to Mount Vernon, living out his days carefreely
and so he did… for a few years
by 1787 he was back in PA, as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention
April 30, 1789 - Elected as the first president of the U.S., serves two terms but refuses third in 1796
returns to Mount Vernon, with three years of happiness
Dec. 14, 1799 - dies from acute infection touring estates in winter
Prosaic - having the style or diction of prose; lacking poetic beauty.
Gentry - people of good social position, specifically (in the UK) the class of people next below the nobility in position and birth.
Describes Augustine (father) but not Mary (stepmother)
Auspices - a divine or prophetic token.
In his farewell address, “Auspices of Liberty”
Repugnant - extremely distasteful; unacceptable.
How Washington described the British administration
Disparate - essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison
used to describe the states
Abeyance - a state of temporary disuse or suspension
he held himself in abeyance at Mount Vernon in case he should be needed again [by America]
How did George Washington’s family end up in America from England?
His Great, great, Grandfather (Lawrence) was prosecuted for being Anglican (or a different religion, not specified in the text) by Oliver Cromwell leaving them penniless
John sailed to America [for a new start].
What land holdings did Britain have?
They had Canada, and the entire present-day US that was East of the Mississippi after the Seven Years’ War [not stated in the text]
Which ancestor brought George and his family to America?
John Washington
What was the Post-Revolutionary War government like?
They had a weak government since they feared a strong central government like they had in England
What happened to George Washington and his children/wife financially? - didn’t get what he wanted
He wanted wild land in the West, but the British banned his investment as they wanted to control the cost of America to the crown (Royal Proclamation of 1763)
One of his motives is hunger for land - probably on the test
Washington’s position on slavery?
Mount Vernon relied on slaves to function, but Washington hoped that it would be abolished
Instructed his slaves to be free after Martha’s death, but Martha freed them a year after George died