4th Quarter Topics
Educational Institutions
Functions & Importance of Education in Society
Challenges of Education in the Philippines
Political Institutions
Economic Institutions
Religious & Health Institutions
This page includes limited text; it highlights the general theme of educational institutions.
Evaluate functions of education
Importance of individual, societal, and national implications
Differentiate types of education
What message does the film convey about education's role in society?
How does education shape your future?
What key lesson from the film about education stands out for you and why?
Reference to a geographical location; context not provided.
Similar questions to Page 4 regarding education's impact and key learnings.
Overview of the essential functions education serves in societal contexts.
This page contains limited text; it may serve as an introduction to education.
Education is the process by which knowledge is transmitted within society, primarily through formal education.
Middle Ages
21st Century
Education adapts to societal values and ideals throughout history.
Refers to the structured system established for delivering education and training.
Exploring the primary functions that education serves in society.
Function 1: Providing diverse materials and interactive learning experiences to equip students with necessary knowledge tools.
Function 2: Schools nurture students’ potential through activities that develop skills and talents (sports, training, etc.).
Function 3: Education shapes character through courses that instill core values and promote discipline.
Function 4: Education provides a supportive environment, fostering social relationships and recognition among peers.
Function 5: Prepares students for independence and responsibility in future occupations, addressing life challenges.
Thought-provoking question on how these functions influence students and their societal roles.
A description of education's broader impact across different groups.
Point 1: Education aids children in realizing their inherent potential.
Point 2: Aims for physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual growth.
Point 3: Education should align with interests to be constructive and future-oriented.
Point 1: Education fosters cooperation, tolerance, respect, and support in society.
Point 2: Teaches equal opportunities across various aspects regardless of background.
Point 3: Helps preserve traditions while adapting to societal advancements.
Point 1: Education instills civic duties in the youth, promoting awareness of rights and responsibilities.
Point 2: Develops leadership qualities through engagement in various societal activities.
Point 3: Education contributes to comprehensive development in all societal aspects.
Point 4: Trains individuals for unity and democratic values.
Unclear content in this section.
Unclear content in this section.
Limited text reiterating theme.
Overview of the different educational forms.
Defines types of education in the Philippines.
Structured process in schools and universities, guided by curriculum.
Learning outside traditional settings but still organized.
Unplanned learning through everyday experiences.
Unclear content in this section.
Overview of lesson related to education being a fundamental right.
Focus on promoting primary education as a human right.
Agreements affirming the right to education, including:
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Point 1: Literacy and numeracy as essential skills acquired in primary education.
Point 2: Many children lack access to primary education globally.
Brief repetition focusing on human right aspects of education.
Overview of rights related to education.
Article 26 mentions the importance of fundamental rights to education.
Facet 1: Education empowers individuals to know and assert their rights.
Facet 2: Children deserve educational opportunities that prepare them for adult challenges.
Facet 3: Education should be equitable regardless of socio-economic status.
Noted number of private basic education institutions as of SY 2020-2021.
Observations on privatization indicating failure to ensure universal access to quality education.
No content provided.
Group activity encouraging brainstorming on urgent student problems.
Reflection questions regarding problems faced by students and proposed solutions.
Specificity, relevance, and achievability of proposed solutions in educational challenges.
Unclear content in this section.
Introduction to altered educational challenges due to changing circumstances.
Unclear content in this section.
Tackle common educational challenges and propose long-term solutions.
Similar group brainstorming activity focused on educational challenges.
Specificity, relevance, and achievability of proposed solutions.
Unclear content in this section.
Many students from disadvantaged backgrounds lack quality education.
Many schools struggle with insufficient facilities and resources.
Shortage of qualified teachers in essential subjects, inadequate teacher training.
Some curriculums may not meet modern workforce needs or engage students effectively.
Affects students’ ability to focus and learn due to basic needs not being met.
Increasingly prevalent challenges affecting student well-being and performance.
Schools may lack resources to integrate technology into teaching effectively.
Traditional assessment may not accurately gauge students' knowledge or provide useful feedback.