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History 24

history notes kenara weerabaddana


What england was like:

* Very low populate compared to today

* Southern country was mostly bush land

* Everyone’s whole life was on the land

* Restricted to job choices

England’s connections with surrounding countries:

* Scandinavia was the closest connection to England

* The one thing in common was that it was Christian, and a part of the Roman Catholic Church

Problems faced:

* Not well governed.

* Earls were supposed to be loyal to the king.

* Earls too care of Earldoms.

* Earls rebelled against the king

* The king at the time was more into religion than governing the country properly.

* Not well defend country.

* Relied on Mothe Nature to keep them safe


In 1066, Edward the Confessor the king of england died without any heirs, leading to Harold Godwinson as the last Saxon king. Two European leaders, Viking King Hardrada and French Duke William of Normandy, fought for the throne. William the duke on normandy, was named ‘william the Conqueror’, after being crowned King, replaced Anglo-Saxon nobles with French ones to ensure his position as king, introduced new architectural styles, introduced Feudalism to maintain control, and increased cultural ties with France. He also introduced new styles of architecture and introduced a new system of governance.


The basic government and society ranking in Europe during the Middle ages were based around the feudal system.

Hierarchy - system of ranking in order of power

Hierarchy of Society:

King - claimed all land. He could not manage all the land himself so he divided it to his best nobles. When king died the firstborn son would inherit the throne.

Nobles- pledged loyalty to the king. Tenants in Chief were noble or/and bishops. They reported directly to the king. In return for land they and to fight in times of war, pay taxes, and govern the land. The nobles then divided some of their land given to the Knights.

Knights - In return for land, they had to pledge loyalty to the Tenants in Chief, and had to pay taxes to them and serve in times or war. The knights protected the peasants, and in return received food, crops and taxes.

Peasants - Most people were peasants. Other peasants Serfs were more like slaves. Owned nothing.


Motte and Bailey

Stone Keep


The wooden castle was built on a motte (man-made hill) which was surrounded by a moat and had a bailey (courtyard with houses and shops) at the bottom of the hill.

Stone castle with thick walls and higher than a motte and bailey castle.

Inner and outer baileys. Battlements. Curtain walls. Merlons, donjon, loopholes. Built to last

* quick to put up

* Easy to repair

* Advantage of height

* You could keep animals as food supply

* Wood is a weak building material

* Castle was not big

* Wood can rot with rain

* Wood can burn

* Motte can collaps with castle on it

* Not big enough

* Stone is longer and stronger.

* Taller castle

* Walls were thick and strong

* Larger than a motte & bailey

* More soldiers were kept

* Difficult to attack

* No food source, so the enemy could just outwait you till you starved

* Enemy could dig tunnel under wall


Structure of THE CHURCH:

In the middle ages the Church was the most important/valuable thing in anyone's lives.

The Catholic Church was the most supreme in the FEUDALISM system, even more superior than kings. The local church was the centre of town life. The church even had the power to confirm kings to the thrones.

Pope (God on Earth) ---> Bishops (served council of the king) ---> Parish Priests (dealt with church on a daily basis.)

The church was very rich, powerful and influential, people had to give 10% of their earning ot the Church, people paid penances if the commited a sin, and even the wealthy often gave land.

Central Conflict

Was between the King and The Pope. It was a fight about if the King should be able to rule his kingdom as he pleased or should the Pope be the head authority and look over the King.

A pope was allowed to excommunicate the king, which meant that the Pope would suspend the King from coming ot the church ever again.

This was a big problem, because if the King was excommunicated that meant all people in his kingdom were too. The Catholics, believed that if you miss church for one day; after you die you will rot in hell for all of eternity.

Christians believed that you were born with sin because of the deeds of Adam and Eve, meaning you were destined to rot in hell after you die unless you lived catholic lives,by like going on a pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey to a holy site, like those associated with Jesus.

Monks were meant to protect their society and the sick by praying to protect from the wrath of god. They also did medical and academic community service.

King John and the Magna Carta

Magna Carta - the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law.

Limited the king's power and set out the rights of the barons under the feudal system

established the rule of law and the idea that all citizens, including those in power, should be fairly and equally ruled by the law. It began the tradition of respecting the law, limiting government power, providing access to justice and the protection of human rights.

Black Plague

Type of plague

How was the type of plague spread?

What the symptoms of this type of plague?

How likely were you to die if you got this type of plague?

Bubonic Plague (not the deadliest form)

Caused by a bite from a flea carrying Yersinia Petis bacteria. Bacteria - flea - rat - person.

Swollen lymph nodes under the armpits, groin and neck, high fever, pain, coughing, vomiting blood, black dots.

30-70% died with the bubonic plague

Pneumonic Plague (more deadly)

Transmitted human - human through coughing with people with the plague. Yersinia Petis.

Coughing up blood, fever, headache.

90-95% died, expected to live 2-4 days, then die.

Septicaemic Plague (most deadly)

Blood had been infected by the plague bacterium.

Bleeding, organ failure, fever, bleeding into skin, turning into dark purple

100% of people died

The Spanish Conquest of the Incas

Located in the Andes Mountians

Social structure

Sapa Inca

* Top of the society was the emperor (Sapa Inca)

* Believed to be descended from Inti, the sun god.

* Being the descendent of a god meant they could rule with complete authority

* Everything in the empire belonged to Sapa Inca

* Could have many wives and children, but could only have one primary wife which was called 'Coya.'

* The Coya was the Sapa Inca's blood related


3 main types:

* Capac

* Relatives of the emperor

* Most important of Nobles

* Governors

* Hahua

* Not share royal blood

* Inca by privilege

* Curacas

* Leaders of people conquered by Incas

* Local leaders of conquered people.

* Collects taxes, worked as inspectors, make sure everyone followed Inca Laws.

* Controlled groups they invaded, to follow by the Inca.


* Majority of people in The Inca Empire

* To support government through farming and working on government sponsored projects (construction)

* Men did jobs like construction

* Women did house work like weaving cloths.

* Grew variety of crops: squash, peppers, beans, peanuts, corn, potato.

* Potato and Corn was the most reliable food source by its adaptability to different environments.

* Give most crops to the government.

* Government collected goof to store houses

* Distributed, to warriors, temple priest, and people in need (age, sick, poor)

Inca religions

Gods and goddesses:

Believed in a supreme invisible creator called the Viracocha, though there were other gods that were more influential. The sun god was the most dominant.

Sun (Inti), Moon (Mama Quilla), stars (children of sun and moon), thunder, earth mother, Viracocha.

Ways to worship :

* Sacrificing white llamas before important decisions

* Rare human sacrifices

* Food offerings

* Praying before going on a journey or when sowing seeds

* Praying at the temple

* Land dedicated to Sun god at festive season

Role of Inca Priests:

* Caring for the temples

* Hearing confessions

* Making sacrifices

* Listening to oracles

* Official healer in the community.

*the major priest was related to the Inca Emperor.

*eclipses of sun/moon, falling stars and hooting was bad omens

*dreams interpreted as warning

*being sick was caused by evil of the gods.

How did they honour their ancestors:

Were preserved as cloth-wrapped mummies and were taken out occasionally to witness ceremonies. Preserving their corpse.

Flood story:

Community was evil and neglected the gods. Very few people like in the mountains were honest and true. Their llamas were staring into the sky and was told that there a great flood coming. The true people believed the llamas and became prepared for the flood. It continued to rain for 4 mounts and they repopulated the earth

Inca Army & Daily Life


* Highly trained and orgnaised

* Vass is size

* 10000 full time soldiers protecting the Sapa Inca

* Quickly call on ordinary farmers to enlist as soldiers

* Before war Inca priest sacrifice wild birds, llamas, and black dogs to weak the enemy.

* When going into army, the played drums and trumprets.

* For free movement of people, a system of roads stretched for 23000kms through the empire.


* Helmets and shields made of wood and/or animal skin

* Cloth tunics padded with cotton and small wooden planks

* Two handed wooden swords and serrate edges

* Clubs with stone or spiked metal heads

* Stones and woolen slings


Inca families spun and wove cloth, and then was sent to government storehouse.

Materials: wool, cotton cloth.

Men - Sleeveless tunics, over a loincloth.

Women - ankle-length tunics

The difference between the poor and wealthy clothing was similar in style, but the quality and colour of the cloth.

Sapa Inca - wore garment that were vividly coloured capes, with tiny feather and woven with gold and silver thread.

High rank - narrow band of many colours wound around the head, wirth the feather of amazon birds.

Nobles (oreiones - big ears) - large gold earplugs,


No written language. Uses knotted strings (quipus). These were made to keep records of the business and life of the empire.

Colour and amount of knots would identify what th string was about. Red string = Soldiers.

Communication was achieved by runners on the roads. Fast young men called chasquis, run from one relay station to another and pass it on.

Another way was by using a quipu. With this method messages travelled quickly (250 miles/per day.)


3x a month, markets were held in the larger towns.

Markets were for:

* Exchanging stories

* Reciting poetry

* Playing music

* Dancing

* drinking

The voyages of discovery

Durin 15th and 17th centuries. When European explorers explored the unknown parts of the world; discovering new routes to India, far east and the americas.

Exploration in the ocean made money by finding new trade routes. Constantinople was the biggest trade city; but it was captured by the Ottoman Empire, which meant Constantinople was shut down, and no more trade routes.

Trade routes were very valuable, because of the spices and silk brought in, could expand the empire, trade, and become more wealthy.

Portugal and Spain

Became early leaders in the age of exploration. Portuguese were the first europeans to start exploring because of their high tech. The portuguese invented the Caravels which was a boat made for long trips that were fast and manoveruvrable.

Spain sent over the conquistador (adventurers) to explore and conquer the americans.

Hernan Cortez conquered to Aztec empire.

Francisvo Pizarroconquered the Inca Empire.

Henry the navigator, was the prince of portugal which meant he was very wealth. He put that money into ships. Sent out ships to explore the west coast of Africa. Went further than any european expedition. In 1488, portugese explorer Bartolomeu Dia was the first european to sail around the southern tip of africa and into the indian ocean.

Christopher Columbus, was very dumb, he was a spanish person, and wanted to find a trade route to the far east. He landed in America instead thinking it was India, saying he was the first coloniser.

British was the biggest coloniser.

Unknown worl was mapped during this period.


History 24

history notes kenara weerabaddana


What england was like:

* Very low populate compared to today

* Southern country was mostly bush land

* Everyone’s whole life was on the land

* Restricted to job choices

England’s connections with surrounding countries:

* Scandinavia was the closest connection to England

* The one thing in common was that it was Christian, and a part of the Roman Catholic Church

Problems faced:

* Not well governed.

* Earls were supposed to be loyal to the king.

* Earls too care of Earldoms.

* Earls rebelled against the king

* The king at the time was more into religion than governing the country properly.

* Not well defend country.

* Relied on Mothe Nature to keep them safe


In 1066, Edward the Confessor the king of england died without any heirs, leading to Harold Godwinson as the last Saxon king. Two European leaders, Viking King Hardrada and French Duke William of Normandy, fought for the throne. William the duke on normandy, was named ‘william the Conqueror’, after being crowned King, replaced Anglo-Saxon nobles with French ones to ensure his position as king, introduced new architectural styles, introduced Feudalism to maintain control, and increased cultural ties with France. He also introduced new styles of architecture and introduced a new system of governance.


The basic government and society ranking in Europe during the Middle ages were based around the feudal system.

Hierarchy - system of ranking in order of power

Hierarchy of Society:

King - claimed all land. He could not manage all the land himself so he divided it to his best nobles. When king died the firstborn son would inherit the throne.

Nobles- pledged loyalty to the king. Tenants in Chief were noble or/and bishops. They reported directly to the king. In return for land they and to fight in times of war, pay taxes, and govern the land. The nobles then divided some of their land given to the Knights.

Knights - In return for land, they had to pledge loyalty to the Tenants in Chief, and had to pay taxes to them and serve in times or war. The knights protected the peasants, and in return received food, crops and taxes.

Peasants - Most people were peasants. Other peasants Serfs were more like slaves. Owned nothing.


Motte and Bailey

Stone Keep


The wooden castle was built on a motte (man-made hill) which was surrounded by a moat and had a bailey (courtyard with houses and shops) at the bottom of the hill.

Stone castle with thick walls and higher than a motte and bailey castle.

Inner and outer baileys. Battlements. Curtain walls. Merlons, donjon, loopholes. Built to last

* quick to put up

* Easy to repair

* Advantage of height

* You could keep animals as food supply

* Wood is a weak building material

* Castle was not big

* Wood can rot with rain

* Wood can burn

* Motte can collaps with castle on it

* Not big enough

* Stone is longer and stronger.

* Taller castle

* Walls were thick and strong

* Larger than a motte & bailey

* More soldiers were kept

* Difficult to attack

* No food source, so the enemy could just outwait you till you starved

* Enemy could dig tunnel under wall


Structure of THE CHURCH:

In the middle ages the Church was the most important/valuable thing in anyone's lives.

The Catholic Church was the most supreme in the FEUDALISM system, even more superior than kings. The local church was the centre of town life. The church even had the power to confirm kings to the thrones.

Pope (God on Earth) ---> Bishops (served council of the king) ---> Parish Priests (dealt with church on a daily basis.)

The church was very rich, powerful and influential, people had to give 10% of their earning ot the Church, people paid penances if the commited a sin, and even the wealthy often gave land.

Central Conflict

Was between the King and The Pope. It was a fight about if the King should be able to rule his kingdom as he pleased or should the Pope be the head authority and look over the King.

A pope was allowed to excommunicate the king, which meant that the Pope would suspend the King from coming ot the church ever again.

This was a big problem, because if the King was excommunicated that meant all people in his kingdom were too. The Catholics, believed that if you miss church for one day; after you die you will rot in hell for all of eternity.

Christians believed that you were born with sin because of the deeds of Adam and Eve, meaning you were destined to rot in hell after you die unless you lived catholic lives,by like going on a pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey to a holy site, like those associated with Jesus.

Monks were meant to protect their society and the sick by praying to protect from the wrath of god. They also did medical and academic community service.

King John and the Magna Carta

Magna Carta - the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law.

Limited the king's power and set out the rights of the barons under the feudal system

established the rule of law and the idea that all citizens, including those in power, should be fairly and equally ruled by the law. It began the tradition of respecting the law, limiting government power, providing access to justice and the protection of human rights.

Black Plague

Type of plague

How was the type of plague spread?

What the symptoms of this type of plague?

How likely were you to die if you got this type of plague?

Bubonic Plague (not the deadliest form)

Caused by a bite from a flea carrying Yersinia Petis bacteria. Bacteria - flea - rat - person.

Swollen lymph nodes under the armpits, groin and neck, high fever, pain, coughing, vomiting blood, black dots.

30-70% died with the bubonic plague

Pneumonic Plague (more deadly)

Transmitted human - human through coughing with people with the plague. Yersinia Petis.

Coughing up blood, fever, headache.

90-95% died, expected to live 2-4 days, then die.

Septicaemic Plague (most deadly)

Blood had been infected by the plague bacterium.

Bleeding, organ failure, fever, bleeding into skin, turning into dark purple

100% of people died

The Spanish Conquest of the Incas

Located in the Andes Mountians

Social structure

Sapa Inca

* Top of the society was the emperor (Sapa Inca)

* Believed to be descended from Inti, the sun god.

* Being the descendent of a god meant they could rule with complete authority

* Everything in the empire belonged to Sapa Inca

* Could have many wives and children, but could only have one primary wife which was called 'Coya.'

* The Coya was the Sapa Inca's blood related


3 main types:

* Capac

* Relatives of the emperor

* Most important of Nobles

* Governors

* Hahua

* Not share royal blood

* Inca by privilege

* Curacas

* Leaders of people conquered by Incas

* Local leaders of conquered people.

* Collects taxes, worked as inspectors, make sure everyone followed Inca Laws.

* Controlled groups they invaded, to follow by the Inca.


* Majority of people in The Inca Empire

* To support government through farming and working on government sponsored projects (construction)

* Men did jobs like construction

* Women did house work like weaving cloths.

* Grew variety of crops: squash, peppers, beans, peanuts, corn, potato.

* Potato and Corn was the most reliable food source by its adaptability to different environments.

* Give most crops to the government.

* Government collected goof to store houses

* Distributed, to warriors, temple priest, and people in need (age, sick, poor)

Inca religions

Gods and goddesses:

Believed in a supreme invisible creator called the Viracocha, though there were other gods that were more influential. The sun god was the most dominant.

Sun (Inti), Moon (Mama Quilla), stars (children of sun and moon), thunder, earth mother, Viracocha.

Ways to worship :

* Sacrificing white llamas before important decisions

* Rare human sacrifices

* Food offerings

* Praying before going on a journey or when sowing seeds

* Praying at the temple

* Land dedicated to Sun god at festive season

Role of Inca Priests:

* Caring for the temples

* Hearing confessions

* Making sacrifices

* Listening to oracles

* Official healer in the community.

*the major priest was related to the Inca Emperor.

*eclipses of sun/moon, falling stars and hooting was bad omens

*dreams interpreted as warning

*being sick was caused by evil of the gods.

How did they honour their ancestors:

Were preserved as cloth-wrapped mummies and were taken out occasionally to witness ceremonies. Preserving their corpse.

Flood story:

Community was evil and neglected the gods. Very few people like in the mountains were honest and true. Their llamas were staring into the sky and was told that there a great flood coming. The true people believed the llamas and became prepared for the flood. It continued to rain for 4 mounts and they repopulated the earth

Inca Army & Daily Life


* Highly trained and orgnaised

* Vass is size

* 10000 full time soldiers protecting the Sapa Inca

* Quickly call on ordinary farmers to enlist as soldiers

* Before war Inca priest sacrifice wild birds, llamas, and black dogs to weak the enemy.

* When going into army, the played drums and trumprets.

* For free movement of people, a system of roads stretched for 23000kms through the empire.


* Helmets and shields made of wood and/or animal skin

* Cloth tunics padded with cotton and small wooden planks

* Two handed wooden swords and serrate edges

* Clubs with stone or spiked metal heads

* Stones and woolen slings


Inca families spun and wove cloth, and then was sent to government storehouse.

Materials: wool, cotton cloth.

Men - Sleeveless tunics, over a loincloth.

Women - ankle-length tunics

The difference between the poor and wealthy clothing was similar in style, but the quality and colour of the cloth.

Sapa Inca - wore garment that were vividly coloured capes, with tiny feather and woven with gold and silver thread.

High rank - narrow band of many colours wound around the head, wirth the feather of amazon birds.

Nobles (oreiones - big ears) - large gold earplugs,


No written language. Uses knotted strings (quipus). These were made to keep records of the business and life of the empire.

Colour and amount of knots would identify what th string was about. Red string = Soldiers.

Communication was achieved by runners on the roads. Fast young men called chasquis, run from one relay station to another and pass it on.

Another way was by using a quipu. With this method messages travelled quickly (250 miles/per day.)


3x a month, markets were held in the larger towns.

Markets were for:

* Exchanging stories

* Reciting poetry

* Playing music

* Dancing

* drinking

The voyages of discovery

Durin 15th and 17th centuries. When European explorers explored the unknown parts of the world; discovering new routes to India, far east and the americas.

Exploration in the ocean made money by finding new trade routes. Constantinople was the biggest trade city; but it was captured by the Ottoman Empire, which meant Constantinople was shut down, and no more trade routes.

Trade routes were very valuable, because of the spices and silk brought in, could expand the empire, trade, and become more wealthy.

Portugal and Spain

Became early leaders in the age of exploration. Portuguese were the first europeans to start exploring because of their high tech. The portuguese invented the Caravels which was a boat made for long trips that were fast and manoveruvrable.

Spain sent over the conquistador (adventurers) to explore and conquer the americans.

Hernan Cortez conquered to Aztec empire.

Francisvo Pizarroconquered the Inca Empire.

Henry the navigator, was the prince of portugal which meant he was very wealth. He put that money into ships. Sent out ships to explore the west coast of Africa. Went further than any european expedition. In 1488, portugese explorer Bartolomeu Dia was the first european to sail around the southern tip of africa and into the indian ocean.

Christopher Columbus, was very dumb, he was a spanish person, and wanted to find a trade route to the far east. He landed in America instead thinking it was India, saying he was the first coloniser.

British was the biggest coloniser.

Unknown worl was mapped during this period.
