
Chapter 5: Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress

Additional Management Methods

  • Kevin Plank's Approach

    • Focus on employee comfort and success before starting work.

    • Engage employees through experiences like sports events for brand affinity.

    • Performance center facilities for workouts using company products.

    • Unique employee interactions with athletes (e.g., Stephen Curry autographs).

  • Key Business Philosophy

    • Development of four pillars: Great product, great story, great service, great team.

    • Manage stress and resolve conflicts regularly to maintain a productive and innovative team.

Emotions in Organizational Behavior

  • Understanding Stress and Emotions

    • Affects: Range of feelings and emotions that influence responses, varying in intensity and duration.

    • Emotions: Intense feelings directed at specific objects or situations (short-lived).

    • Moods: Generalized feelings (long-lasting) not directed at a specific cause.

    • Positive vs Negative Affect: Positive affects (e.g., excitement) vs negative affects (e.g., lethargy).

  • Mood Influence on Behavior

    • Positive and negative moods influence emotional responses and perceptions of others.

Emotions in the Workplace

  • Impact of Emotions

    • Emotional outbursts can affect professionalism and workplace reputation.

    • Acknowledging distressing emotions can build trust and improve communication.

    • Emotional Contagion: Emotions can spread quickly within teams, often negatively.

    • Positive mental hygiene promotes favorable team dynamics.

  • Concept of Emotional Labor

    • Managing feelings to project positive emotions even when contrary to actual feelings.

    • Surface Acting vs Deep Acting: Surface acting suppresses true feelings while deep acting involves genuinely changing emotions to align with role expectations.

Emotional Dissonance and Regulation

  • Emotional Dissonance: Discrepancy between displayed emotions and true feelings.

    • Leads to stress and burnout if unaddressed.

  • Emotional Regulation Strategies

    • Antecedent-Focused: Choose or modify situations to prevent emotional responses.

    • Response-Focused: Reevaluation or suppression of emotional responses after they occur.

Emotional Intelligence

  • Definition and Importance

    • Understanding and managing one's emotions and others' emotions for better interpersonal relations.

    • High EI correlates with better job performance and management effectiveness.

  • Four Dimensions of EI

    1. Self-awareness: Understanding one's emotions.

    2. Self-management: Controlling emotions and impulses.

    3. Social awareness: Empathy for others' emotions.

    4. Relationship management: Navigating social complexities and maintaining healthy relationships.

Attitudes and Behavior

  • Definition of Attitudes

    • Learned tendencies to respond positively or negatively to people or events.

    • Formed through cognitive appraisal, affective evaluation, and behavioral intention.

  • Cognitive Dissonance

    • Stress experienced from inconsistencies between beliefs and behaviors.

Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement

  • Job Satisfaction: Affected by working conditions, recognition, relationships, and benefits.

    • Increased job satisfaction leads to better retention and performance.

  • Employee Engagement: Connection and passion for the job, affects turnover rates and productivity.

Stress in the Workplace

  • Definition of Stress

    • Stress arises when individuals perceive challenges that exceed their coping resources.

    • Can lead to absenteeism and diminished health.

  • Types of Stressors

    • Challenge Stressors: Can enhance motivation and performance.

    • Hindrance Stressors: Inhibit progress and decrease motivation.

Managing Workplace Stress

  • Coping Strategies

    • Problem-focused (eliminate stressors) vs. emotion-focused (manage emotional responses).

    • Seven Ways to Manage Stress: Meditation, deep breathing, exercising, gratitude practice, and maintaining social connections.

Employee Well-Being

  • Importance of well-being programs to sustain employee motivation and happiness.

  • Pillars of Employee Well-Being: Physical, career, financial, social, community, emotional, purpose-driven.

Effective Team Management

  • Building an inclusive organizational culture where employees feel valued and can contribute toward common goals leads to higher performance and satisfaction.

  • Team Norms and Cohesion: Essential for successful team dynamics, avoiding excessive groupthink that stifles individual expression and creativity.


  • Understanding and managing emotions and attitudes within the workplace enhances stress reduction, job satisfaction, and team cohesion.
