An older method of suspending or deferring judgment for good behavior originating from 14th Century England.
Obligation sworn to under court order, committing a person not yet convicted to keep the peace.
Primarily conditions the appearance of the accused for trial.
Guaranteed under the 1987 Philippine Constitution (Art. III, Sec. 13).
Mentioned in the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Sec. 15).
Presidential Decree 968 - Probation Law: Allows court release on recognizance to a responsible community member if no bail is posted.
Child and Youth Welfare Code: Provides conditions for youthful offenders who cannot post bail to be released on recognizance into the care of the DSWD or guardians.
Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006: Similar provisions for children in conflict with the law.
Revised Rule on Children in Conflict with the Law: Specifies release to responsible guardians or relatives.
Filipino citizen.
Resident for at least six months prior to application.
Offense not punishable by death, life imprisonment, or reclusion perpetua.
Insufficient means to post bail.
More than 5 years since last conviction with good behavior.
Individual is a danger to the community.
Risk of flight indicated.
History as a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual delinquent.
Previous escapes from legal confinement or bail violations.
History of committing crimes under probation or parole.
A court order requiring a public official to produce an imprisoned individual and justify detention.
Protects personal freedom from illegal restraint.
Extends to all cases of illegal confinement affecting liberty.
Limited as a post-conviction remedy if constitutional rights are violated, court lacks jurisdiction, or excessive penalties imposed.
Supreme Court
Court of Appeals
Court of First Instance
DEATH OF CONVICT: Extinguishes criminal liability, as no one can serve the penalty.
SERVICE OF SENTENCE: Automatic extinguishment post-serving, civil liability remains.
AMNESTY: Complete pardon granted for political offenses.
ABSOLUTE PARDON: Total extinction of liability, restoring civil rights.
PRESCRIPTION OF PENALTY: Loss of state’s right to punish after certain time.
Requires final judgment and passage of legally prescribed time.
Categories of penalties with specific prescriptive periods.
Starts when the convict evades sentencing.
Surrender or capture of the convict.
Leaving to a country without extradition treaty.
Committing subsequent crimes.
CONDITIONAL PARDON: Obligation to comply with conditions to avoid revocation.
COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE: Reduction of penalty by the Chief Executive.
GOOD CONDUCT ALLOWANCES: Reduction of imprisonment time for good behavior.
PAROLE: Conditional release retaining some custody of law.
PROBATION: Release under court conditions and supervision.